"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

You could try getting a grey import which would be new and cheaper , there’s panamoz , or e.infinity and h.dew all are trusted dealers , if you go down the used path there’s mpb, wex, and London camera exchange all trusted sellers with warranty on used

I'll have a look at those. There are these Oly 12 -40 lenses from Norway cheap just wondering what the catch is with them apart from import duty?

Thanks Keith, the trigger has been fired it was such a good deal it seamed crazy not too. Thanks also to "Black Fox" So that's me done, i'm a happy chappy as they say cheers Mark.
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Thanks Keith, the trigger has been fired it was such a good deal it seamed crazy not too. Thanks also to "Black Fox" So that's me done, i'm a happy chappy as they say cheers Mark.

Will be buying same if I can shift the PL 15mm, finding it a hard sell atm
I don't think you'll regret it.

Oh it's definitely the lens I want, the Pana-Leica 15mm is a sweet little lens, but therein lies the issue for me! It's too small! I like a lens I can grip. also like a fast zoom - would never think on a kit lens. But nobody seems to want to buy a nice little fast, sharp prime atm. So I'm stuck with until
Just looked at that thanks for the prompt but couldn't work out if it was new or secondhand?
All there items are brand new .
For anyone considering a G80, nice little feature video on it here, still great bang for buck in 2018
Well done Ian
Following on from @ian-83 and his success, the judging for my camera clubs 'Open' competition took place last night.

I managed 3rd in the prints category (out of around 50 entries) with this

Whitby West Pier by Simon Harrison, on Flickr

And then won the digitally projected category (out of around 30 entries) with this

Crathorne Church by Simon Harrison, on Flickr

Really pleased with both images getting placed, and a good start to the season :)


300mm f4 or 100-300 mkII
40-150mm f2.8 pro lens with t/c
Legacy glass of some sort
mikes got it in one arrived this morning , its a vivitar 200mm f3.5 manual focus lens from 1963 the sticker says.. cost me the princely sum of £24 on the bay of evil , in all honesty it looks and feels brand new , clear clean glass ,no dust ,no fungus . got this one in nikon mount as I already have a k&f concepts adaptor . I have to laugh as I remember being told when I sold my canon gear , you won't get b.i.f with MFT and later on you cant use manual focus for b.i.f . never mind eh , this ones a definite keeper going into the bag of travels `````
I was just going to guess that :p - because you told me before you were getting it :D

I've used old glass in the past for birds feeding and in flight, even fighting mid air over seed - Like you I don't get all this mad urgency from people for 30fps bursts and insane speed AF, I guess it's as good to have it as not, but there's always cheaper options.

I have my eye on a Canon 200mm F4 meself, I have the adapter already, but holding out a little. If I'm staying with the Pany I will be buying an Oly 12-40 soon, then all I really need is a half decent tele lens for the winter and I'm good, got macro sorted with an old Canon FD 50mm + the Raynox - though, I am trying to sell that, I would put the funds toward maybe the Oly 60mm macro, but no great rush
I’m on a faceberk group for classic lenses Keith , that’s where I got the heads up about these 200mm vivitar lenses , it has to be the metal bodied ones not rubber, and they made them in all mounts ,I only posted the one shot but the rest are stunningly sharp
Following on from @ian-83 and his success, the judging for my camera clubs 'Open' competition took place last night.

I managed 3rd in the prints category (out of around 50 entries) with this

Whitby West Pier by Simon Harrison, on Flickr

And then won the digitally projected category (out of around 30 entries) with this

Crathorne Church by Simon Harrison, on Flickr

Really pleased with both images getting placed, and a good start to the season :)



Well done, these MFT cameras are quite capable for the size of the sensor and definitely more likely to be with you due to lower weight of a decent kit.
This guy uses mainly Canon legacy, check the Kingfisher album


This is why I wish more shooters would give info on gear used, I did find he uses a Canon FD 500mm f/4.5L for a lot of it, that's a serious business lens no matter the era, they still fetch about £1000 today. Shows as much that you don't need fancy camera bodies for BIF too, many of his shots taken with an EM10, EM1 and NEX 7

I also wish they'd just upload full res, I never get why people upload tiny sizes to Flickr
This is why I wish more shooters would give info on gear used, I did find he uses a Canon FD 500mm f/4.5L for a lot of it, that's a serious business lens no matter the era, they still fetch about £1000 today. Shows as much that you don't need fancy camera bodies for BIF too, many of his shots taken with an EM10, EM1 and NEX 7

I also wish they'd just upload full res, I never get why people upload tiny sizes to Flickr

I think to protect their images ?
I think to protect their images ?

I never understood that either tbh. If someone really wanted to swipe them they could just screen cap and re-save without any exif attached. It sucks when people use your images without permission but truth is, if they asked and you wanted to charge or get credited, they'll just move on to the next. It's not hard find similar with so many millions of similar images out there no matter the subject. It's actually happened to me a few times, I've also been politely asked and approved, just asked for a credit. Had images used in brochures for Dublin tourism, Horse stables, a Cathedral and a children's hospital! When you shoot everything and anything it's more likely to happen.

Anyway, his images are very nice indeed, excellent timing, great colours and sharpness . Wouldn't mind that hunk of glass myself. I don't think I'd ever spend that much on legacy glass though
There’s a lot of cheaper legacy long range glass out there though , I’m working my way up gradually through the focal lengths starting from wide angle upwards and actually rather enjoying it . The sheer sharpness of some of this glass makes up for having to use manual focus and I don’t think I have even started to touch the usability levels yet .also the wider apertures pro rata on these lenses helps in getting light on the sensor . Watch this space
There's such a vast range available though, I got a headache, genuinely, last night just searching and researching - once you start you can't stop, one leads to the next to the next ... I'm also considering trying that Viltrox I've been dying to try out for ages and nab a few cheap EF lenses to play with. Variety is the spicies and all that
I already have 400mm covered in A/F so logically next step is either 300 or 500 , couldn’t gel with the 500 mirror so that’s out of the equation . . What I can’t get my head round is all the peeps on the classical lens pages are looking for is Bokah ,whereas I look for sharpness
I already have 400mm covered in A/F so logically next step is either 300 or 500 , couldn’t gel with the 500 mirror so that’s out of the equation . . What I can’t get my head round is all the peeps on the classical lens pages are looking for is Bokah ,whereas I look for sharpness

I have a pretty much brand new Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8 Pro in Canon FD mount. It’s an absolute beast to carry, but the results from it are superb!

This used to be my legacy lens collection before I stupidly sold them all when I briefly moved away from MFT a few years ago


Couldn’t live without the big 300mm so had to track one down again when I got my GX8
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I have a pretty much brand new Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8 Pro in Canon FD mount. It’s an absolute beast to carry, but the results from it are superb!

This used to be my legacy lens collection before I stupidly sold them all when I briefly moved away from MFT a few years ago


Couldn’t live without the big 300mm so had to track one down again when I got my GX8

That is a bit of a beast alright! I want something much neater just for the garden birdies. How did you find the FD 200 F4?
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