Hi, I wanted to reinstall my audio equipment :
Basima waited patiently :
State of the project : The treble speaker cables did not fasten tight in the amp. So, I had to order plugs from amazon ...
And then I wanted to install the bass amp cables. Before this, I plugged in all devices (tuner, trebel and bass amps, frequency splitter, pre-amp) to check.
The pre-amp would not switch on. I opened it, hoping to find an easy solution such as as a blown fuse, or a lose cable but not find anything.
Which sent me looking for a company servicing vintage stereo equipment from the 1980s. I found two, one close by, but no reaction on the phone.
The other one is 30 miles away, I arranged a meeting for tomorrow by phone. We shall see.
My wife is on holiday. I wanted to surprise her by a working system on her return. Maybe, I shall have to use the time finding good excuses ... ---