Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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It's deja vu, all over again ;)

You need to change your camera in your profile back btw :naughty:

Tis true this time :LOL:

Due to a change in circumstances my photography time is going to be very limited so I really do need a camera I can keep on me at all times.

Camera bag updated... cheers
A few from yesterday in the Reading snow







I think I'm going to really like the GF1

All done for Christmas so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Taken about five minutes ago :LOL:


is it possible to fit canon EF lenses on this camera?...i have an EF17-40L in the cupboard doing nothing
just bought one of these little babys from currys digital
got the body in black & the 14-45mm & 45-200mm lenses for £849 all in
Just noticed, that when in 'A' wide open at 1.7 if I look at the front of the camera and change where I point it (like from light to dark) you can see the aperture changing through the front of the lens.

Why is this?
Why is this?

it changes the aperture to keep the LCD brightness constant.
Here's a few i took recently with my GF1 (Girlfriend 1)

My son

Hot Pad in the snow

My mums dog. Shot at f2 but should have focused on the eye!! D'oh!

Through the tunnel
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Highly recommend updating the firmware to 1.1. Makes manual focussing very much more certain.

Now all we need is a 10mm F1.7 to match the 20mm ( although 20.5mm would be far better )

My GF1 met this funny looking retro copy on Christmas day...

I was playing with the pen last week, nice camera. Feels solid in your hand and the build quality is top notch.

Took my GF1 out today bowling with the kids. I think it did really well considering the lighting. The whole place was almost dark with fluorescent paint and blue/purple LED lights..

The lady says that Olympus have an offer on at the moment, send proof of purchase off and they send you a free flash.

Sounds like a good deal to me.
The lady says that Olympus have an offer on at the moment, send proof of purchase off and they send you a free flash.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

Yeah I've seen that about. The gflash is very retro too so well in keeping with the pen.
Hmmmm....interesting. I had a play with a GF-1 today onto which I'd put a Leica Simulux/Summacron/Simulcron/Summilux 50mm f/2.0 via the M-mount adaptor. Unfortunately the GF-1 didn't have the latest firmware with the one-button push to zoome the screen to aid manual focusing. However, I managed focusing pretty well with just the LCD as it was.

I've got to say that I really like the results. The contrast and clarity of the lens is awesome and the bokeh is gorgeous. There's something about the pictures that is very catching. I'm quite taken by it all I have to say. I'm sure the 20mm 1.7 is cool as well.

The potential of having excellent image quality with a set of small and easily portable lenses is highly attractive. Trouble is those Leica wide aperture primes are pricey. Seen the price of a Noctilux f/0.95 recently??
I dread to think.

It might be heresy to say this...but I don't think that absolute quality matters that much. I think the camera produces good enough results with the 20mm f1.7 and that as a package it's good enough and responsive enough so that apart from the fact that you are obviously using a modern digital camera you can sort of forget that you are and just use it as you would a film camera.
Leica Simulux/Summacron/Simulcron/Summilux 50mm f/2.0

Well which?

It might be heresy to say this...but I don't think that absolute quality matters that much.

Woof, as a 50 year Leica user I don't think it's a heresy. I would also say that the ideal would be if Panasonic and Leica got together and produced a Tri-Elmar based lens providing fixed focal length of 10-20-40mm preferably no slower than f2, with a variable optical viewfinder. Priced around £1500/2000 I for one would be in the queue.

I could be wrong ( often am) but I amongst many others firmly believe that the quality of optics very much matters especially with digital. I would also be very surprised if Olympus/ Panasonic/Leica had not designed their micro lenses for the intended format.

And lets be honest they do almost make one on the Digilux 2, a lens which any owner would rate very highly. O.K. that lens is made as an interchangeable unit for the D3 but it's big and heavy and doesn't couple on a GF1 ( as far as I know)

It should also be remembered that many Leica lenses ( and others) perform very indifferently with digital sensors. For example I have a Nikkor 85mm f18 D which on a D300 performs brilliantly, with the GF1? Purple fringing for a pastime

I think the Micro 4/3 interchangeability of lenses is great, I love playing around with Novaflex adapters etc but to use seriously for the "Reportage" type photogaphy which is the cameras strength? No not really.

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I have now received my adapters for my GF1 so i can fit Manual Focus Lenses. Here is a pic of the Super Takumar 28mm f3.5 attached to the GF1 via adapter:

And now with Olympus Zuiko 50mm f1.4 OM
Andy, Impressive!

Brian, I know that lens quality does ultimately matter, my point was that ultimate quality doesn't matter that much to me. I'm happy with a responsive camera and a relatively fast lens of relative quality to allow me to take reasonable shots and crop mildly. My pictures are never going to win any prizes and I'm very happy with (once the distortion is corrected) the 20mm f1.7.

I don't know how good the 20mm f1.7 is compared to more state of the art designs but it's certainly good enough for me and I'd be very happy with a similar preforming 10mm for occasional use. It's early days yet so who knows...I suspect that things can only get better! :clap::LOL:
yep, but you'll need an adaptor, and you'll only be able to use manual focus.

Does the camera sort the aperture? I ask as i have seen adverts for Canon EF lens to GF1 body adapters but the ad says that you have to set the focus (no prob!) and aperture manually. If you set the aperture on the camera then that's fine, I may get one!

Also could you use EF-S lenses?
Actually Alan I think we are both singing from the same song sheet. I should love a 10mm, the nearest I have is the Nikkor 12-24mm, huge on the GF1 and only works at minimum aperture.

Andy the GF1 only sets the aperture with dedicated lenses.

Andy the GF1 only sets the aperture with dedicated lenses.

So EF lenses would be no good as i won't be able to set the aperture? Oh well that will save me a few quid!! :D
Crikey they're big on that body. Personally I want small lenses for this - otherwise I may as well take my D700.
It's a bit of an optical illusion:D!!

Here is the GF1 with the Olympus 50mm taken from the top:

Not so big now is it!! :LOL:
very keen to see the results of your manual lenses on this, I'm inches away from buying one!
very keen to see the results of your manual lenses on this, I'm inches away from buying one!
Here is an image using a Super Takumar manual focus lens 35mm. Settings are f8 ISO400 and the light in the kitchen was rubbish!!!!!


This one is at f11

For images using AF lenses check out my flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/andywest1/

Click here [ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rungu/4213424219/ ]for a great example of what the camera can do and note this image was hand held...apparently!
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Charlie on the Playground at WhinFell Centre Parcs, arrived to -4c
Left and ran into a blizzard going over Shap!

I expect it's finger trouble, or failing to RTFM but, sometimes when taking the shot two exposures are fired off. Any ideas how to stop this film wastage.?

Brian, don't let men everywhere down by reading the manual. :)

To the front of the mode selector dial on top of the camera there's a little switch. Viewed from the back of the camera the far left position is "single shot" and the far right position is "timer." The other two settings are your multiple shot and bracketing. I think. ;)

Re the 20mm I don't know about state of the art but have a look at this.


Surely not so much a test as a torture. Taken at f1.7 iin macro, hand held 400ISO Straight from the camera apart from re-sizing.

Bye the way the plate no 77....three have just been discovered on an envelope, and some reckon photography6 is expensive.


A crop from the above.

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Brian, Those shots are impressive but I don't know if you've viewed any RAW images in anything other than the Silkypix? I viewed some in Rawtherapee when I first bought the camera and I therefore saw the distortion that Silkypix seems to automatically correct.

If it didn't produce quite the level of distortion that's visible when you look at uncorrected images I'd say that the 20mm f1.7 is an outstanding little lens but accepting that there is quite significant distortion I suppose that it isn't quite as state of the art as first impressions might suggest. However, when viewing corrected images I have no complaints at all with the performance of this lens.
Woof, in the first place RAW is a much too exotic area for the likes of me.

So if I read you rightly you are saying that in Jpeg and RAW with Silkypix the software corrects the distortion? If so then am I righjt in assumming that using a third party software conversion thingy the distortionj isn't corrected? Then perhaps one should acknowledge that the lens was designed as part of a package, Panasonic camera , lens and software together coimbining to produce a remarkable performance from this little lens at a very affordable price.. Maybe the boot should be on the other foot...perhaps third party software should take the blame.:)

So could we agree that " as a package" it's pretty much state of the art, bearing in mind how few 20mm f1.7 lenses are kicking around., or for that matter 40mm? f1.7 Indeed being very pedantic, O.K. anal, are there any others? If not the little Panny must by definition indeed be " State of the Art"


Or there's this alternative, fNikkor 20mm f2.8 AFD, our times the weight, four times the size, three times the cost ( with Novfaflex) half the speed, doesn't couple with anything etc etc
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Hi everyone! I am new on the forum and I too have 2 weeks ago bought a GF1 with the viewfinder, 20mm 1.7 and the 14-45.
I sold all my Leica stuff M8 and 2 lenses because I was struggling with the manual focus, my eyes are not what the used to be!
I am absolutely delighted with the GF1, it is everthing the Leica X1 should be including pricepoint and from my first impressions, I cant find £4000.00 worht of difference in the quality of the camera and the images.

Here are two of my first images taken yesterday morning.


Hi everyone! I am new on the forum and I too have 2 weeks ago bought a GF1 with the viewfinder, 20mm 1.7 and the 14-45.
I sold all my Leica stuff M8 and 2 lenses because I was struggling with the manual focus, my eyes are not what the used to be!
I am absolutely delighted with the GF1, it is everthing the Leica X1 should be including pricepoint and from my first impressions, I cant find £4000.00 worht of difference in the quality of the camera and the images.

Welcome to the forum Graeme.

Those images are great. I am SO please with my GF1 especially with the 20mm lens.

If you like old Manual focus lenses then it's possible to get adapters. I have adapters for M42 lenses and Olympus Zuiko OM lenses. The good thing about the GF1 is that it has great manual focus zoom so you can focus correctly on the subject easily.

Take a look at this Flickr group (mine!!) for old lenses on the GF1: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1273669@N25/
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