"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

Im slowly falling more and more in love with this gear.
Took the dog for a walk, and that usually means no photos, as I just cant carry all my DSLR stuff and control him at the same time..
Well today was a revelation.. I took just the GF1 and 14mm lens and was pretty happy with the results.

I'm not surprised you are happy with those results Tom, they are good all round(y)

Another convert (y)

Despite having the GF1 for some time now I never used it much but after having a G1 converted to IR I found I preferred the G1/2/3 series to the GF1 and bought myself a G3. I am now about to slim down my DSLR kit and concentrate more on the M 4/3 system, that decision will also gain a few brownie points with my better half ;)
I took my GF3 with 14mm out today and I didn't get it out of my pocket because I forgot about it until I was back at the car! :LOL:
Nice shots, I must take my 14mm out for a walk tomorrow but heres a couple of quick snaps I took with it a few days ago...


And another...


Change the record, you trot out the same rant in every thread relating to mft, yet strangely you still own one.
If you don't like it sell it and get something else.:shrug:

You seem to have missed the many posts and points I've made in favour of MFT and how keen I am for the smaller form format(s) to succeed.

I feel no need to change the record but I do wish that you would consider that others are entitled to a view that differs from yours without declaring it a "rant." :bang:
I reckon from reading your previous posts, mft just isn't the system for you. No one is going to make the lenses you are after specifically for m43 with manual markings and the trend is for more pixels on m43 sensors ( was 12 now 16)
If you want less crowded large sensors on a smallish body with a range of specialist manual lenses, then you should be looking at a large sensor manual camera (Leica m9 comes to mind) or just use what is available. Lots of people do and are very happy.
Panny and Olympus are high volume high sales companies. They wonk be interested in making specialist lenses the masses can't afford
My 2c!

A smaller form format is definitely for me and at the mo it's my reach for camera, as I've said many times, but I do wish that MFT and others would move a little further from the just up a bit from a compact mindset.

I know that despite what the manufacturers may say from time to time the mp race will never end, possibly until some other technology dispenses with it.

What I'd really like, and again I've said this many times, is a direct replacement for the rangefinders and quality compact 35mm cameras that many of us had years ago or indeed still have. MFT is very close to that and some of the non MFT mirrorless offerings from other makers are arguably even closer. I don't know if I agree with you on lenses, other manufacturers see them as the money cow and Panny may change their mind if something like the Sony system expands and looks like taking the market from them.

I think that there's a very good chance that I'll get what I want in time but I doubt that it'll be direct from Panny unless they're responding to some competition. Time will tell.
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Im slowly falling more and more in love with this gear.
Took the dog for a walk, and that usually means no photos, as I just cant carry all my DSLR stuff and control him at the same time..
Well today was a revelation.. I took just the GF1 and 14mm lens and was pretty happy with the results.

P1050926 by TCR4x4, on Flickr

P1050951 by TCR4x4, on Flickr

P1050946 by TCR4x4, on Flickr​

Fantastic shots Tom, glad it's been a revelation :)
This post is no good without pics ;)

Haha yes, I'll take some later. Been out with the bag this afternoon. Really is cramped with the 100-300 lens on one of the G bodies. Looks like it's just too small for carrying everything. But still a great bag.

BTW: I see your selling your 7D, you starting to get rid of your DSLR gear now?
Haha yes, I'll take some later. Been out with the bag this afternoon. Really is cramped with the 100-300 lens on one of the G bodies. Looks like it's just too small for carrying everything. But still a great bag.

BTW: I see your selling your 7D, you starting to get rid of your DSLR gear now?

Just a start:), because I never use the 7D, think I am close to a private sale without the hassle of parcelling it up.

Hanging on to the 5Dmk2

But Shhh can't mention anything more about selling in this section ;)
Just a start:), because I never use the 7D, think I am close to a private sale without the hassle of parcelling it up.

Hanging on to the 5Dmk2

But Shhh can't mention anything more about selling in this section ;)

I think were fine, were not discussing a sale ;)

Well good luck, like me you just can't part with the 5D2 then?
Guys, everyone's entitled to their opinions and wish lists... This thread has so far, for me, been a grand respite from the back-biting and fanboy-ism sometimes seen elsewhere.

There are things about nikon I'll happily bemoan, as are there things about m4/3. No system is perfect, and never will be.

Just my 2p.
Guys, everyone's entitled to their opinions and wish lists... This thread has so far, for me, been a grand respite from the back-biting and fanboy-ism sometimes seen elsewhere.

There are things about nikon I'll happily bemoan, as are there things about m4/3. No system is perfect, and never will be.

Just my 2p.
Yes let's keep it civil in here. :)

Agree with your second point too. No system will ever be perfect. If it was we would all be using it.
Anyone got any experience with a zoom on the GF series? I've moved over from DSLR but miss having a telephoto. I realise it won't get as much use as the 14/20 but is the 45-200mm any good?
ShrubMonkey said:
Couple more shots from the Olympus 45mm, love this lens

Nice shots, the lens looks really sharp. Can I just say that instead of spending money on camera gear shouldn't you get your windows sorted ;)
Nice shots, the lens looks really sharp. Can I just say that instead of spending money on camera gear shouldn't you get your windows sorted ;)

A lick of paint wouldn't go amiss either :LOL:

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That red lifebelt on black walls shot in really eye catching. Well done.
postcardcv said:
I'm trying to convince myself that I don't need either the 14mm or the 45mm prime... I fear that I'm fighting a loosing battle.

Funny you say that, after much convincing I decided against getting the 14mm. That was last week - I ordered it today!
I'm trying to convince myself that I don't need either the 14mm or the 45mm prime... I fear that I'm fighting a loosing battle.

I've lost, I have the 14mm which I am pleased with and now I am going for the 45mm Olympus and hope I can get out of it what Julian finds no problem in achieving :).
Galaxy66 said:
I've lost, I have the 14mm which I am pleased with and now I am going for the 45mm Olympus and hope I can get out of it what Julian finds no problem in achieving :).

Thanks mal, far too kind :)
Anyone got any experience with a zoom on the GF series? I've moved over from DSLR but miss having a telephoto. I realise it won't get as much use as the 14/20 but is the 45-200mm any good?

The 45-200 has a really good reputation but it's quite heavy/large when compared with the body. It's recently dropped in price and if you don't mind the size is a good choice.

The 45-175 is considerably smaller and a touch sharper but some users are reporting problems with the OIS at 1/100 and 1/160 shutter speeds, seems to be less of a problem with the newer firmware though. It's got a £60 cash back offer running until Jan 20 too.

Your other option is the well regarded Olympus 40-150 but you lose any IS on a Panasonic body.

I was going to buy the 45-175 but think I'd get more use from the 45mm Olympus prime. It's significantly sharper and faster and can always crop down half to 90mm or so. Maybe in a few months the 45-175 will have a newer firmware and be cheaper so I can get that too if I need a longer reach!
Changing tack somewhat, had a play with a GX1 yesterday and was less than impressed by the "feel" of the camera. For a premium product it felt pretty flimsy and certainly not on par with the GF1 build quality. I'm sure it's great in other respects but I didn't feel the love:crying:.

I noticed the same, it's close but still has the plastic-like hinges on the doors to USB ports etc. It's not far off it but didn't notice it being better build than the G3 or GF3 for example. Did you get a chance to compare it with any other camera bodies?

Steve Huff found the same in his comparison with the E-P3. The E-P3 seems like it's still king for build quality in rangefinder style cameras, and sees to beat or equal it on most aspects except the older noisy sensor. I think I'd still go for the GX1 for the better sensor, I don't really rate in-camera processing as use Lightroom and the GX1 is still lighter..

His conclusions:

The Olympus vs the GX1
Better out of camera color
Better body feel (in my opinion)
Better LCD and Touch screen implementation
In body Image Stabilization
AF is just as fast as the new GX1
Buttons and dials feel more solid than the GX1
Art Filters

The Panasonic GX1 vs the E-P3
Thinner and sleeker
Better high ISO performance
More resolution – 16MP vs 12MP
New sensor technology
HD Video a bit better on the GX1

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Anyone got any experience with a zoom on the GF series? I've moved over from DSLR but miss having a telephoto. I realise it won't get as much use as the 14/20 but is the 45-200mm any good?

I love the 45-200. It can be really sharp throughout its range. Some people think its soft at 200mm but I didn't notice it was really any less sharp than my old Nikon 70-300vr

It can feel a little unwieldy on a GF camera but it helps if you can get an EVF for it. I bought a G1 to mount my 45-200 because I missed the viewfinder. I now use it on my G2, it's a great combination
The 45-200 has a really good reputation but it's quite heavy/large when compared with the body. It's recently dropped in price and if you don't mind the size is a good choice.

The 45-175 is considerably smaller and a touch sharper but some users are reporting problems with the OIS at 1/100 and 1/160 shutter speeds, seems to be less of a problem with the newer firmware though. It's got a £60 cash back offer running until Jan 20 too.

Your other option is the well regarded Olympus 40-150 but you lose any IS on a Panasonic body.

I was going to buy the 45-175 but think I'd get more use from the 45mm Olympus prime. It's significantly sharper and faster and can always crop down half to 90mm or so. Maybe in a few months the 45-175 will have a newer firmware and be cheaper so I can get that too if I need a longer reach!

I had (and have now listed on ebay) the Olympus Zuiko 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 II LENS version 2. Grea t fast(is) lens although adds a fair bit of size to the camera. Works very well (with MM2 adapter) but I ended up preferring my compact compact, if you know what I mean.
Anyone else found that the batteries do not last very long in the G3, it's just as well the one I bought from here had two batteries with it.
Anyone else found that the batteries do not last very long in the G3, it's just as well the one I bought from here had two batteries with it.
No idea about the G3 but they don't last that long in my GF2. I missed some good photos in Mallorca last year because of it.
Anyone else found that the batteries do not last very long in the G3, it's just as well the one I bought from here had two batteries with it.

Only had mine a couple of weeks, taken about 100 shots and had to recharge once.
Also do you find that the buttons on the back are very sensitive to the touch? I am forever moving into another menu when shooting and the knurled wheel is v small, which of itself would not be a problem except that in my efforts to turn it to alter aperture, I often depress it at the same time and bring up and alter the exposure compensation scale. Frustrating.
Only had mine a couple of weeks, taken about 100 shots and had to recharge once.
Also do you find that the buttons on the back are very sensitive to the touch? I am forever moving into another menu when shooting and the knurled wheel is v small, which of itself would not be a problem except that in my efforts to turn it to alter aperture, I often depress it at the same time and bring up and alter the exposure compensation scale. Frustrating.
No problem altering the setting while shooting but I agree 100% with your findings on the knurled wheel, I have the G1 as well and the Knurled wheel on that has a more positive action.
The knurled wheel seems very popular now. My Pen has one that is just as easy to change the wrong settings, so did my X1, though that was a bit firmer and seemed to work better.

Would someone confirm something for me.
I have always set my camera to shoot raw, and more or less used the same settings for sharpening most of the time on my 5D, I applied the same settings to the G3 but on looking again at the few I have taken they look a bit over sharpened.
Am I right is saying in camera sharpening does not affect the image when shooting raw and that I just need to scale back the sharpening a bit.

This is one of the images I am thinking is over sharpened, I use unsharp mask before and after reducing the size for posting.

Taken with the 14mm.
Exposure 0.1 sec (1/10)
Aperture f/9.0
Focal Length 14 mm
ISO Speed 200

[/url] P1010848 1 Alnwick Gardens Cascade by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]
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anthonys said:
I noticed the same, it's close but still has the plastic-like hinges on the doors to USB ports etc. It's not far off it but didn't notice it being better build than the G3 or GF3 for example. Did you get a chance to compare it with any other camera bodies?

Steve Huff found the same in his comparison with the E-P3. The E-P3 seems like it's still king for build quality in rangefinder style cameras, and sees to beat or equal it on most aspects except the older noisy sensor. I think I'd still go for the GX1 for the better sensor, I don't really rate in-camera processing as use Lightroom and the GX1 is still lighter..

His conclusions:

The Olympus vs the GX1
Better out of camera color
Better body feel (in my opinion)
Better LCD and Touch screen implementation
In body Image Stabilization
AF is just as fast as the new GX1
Buttons and dials feel more solid than the GX1
Art Filters

The Panasonic GX1 vs the E-P3
Thinner and sleeker
Better high ISO performance
More resolution – 16MP vs 12MP
New sensor technology
HD Video a bit better on the GX1


I read Steve Huff reviews of these over the weekend, In the comparison I really liked the colour rendition from the pen, plus the size means it should handle well, unlike the awkward G3. Now if it was not for that old 12mp sensor and it's noise it buy an ep3 tomorrow
Would someone confirm something for me.
I have always set my camera to shoot raw, and more or less used the same settings for sharpening most of the time on my 5D, I applied the same settings to the G3 but on looking again at the few I have taken they look a bit over sharpened.
Am I right is saying in camera sharpening does not affect the image when shooting raw and that I just need to scale back the sharpening a bit.

This is one of the images I am thinking is over sharpened, I use unsharp mask before and after reducing the size for posting.

Taken with the 14mm.
Exposure 0.1 sec (1/10)
Aperture f/9.0
Focal Length 14 mm
ISO Speed 200

[/URL] P1010848 1 Alnwick Gardens Cascade by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]

Looking at the large size version on flickr I'd say it does look over sharpened. Looking around the fine branch detail and that of the water in the fountain. Over a year ago I discovered the high pass filter for sharpening (which I use prior to resizing and last step of the workflow), never looked back since.