Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

I couldn't work it out. It's definitely electronic so a tracker was my guess.
Could be a virtual fence, they use them here in the Wyre Forest.The cow gets a shock if they move to the limit of their allowed area. that way no real fences are needed. ( I'm not quite sure how I feel about this but they do seem to work )
Moved the feeder to try and stop the pigeaons eating it all, and this happens lol, I am trying to encourage smaller birds to the feeder without success, think there are just to many of these around, plus how can you edit 2 images shot from the same place, and make the colours different lol, must do better.

Indian Bean Tree


My youngest son getting ready to fly with an instructor as part of his 10 "post solo" check flights. Later in the day he flew solo on two soaring flights for 37min and then 1hr 17min, he is not quite 15 years old !!
Monday homeward journey, and a favourite scenic route found recently through the Hertfordshire village of Codicote and on to Hitchin before getting back to Bedfordshire. I often see a sign off-route to a village and just take it to see what's down the road. Today it was the sign for Kimpton.

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Back to Bedfordshire and a quick stop on the high ground to see those amazing spiders again, this time on the dry ground in the cereal crop.
Looking around the bare patches and machinery tracks, you can see some wonderful webs and mini predators patiently waiting.

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Hi, I wanted to reinstall my audio equipment :



Basima waited patiently :


State of the project : The treble speaker cables did not fasten tight in the amp. So, I had to order plugs from amazon ...

And then I wanted to install the bass amp cables. Before this, I plugged in all devices (tuner, trebel and bass amps, frequency splitter, pre-amp) to check.

The pre-amp would not switch on. I opened it, hoping to find an easy solution such as as a blown fuse, or a lose cable but not find anything.

Which sent me looking for a company servicing vintage stereo equipment from the 1980s. I found two, one close by, but no reaction on the phone.

The other one is 30 miles away, I arranged a meeting for tomorrow by phone. We shall see.

My wife is on holiday. I wanted to surprise her by a working system on her return. Maybe, I shall have to use the time finding good excuses ... ---