Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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What options are there for hotshoe flashes?

Don't suppose the Canon 580 EXII Speedlite works on the top of the GF1 does it?

It should do, it worked on my old LX3. You won't get through the camera management like you would on a 5dmk2 of course, but it'll work in manual mode.
It should do, it worked on my old LX3. You won't get through the camera management like you would on a 5dmk2 of course, but it'll work in manual mode.

Cool, thanks - a bit of googlebashing turned up this..

Panasonic DMW-FL360E


Mathers are listing it at £175
I would do the same if there was a decent wide angle available. Yes I could use my Nikon 12-24mm but it's huge and the lack of aperture control I find annoying and very agricultural. Also it doesn't work in my favourite idiot mode.. So what are you doing Alan to replace the 17mm end of your present system?

On the other hand I never find the strength to lug the Nikon kit around so perhaps I should get shot and spend the proceeds on something sensible.........like wine and women, fk the song.:)

And the EVF is a nasty little device, at a RRP of £209 ( Jacobs) ( £169 Mathers) it's ridiculous but without it for me the the GF1 is unusable, it's a necessary evil a bit like Bankers. Once I can find a decent wide angle and 45/50mm with reasonable speeds and dedicated to the system, with appropriate optical viewfinders I shall ditch the EVF contraption straight into the wheelie bin, where it belongs.

Put it this way. If any camera maker produced a DSLR with a viewfinder as bad they would be laughed at.

And yes the Digilux 2 EVF was worse but I think I bought mine about 6 years ago and with modern technology the GF1 hasn't improved that much. One thing though, the results from the D2 are still magic with less than half the pixels of a mobile phone.

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Hi brian
I'm not actually sure what I'm going to do!

My logic is fuzzy at the best of times

I do know that having a camera worth £1000 sitting in thecupboard gathering dust is ridiculous

I am happy with the LCD so the lack of ovf or evf doesn't worry me really
i agree though, there is little at the wide end (especially with the 2x crop) so maybe I'll pickup the 14-45 in the interim - I'm sure some new lenses must be on the horizon?
I'm also thinking about the 14-45mm Alan. I know exactly where you are coming from. I've got a D200, D300, 12-24mm, 18-50mm, 20mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm and an 85mm all Nikon AFs all sitting doing nothing. I just can't be arsed to lug them around.

At one time I thought that changing the Nikon bodies to the D90 and keeping the 12-24mm might be the answer, in other words having the wide end covered by the Nikon and the rest with the GF1.......... I don't know The 7-14mm is overkill and big, expensive and slow. Olympus might be the answer. trouble is I do so like the GF1 all I ask is another couple of decent primes or a faster standard zoom.

The Leica/Panasonic Digilux 2 had a fixed 28 - 90 mm 35mm equiv. F2.0 - F2.4 with click stops . This lens was made by Panasonic seven years ago and was fantastic. I'd give a lot to mount that on the front of my GF1...........that would do me;.

I gave into temptation and ordered one! Can't wait for it to turn up, I really think that this camera could reinvigorate my photography. I'll certainly be carrying it with me everywhere which will mean that I will miss far fewer photographic opportunities. I have become a little jaded with photography of late, it's all become a little serious. I can see this camera bringing the fun back for me. I really hope so, because I need that.

I've not been so excited at a new photographic purchase since getting my first D-SLR, a D70, way back in 2006 (sounds like a long time ago now!).

I will continue to use my pair of S5pros for professional work, but the GF-1 will certainly be the camera that is with me the most.

I have already ordered an aki-asahi cover for it, I like the retro styling. Also got a screen cover on the way too as well as a sandisk ultra2 8GB SD card.

Think I might get an OM adaptor so that I can play with my zuiko 50mm 1.8 on it, although those 35mm lenses sure do look big on it. The rangefinder lenses suit the body size much better, I'll have to start research them I think. I fancy the idea of an MF macro lens too for an ultra-portable macro setup.
I don't think I'll ever get rid of my DSLR kit as for me the enjoyment of the kit is an important part of my enjoyment of photography and if going for a primarily photographic day out in a less populated area like the hills or the coast my DSLR is still probably going to be my first choice.

I think that we'll just have to be a little patient for new lenses, I hope and expect that in time there will be a good choice as choice makes senses as this is a camera for enthusiasts.
"I gave into temptation and ordered one!"

Congratulations! :)


My D-SLRs still have their purpose and there's many things I would use them in preference to any other camera. I really love the colour rendition of my S5pros and have a great set of fast lenses for them now, they're just not 'carry everywhere' cameras. Too often I end up with the 'shall I take my camera' question and often decide no on weight grounds and mostly regret it. The GF-1 removes that decision, I will take it everywhere. Having something more discreet is also appealing.

I'm going to have to think seriously about getting the EVF too.
The GF1 problem is that the 20mm f1.7 lens is so good, it just works so well with the camera, it's almost magical.............and then? Zilch, nothing on the same planet.

I agree that the GF12 is a carry (almost) anywhere camera but we've had smaller cameras for years. For me the things that make the GF1 so attractive are it's relatively small size, it's responsiveness (including a relatively fast lens) and it's image quality. It's having all of those things together that make it attractive to me.

I think I'm off to Italy next month and if so I'll be leaving my DSLR at home and taking my GF1 and LX2.
I agree that the GF12 is a carry (almost) anywhere camera but we've had smaller cameras for years. For me the things that make the GF1 so attractive are it's relatively small size, it's responsiveness (including a relatively fast lens) and it's image quality. It's having all of those things together that make it attractive to me.

It's the combination of size, image quality, interchangable lenses and D-SLR like controls that I was looking for - the GF-1 (and PEN cameras) are the first to nail that combination for me. The GF-1 is one of those cameras that you hear almost nothing but positive reactions to.

I'm genuinely excited by the possibilities that this camera presents. I want it to be more of a 'thinking' camera: I only want to use primes on it, manual focus is attractive too.
I've only played with manual focus. I personally think that the 20mm f1.7 is a bit fiddly for manual focus as it seems to just turn and turn. I'd also like a better way of moving the focus point and I'd like a home position for it too but I suppose that this doesn't matter if you're going to use manual focus.
I've only played with manual focus. I personally think that the 20mm f1.7 is a bit fiddly for manual focus as it seems to just turn and turn.

I'm probably wrong but isn't that lens designed primarily to be auto focus .

I'd also like a better way of moving the focus point

Why not just use the focus lock, as other posters have said to your previous?

I have to say they are much more pleasant to use MF on than the dedicated lenses

Yes they are Graham, but a lot of modern AF lenses aren't very nice to use, the focussing rings feel dreadfully sloppy, a few exceptions the Nikon 20mm and 35mm feel fine. The 50mm Nikor AF D is terrible, at least mine is.

If I was thinking going the manual route it would only be with lenses designed for range finder cameras. ( Don't mention Contax :))

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Yes it is, but every auto focus lens I have for my DSLR has a shorter turn. USM / HSM doesn't have to go on forever.

With focus lock you have to recompose and if your dof is shallow that just wont work.
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"Yeah I've been using a couple of old manual focus lenses and I have to say they are much more pleasant to use MF on than the dedicated lenses."

Yup. My point.

But this is just the start of MFT and hopefully things will improve in the future.
The problem with articles like that is that they make my feel inferior. But at least they haven't got any shots of the insides of fridges and cupboards. :)
The problem with articles like that is that they make my feel inferior.

Surely not

With focus lock you have to recompose and if your dof is shallow that just wont work.

We must have been good back in the old days.

The LCD — The LCD is big and sexy but almost totally worthless in broad daylight.

I tried the Electronic View Finder (EVF) Panasonic sells as an accessory for the GF1, but it felt cramped and of too low a resolution. I know they can do better —

Glad to see at least Craigmod and I share a couple of thoughts

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Brian, my photographic interests include shallow dof and pictures with an off centre focus. Believe me when I tell you that focusing and recomposing often simply doesn't work in those situations. If recomposing works for you that's geat but photography is a broad church and what works for you might not always work for me.

As for the old days...you will remember that we didn't have auto focus or HSM then so my two (little) wishes for the GF1 weren't even an issue.
Am I right in thinking the Olympus lenses are fully functional on the GF-1. If so, then this might be of interest here?
The 9-18mm might be of interest, if/when it comes out. I think they are all compatible, I seem to remember within the last few days an update of firmware being announced for Olympus lenses with a variation for use on Panasonic cameras.
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The 11-22mm at F2.8 sounds good IF with an adapter it is compatable. I asked in Mathers but they didn't know.

Just looked at DPreview they seem to like the 12-60mm f2..8. And they have tested it on Panasonic camera, so with the same proviso..........

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"fish eye sounds like it could be interesting"

Could be. :) But a wide would be nicer, 12 or 15mm maybe.
I'm also thinking about the 14-45mm Alan. I know exactly where you are coming from. I've got a D200, D300, 12-24mm, 18-50mm, 20mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm and an 85mm all Nikon AFs all sitting doing nothing. I just can't be arsed to lug them around.

At one time I thought that changing the Nikon bodies to the D90 and keeping the 12-24mm might be the answer, in other words having the wide end covered by the Nikon and the rest with the GF1.......... I don't know The 7-14mm is overkill and big, expensive and slow. Olympus might be the answer. trouble is I do so like the GF1 all I ask is another couple of decent primes or a faster standard zoom.

The Leica/Panasonic Digilux 2 had a fixed 28 - 90 mm 35mm equiv. F2.0 - F2.4 with click stops . This lens was made by Panasonic seven years ago and was fantastic. I'd give a lot to mount that on the front of my GF1...........that would do me;.


Brian, my 10p's worth the 7-14 is a cracking lens, I have just sold my 17-55 and I reckon its on par. The colour and sharpness are superb, yes it could do with being quicker but it is the same speed as your 12-24.
I 'm pleased that you are enjoying the 7-14mm lens Richard. I have thought about it but it is expensive and I would only use half the zoom range. A while back I had the Sigma 14mm f2.8 and after playing with it decided it wasn't my thing. In fact the 12-24mm lens at the wide end suits me fine it's only so big then you have the Novaflex adaptor, and lacking an aperture ring isn't nice.

Is there any chance of posting some 7-14mm shots..............you never know :)


I have been toiling with getting this lens but I have to be honest and say the distortion in some of those shots is increadible, thanks for posting those up, I have been deciding between that and the 9-18 oly & converter and with the huge price difference and seeing the distortion I will go with the 9-18 I found that when I had my 16-35 on FF I rarely used it at the extreme very wide end.

Cool, thanks - a bit of googlebashing turned up this..

Panasonic DMW-FL360E

Mathers are listing it at £175

The olympus FL 36R flash is exactly the same only cheaper and Kerso has them, not sure if you know that Ian also does panasonic lenses.
9-18 oly & converter and with the huge price difference

But is the Olympus much cheaper when you add on the price of a Panasonic Micro adaptor?

In fact the little 14-45mm kit lens is becoming a stop gap choice until Panasonic do something re a wide angle prime. I have always liked a 28mm and the IS will make the modest aperture more practical in practice.

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I noticed yesterday that sigma also do their 10-20 in a 4/3 mount not sure yet if the m4/3 adapter will allow full auto though?

Also it is sloooow at f4-5.6
But is the Olympus much cheaper when you add on the price of a Panasonic Micro adaptor?


It worked out around £350 cheaper last time I checked with Ian, plus you have a filter thread rather than trying to codge something up for the 7-14.
Suprisingly although the oly is slightly bigger in diameter it's shorter and weighs less.
I 'm pleased that you are enjoying the 7-14mm lens Richard. I have thought about it but it is expensive and I would only use half the zoom range. A while back I had the Sigma 14mm f2.8 and after playing with it decided it wasn't my thing. In fact the 12-24mm lens at the wide end suits me fine it's only so big then you have the Novaflex adaptor, and lacking an aperture ring isn't nice.

Is there any chance of posting some 7-14mm shots..............you never know :)


I have grabbed a couple quick

Not the best shots but the colour is clear - all handheld with no evf. Can load up some more if you want.
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What I could really do with is a decent long zoom. I tried the IQ on the 45-200 and found it poor in comparison with other lenses. The longest lens I found that I was happy with was the 45mm but oldboy2000 beat me to it!
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I noticed yesterday that sigma also do their 10-20 in a 4/3 mount not sure yet if the m4/3 adapter will allow full auto though?

But again no aperture ring..............all guess work.

It worked out around £350 cheaper last time I checked with Ian,

All right if you know who Ian is :) And does it work with Panasonic " idiot mode"

Not interested re filters in any form.

I've also much against my better judgement tried playing with Silkypix. I am no computer geek but why does it continually give up the ghost and refuse to play ball? Any ideas? In simple language please.

But again no aperture ring..............all guess work.

All right if you know who Ian is :) And does it work with Panasonic " idiot mode"

Not interested re filters in any form.

I've also much against my better judgement tried playing with Silkypix. I am no computer geek but why does it continually give up the ghost and refuse to play ball? Any ideas? In simple language please.


I have downloaded the trail version of Capture One, just to use with the GF1 and found the colour and detail more accurate, maybe worth a try? :)
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