"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread


Rokkor 24mm f2.8 v Panny 20mm f1.7.

In the centre...

24mm @ f2.8 v 20mm @ f1.7 - There's nothing in it. The 20mm shows more contrast but this can be equalised post capture. The 20mm does pull slightly ahead by f2.8 despite the higher enlargement which does affect quality.

24mm @ f11 v 20mm at any setting from f2.8 onwards - The Rokkor looks a little better but remember that the 20mm shot had to be enlarged a tad more. I think this means there's nothing really in it so I dunno which way to call it really, it's either a slight nod to the Rokkor or as the 20mm shot had to be enlarded a little more you could also say that there's nothing really in it.

At the edges...

24mm @ f2.8 v 20mm @ f1.7 - A clear win for the 20mm despite the higher enlargement.

24mm @ f11 v 20mm at any aperture - There's very little in it but I suppose as the 20mm shot had to be enlarged a little more the nod should go to it.

So, at wider apertures there's nothing in it in the centre but the 20mm wins at the edges.

At smaller apertures (f11 for the Rokkor) there's not a lot in it either way.
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The other side of the coin. I think, relevant to the discussion in the latter part of this thread? . . . :


Page 17, last 5 paragraphs . . . 'Is it cheating' . . . ?


Everyone is doing it these days. There's a thread about the Canon 24-105 (? something like that...) and people are saying that the distortion isn't an issue as you can just load a lens profile which will correct it all for you.

Rokkor 24mm f2.8 v Panny 20mm f1.7.

In the centre...

24mm @ f2.8 v 20mm @ f1.7 - There's nothing in it. The 20mm shows more contrast but this can be equalised post capture. The 20mm does pull slightly ahead by f2.8 despite the higher enlargement which does affect quality.

24mm @ f11 v 20mm at any setting from f2.8 onwards - The Rokkor looks a little better but remember that the 20mm shot had to be enlarged a tad more. I think this means there's nothing really in it so I dunno which way to call it really, it's either a slight nod to the Rokkor or as the 20mm shot had to be enlarded a little more you could also say that there's nothing really in it.

At the edges...

24mm @ f2.8 v 20mm @ f1.7 - A clear win for the 20mm despite the higher enlargement.

24mm @ f11 v 20mm at any aperture - There's very little in it but I suppose as the 20mm shot had to be enlarged a little more the nod should go to it.

So, at wider apertures there's nothing in it in the centre but the 20mm wins at the edges.

At smaller apertures (f11 for the Rokkor) there's not a lot in it either way.

Thanks for doing that.
When I first got my G1 I did get a few old manual lenses but now there are so many great native M4/3 I can't really see the point in them any more. Like you have said in the past it is very hard and expensive to get a wide angle legacy lens where as you can get the 14mm lumix and the very nice 12mm Olympus. Your 24mm as you say is no better or worse than the 20mm and then there is the 25mm leica. There is a picture of a patent for the Olympus 25mm 1.8. If portraits are your thing then the oly 45mm is very very good and not to badly priced or the oly 75mm. And now there is a choice of 2 macro. Each to there own but I can see me with only native lens choice.
Thanks for doing that.

You're welcome.

...now there are so many great native M4/3 I can't really see the point in them any more.

I'm sure that from an image quality point of view you're right and if fact I'm sure that the best modern lenses will perfom better than the best legacy lenses on MFT but that leaves out the joy of legacy lenses and if you like them, you like them :D Plus of course some of them are cheap :D The Rokkor 50mm f1.7 and f1.4 and 28mm f2.8 are all reasonably cheap and very good lenses.

The only modern MFT Panasonic lenses I have are the 20mm f1.7 and the original 14-42 and although both are adequate/good neither of them are going to set the world on fire. I also have a Voigtlander 25mm f0.95 and that is a very good lens indeed.

That does look very nice and I'll be tempted but at the back of my mind is a little worry about how good the sensor will be so I'll wait for the reviews to come in and if it's not (as I suspect...) a market leader the Nex 6 could tempt me and my legacy lenses.

If the image quality isn't market leading (if they've used yet another veersion of an old sensor...) and if it doesn't have ISO 100 and 1/8000 sec shutter speed it'll be a missed opportunity IMVHO.
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You're welcome.

I'm sure that from an image quality point of view you're right and if fact I'm sure that the best modern lenses will perfom better than the best legacy lenses on MFT but that leaves out the joy of legacy lenses and if you like them, you like them :D Plus of course some of them are cheap :D The Rokkor 50mm f1.7 and f1.4 and 28mm f2.8 are all reasonably cheap and very good lenses.

The only modern MFT Panasonic lenses I have are the 20mm f1.7 and the original 14-42 and although both are adequate/good neither of them are going to set the world on fire. I also have a Voigtlander 25mm f0.95 and that is a very good lens indeed.

You are right in saying if you like them, you like them. I have the 20mm and the 45mm at the moment but after buying the wife a car, next on the shopping list is the 12mm and then the 60mm macro. After that I might sell the 20mm and replace it with the 17mm.
AT LAST!!!! The camera I have been waiting for since the GF1! Gonna order this as soon as I can!! I just hope the specs are for real.

Totally agree Andy - I am very excited about this new model - especially now I have seen it.

Looks good. Almost makes me regret buying an OM-D!

I have the OM-D and the GX1 and am seriously considering moving to just the new GX7 (y)
I've waited for this for quite some time too but I'm not getting too excited.

I'll be waiting for the reviews, verdicts on the sensor (there's a big question mark over the sensor for me as Panny have been recycling old technology) and confirmation of the base ISO (and its effect on DR) and max shutter speed.
Totally agree Andy - I am very excited about this new model - especially now I have seen it.

I have the OM-D and the GX1 and am seriously considering moving to just the new GX7 (y)

Don't give up your OMD just yet Alan!!
It does sound very good on paper, but these things always do. Not long to wait until it's out and we get some concrete info and decent reviews. Then there's the price to consider!!
I very much like the look of the EP5, but add the cost of the very highly rated new viewfinder and you are talking over £1000 again.
So I will be sticking with my OMD for the foreseeable!! I would also like to see a few more faster longer lenses being introduced, but I seem to be alone in this!!
Even if it's as good as it looks, I won't be trading in my OM-D. I bought the OM-D new, so would be taking a big financial hit for not much of an improvement (probably none in IQ - maybe a bit in handling). I don't have quite that level of gear lust yet, especially since the OM-D is already waaaaaay more camera than my level of skill warrants.
The second or third generation of the GX7 (assuming it sells well and they keep refreshing it) might just get my break my willpower. Hopefully Oly will have had a stab at something similar too by then.
There it is job done . . . total clear out of all my Nikon DSLR kit, old lenses, filters, 90 degree view finder, fancy remote shutter release, tubes etc. Same for the 4/3'rds kit, totally clean, almost :naughty: I was very happy with the way the G5 came to hand, the way it presented its self, for me a no brainer, so I kept my original 14-45.

My philosophy of simple traveling light, 'putting money where mouth is'. I believe in making the best of what one has, I refuse to go pixel peeping, looking over the fence is such a frustration, so my kit now represents 'wysiwyg', for my own pleasure . . . I came out of the Camera sweetie shop with a brand new shiny G5, spare battery and an SD card, plus a couple of hundred quid . . . a bonus I did not expect. I have claimed my free 45-150 lens, whether I will keep it remains to be seen? . . . :shrug:

The line up now, a Nikon P7100, a G5 with a single lens and a play time TZ30. No complications, just enjoy getting the best out of the line up. A nice feeling to be free of all the dross gathered over years.

There it is job done . . . total clear out of all my Nikon DSLR kit, old lenses, filters, 90 degree view finder, fancy remote shutter release, tubes etc. Same for the 4/3'rds kit, totally clean, almost :naughty: I was very happy with the way the G5 came to hand, the way it presented its self, for me a no brainer, so I kept my original 14-45.

My philosophy of simple traveling light, 'putting money where mouth is'. I believe in making the best of what one has, I refuse to go pixel peeping, looking over the fence is such a frustration, so my kit now represents 'wysiwyg', for my own pleasure . . . I came out of the Camera sweetie shop with a brand new shiny G5, spare battery and an SD card, plus a couple of hundred quid . . . a bonus I did not expect. I have claimed my free 45-150 lens, whether I will keep it remains to be seen? . . . :shrug:

The line up now, a Nikon P7100, a G5 with a single lens and a play time TZ30. No complications, just enjoy getting the best out of the line up. A nice feeling to be free of all the dross gathered over years.


Sounds like you're quite nicely sorted now then. Where did you get your G5 from? I want one to replace my G2, but the price is still the wrong side of £300 for me. I could look into trading in though, I suppose as I'll need to get rid of the G2 somehow anyway.
It was the price that swayed me when I brought my g5 from camera world at focus earlier this year, £325 with the 14mm pancake, as I can't stand the 14-42 zoom, hopefully the all new one is better.

A few thoughts on my G5 from the few months I have used it.

Size of hand grip, very comfortable to hold and fits my hand nicely.
Fast af
articulated screen
Image quality seems very good
Opening card/battery door doesn't shut the camera down

No in built is
Evf, Doesn't perform well enough in harsh light, resolution needs to be better, so I use the screen mostly.
No extra grip attachment, there are plenty of times when I would like vertical controls.
touch screen, Really want it to be more responsive, like my galaxy smart phone.
Moire on video.
No inbuilt nd filter

Am I still pleased with the camera?

Yes despite the short comings I have found, nothing stops me from using it. It is an enjoyable camera to use and produces some good results. I do wish the video was better with regards to moire, but appears to be adequate enough.

I do find my self wanting a bit more zoom on it now, I love the 14mm prime but I want something with is so handheld video is better. Which is either the 14-42 pz, or the new 14-42, whenever it is going to be available separately.

Here is a video from the other day if anyone fancies taking a look. It was all handheld and has extended the list of equipment to buy

decent video head for my tripod
and a lens with is

It was the price that swayed me when I brought my g5 from camera world at focus earlier this year, £325 with the 14mm pancake, as I can't stand the 14-42 zoom, hopefully the all new one is better.

A few thoughts on my G5 from the few months I have used it.

Size of hand grip, very comfortable to hold and fits my hand nicely.
Fast af
articulated screen
Image quality seems very good
Opening card/battery door doesn't shut the camera down

No in built is
Evf, Doesn't perform well enough in harsh light, resolution needs to be better, so I use the screen mostly.
No extra grip attachment, there are plenty of times when I would like vertical controls.
touch screen, Really want it to be more responsive, like my galaxy smart phone.
Moire on video.
No inbuilt nd filter

Am I still pleased with the camera?

Yes despite the short comings I have found, nothing stops me from using it. It is an enjoyable camera to use and produces some good results. I do wish the video was better with regards to moire, but appears to be adequate enough.

I do find my self wanting a bit more zoom on it now, I love the 14mm prime but I want something with is so handheld video is better. Which is either the 14-42 pz, or the new 14-42, whenever it is going to be available separately.

Here is a video from the other day if anyone fancies taking a look. It was all handheld and has extended the list of equipment to buy

decent video head for my tripod
and a lens with is


Hi Michael, Only having had mine for a couple of days I cant be sure on the pros and cons, however your list of pros seem fair. For me it was the price that swung it. LCE, Colchester, matched Jessops online price, then they took the 14-42 lens out giving a further considerable price reduction. I found LCE's trade-in very fair, a very helpful and patient sales assistant all go to making a good 'buying experience'. The free 45-150 lens was also a factor to sway me, when it arrives from Panasonic I will give it a try, if I don't like it I can sell it on, bringing the final price down to less than £350, before trade in.

Perhaps a rather clinical way of buying a camera, but it suites me. The buying of the Nikon P7100 was much more, intense. Again from LCE on line with the Lincoln branch. I spotted it in the used section of the website, always thought Nikons approach was right when the P7000 came out but it had a couple of issues. The P7100 addressed the issues for me, I hummed and hared, made them an offer, which they declined . . . followed up the offer 24 hours latter with, I think, the manager, having given them time to stew, they agreed.

I then re-read the reviews and specs., pawed over sample pictures, two further days passed, I was getting edgy, was it still available . . . :naughty: Finally phoned and flexed the plastic. I have to say, I love the manual control the P7100 has, very retro knob and dial arrangement. It is fair to say, if the 'deal' on the G5 had not gone so well, I would have been happy to stick with the G1. Still selling the Nikon D90, associated kit and paraphernalia. Which ever way, I would be happy.

I would also have sold anyway, the Panasonic 45-200 and the 14-42PZ, neither lens did I like.

So last week was a big clear out for me, I'm paraphernalia and dross less :LOL: One is now playing with the menus to get basic setting the way I like them. I have resurrected my original 'minimalist man bag' camera carrying system. Things got so bad, I used my 'proper' cameras so little, I had forgotten about my man bag system. :shrug:

Begs the questions, how much use will the P&S TZ30 get in the future, also, which of my 3 cameras will become favourite?

Hi Mandoo,
Yes I feel very sorted, I hope the above 'waffle';) answers your question. Colchester not too far away from you? A small shop but helpful, access is not good either in a pedestrianized area.

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I to will give a thumbs up for the guys in Colchester LCE. Have been using them for some time now and have always got the best online price of them. Recently traded my G2 in and got a very fair price and looking in the window on Saturday saw the price was not huge.
Colchester is not too far from me at all, only around 25 minutes away.
I emailed Misfuds today for a trade in price on my G2 and they offered £75. I was expecting more to be honest so I'll be contacting LCE and seeing what they say.
They gave me £100 body only for mine 3 weeks ago. Mine was mint with box and all papers. That was a trade in price.
They gave me £100 body only for mine 3 weeks ago. Mine was mint with box and all papers. That was a trade in price.

I think looking after your kit and hanging on to boxes and paperwork is a distinct plus. All mine were boxed and near mint where I had the item from new, a couple of lenses were unboxed as they were bought SH that way.

I cant say exactly what each individual item was on trade in value, we did it as a 'job lot' deal. I had done an overall estimate in my mind as a minimum to accept the day before, the figured offered was considerably above my minimum:)

. . . well done Colchester LCE.

I've been playing with my new G5 and yesterday I have noticed that in dark places it goes blue - WB was set to auto and all photos were blue-ish:(
I'm guessing that is AWB issue?
Do you know why is that happened? Why AWB couldn't set up correctly?
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AWB : I've turned that off on this my new G3 after just one day's experience. I swear it's worse than my old G1 in deciding what to WB on Auto!
I'm on Cloud for outside and inside with +Amber globally and everything's much nicer.
AWB : I've turned that off on this my new G3 after just one day's experience. I swear it's worse than my old G1 in deciding what to WB on Auto!
I'm on Cloud for outside and inside with +Amber globally and everything's much nicer.

That's right - my GF1 was perfect with AWB, G5 is horrible:( Like my old FZ20.
Another question to G series users - what bag do you use to hold your precious ones?
I'm looking at some bag that will hold my G5 with 20mm pancake and separate 45-150, or other way around. Lowepro Toploader Zoom 45 AW looks good.
What do you guys have?
Pictures and specs of the GX7 here...


Annoyingly they state the highest ISO but not the base.

The move to 1/8000 sec is good news but if it's accompanied by a base ISO of 200 or even 160 I wont even look at it. I also wont look at it if has a base ISO of 100 that's a fiddle and hurts DR as per other cameras with base ISO's derived from higher ones. For me there's a massive question mark over the sensor too and anything less than class leading image quality just doesn't interest me.

Basically because I've waited for years for Panny and Oly to make the camera I've been waiting for I've pretty much lost interest now and it's always been too little too late, and they're very late indeed to the RF style with VF form.

I hope it's a good camera and if it is it'll surprise me as what I expect is a reworked sensor with nearly but not quite SOTA performance and a higher than 100 base ISO and if that is the case they wont get my money again this time.
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I use the 45AW and fits all that I need - a gx1, 12-35, 45-200, lvf2, 2 filters, 3 batteries, cleaning cloths etc.

So 45AW can take GX1 with lens + additional lens and all those bits too? Good to know, thanks! Sounds like should be fine for G5 with additional lens.
I need to go to shop and try it out. And that Adventura 120 too.
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I use a national geographic midi. It doesn't look to much like a camera bag. In it I can get a e-p3 with the 20mm and a 45mm in the holder with room for a flash or gorilla pod.
GX7... http://www.43rumors.com/

"Got some more top info about the new 16 megapixel GX7 sensor. This has been designed by Panasonic itself and does have built-in “gamma control”. It is also the first Panasonic camera not having an Anti Aliasing filter at all!

Meantime Digicaminfo reports that the GX7 will ship from September 12 in Japan. Price for the body will be ¥ 105,000 and with the 20mm kit lens ¥ 130,000. As I told you before the price in Europe will be 999 Euro. US readers can hope that the 1$ and ! Euro equivalence in the camera market is still valid. It would mean you have to pay $999 for the body.

Some more details: ISO starts at 200 but there is an extension mode down to ISO 125. Battery life is 320 shots and weight 402g (battery included)."

For me there's a question mark over the sensor and if Panny can produce one that matches the rest.

The ISO thing kills this camera stone dead for me. What's the point of 1/8000 sec if the base ISO is 200? Madness. Yes, there's an extended mode but it'll come with a price. Thanks for raising my hopes slightly Panny but I knew you'd disappoint me as you have with all of your offerings since the G1.

Well, that's it for me, Panny have now lost me as a customer. I may wait to see if Oly bring out an RF style with VF but the Nex 6 now looks the best option for me.
Alan , this base ISO and light from EVF seems really important for you, not considered moving away from mft/nex and stick with DSLR?
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