Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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All right if you know who Ian is :) And does it work with Panasonic " idiot mode"

Not interested re filters in any form.

I've also much against my better judgement tried playing with Silkypix. I am no computer geek but why does it continually give up the ghost and refuse to play ball? Any ideas? In simple language please.


Ian is Kerso on here, he use to mainly sell canon kit but is now doing other manufacturers. http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=754

Yep works fine with the panasonic g system although it is apparently slow to focus, but I only want it for landscape so that really don't concern me greatly.
Panasonic lens compatibility chart http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/connect/g1.html

I do like my ND grads and sunset filters :)

Imo silkypix wins rubbish software of the year award, but I suppose thats because I have spent several years with CS, my workflow is, I use adobe DNG converter to convert the raws off the card, then view them in bridge, then open the ones I want to work with in CS3.
Thanks for the pictures Richard. I think my problem is I am still not quite sold on the Micro 4/3 system, my head tells me yes go for it but my digital heart still belongs to Nikon. The 7-14mm would mean getting rid of something which I find very hard to do. Part of me says get a G1 or even D90 body for the Nikon stuff and leave the GF 1 as a walk around camera.

Cheers for the info Scraggs. I shall have to check re the adapter, problem is I think the Panasonic adapter would add another £200 ish to the lens price.

Re Silkypix glad it's not me............it's crap. Richard I'll try the Capture 1. I don't usually think raw is worth the effort but the weather is crap and got to fill the time somehow.

What I could really do with is a decent long zoom. I tried the IQ on the 45-200 and found it poor in comparison with other lenses. The longest lens I found that I was happy with was the 45mm but oldboy2000 beat me to it!


And to rub salt in the wound it is a great lens too(y)
Silkypix isn't my favourite piece of software but I don't think it's as bad as Canon's DPP and remember that Rawtherapee seems to handle GF1 RAW files with no problem. It's also free.

I don't know exactly what the implications of using third party RAW software are but they may not include any in camera or Silkypix auto corrections.
Tried the Capture one download Richard. Firstly why like Silkypix must it be grey on black? Secondly WOW..............sorry, life is too short.

Mind you it does me good occassionally to try a raw download, within minutes it confirms my Jpeg addiction.

Scraggs, does Kerso have an on-line shop?

I think this Sigma 10-20mm might be the answer, just need to find out a little more.

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Thanks for the pictures Richard. I think my problem is I am still not quite sold on the Micro 4/3 system, my head tells me yes go for it but my digital heart still belongs to Nikon. The 7-14mm would mean getting rid of something which I find very hard to do. Part of me says get a G1 or even D90 body for the Nikon stuff and leave the GF 1 as a walk around camera.

Cheers for the info Scraggs. I shall have to check re the adapter, problem is I think the Panasonic adapter would add another £200 ish to the lens price.

Re Silkypix glad it's not me............it's crap. Richard I'll try the Capture 1. I don't usually think raw is worth the effort but the weather is crap and got to fill the time somehow.


I was at the same point, a D300 feels like a proper camera if you understand what I mean and in the hand the GF1 feels more like a compact. The 7-14 sold the overall GF1 deal for me as I know I could not get any better IQ from my 17-55 taking landscape shots, and I havent got to carry a huge camera and lens around with me. I still have my D300 and 80-200 at present but these will be sold next month.

As I said in my earlier post the missing link is a long zoom. I could do with trying a 14-140 but fear this will be similar in IQ to the 45-200.
Tried the Capture one download Richard. Firstly why like Silkypix must it be grey on black? Secondly WOW..............sorry, life is too short.

Mind you it does me good occassionally to try a raw download, within minutes it confirms my Jpeg addiction.

Scraggs, does Kerso have an on-line shop?

I think this Sigma 10-20mm might be the answer, just need to find out a little more.


I cant get comfortable with JPEGs from the GF1, the only camera I have ever owned which produced stunning ooc JPEGs was the Fuji S5 which was great for portrait but not for landscape.
"M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9–18mm f4.0–5.6 zoom lens (35mm equivalent 18–36mm) offers a 100° angle of view...With a length of just 49.5mm and a weight of just 155g,"

Slow, and I'd rather have a prime but this still might be worth a look.
"M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9–18mm f4.0–5.6 zoom lens (35mm equivalent 18–36mm) offers a 100° angle of view...With a length of just 49.5mm and a weight of just 155g,"

Slow, and I'd rather have a prime but this still might be worth a look.

horses for coarses it's fine for landscape work imo

your dimensions are wrong though
Dimensions 79.5 mm Ø, 73 mm long
Weight 280 g
After many weeks agonising, I finally bought a GF1 with 14-45 lens today.

The thing that finally thrust me over the edge was this amazing review about using it for landscape photography which is exactly what I want to do. I have been waiting for a serious photographer to do a proper test in a landscape scenario and the results look awesome.

I was having real trouble deciding which lens to get. I wanted the 20mm for compactness, but I also wanted wider angle for landscapes and a zoom for when the family use it. I also want to put some Voigtlander/Leica prime lenses on it.

I ended up going with the 14-45 figuring that it would give me most flexibility, and I can then add the 20mm, plus a 35 and 50mm prime later on.

Lovely build quality when you get your hands on it. The camera just feels really solid.

I also part-exchanged my LX3 for it, so with the £50 cash back I ended up paying £400 for the new GF1. Nice.
Don't get me wrong, I lurve my GF1 but I'm with Brian, the wide angle availablilty for the m4/3 is pretty poor
Luckily I've decided I'm keeping the 7d, so if I do need Uwa I will get another canon mount sigma 10-20 - it really is a superb lens
"your dimensions are wrong though
Dimensions 79.5 mm Ø, 73 mm long
Weight 280 g"

I'm not so sure.

The lens I was talking about is the M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm f4.0-5.6. See here -


I think that what you're talking about is the ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm f4.0-5.6. Which I think is a different lens. Here -


The "M." on the lens I mentioned I guess indicates that it's a new Micro 3/4 lens.

I think they're two different lenses.
After many weeks agonising, I finally bought a GF1 with 14-45 lens today.

I also part-exchanged my LX3 for it, so with the £50 cash back I ended up paying £400 for the new GF1. Nice.

400 With lens where from also i think you can claim another 50 from Panasonic
"your dimensions are wrong though
Dimensions 79.5 mm Ø, 73 mm long
Weight 280 g"

I'm not so sure.

The lens I was talking about is the M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm f4.0-5.6. See here -


I think that what you're talking about is the ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm f4.0-5.6. Which I think is a different lens. Here -


The "M." on the lens I mentioned I guess indicates that it's a new Micro 3/4 lens.

I think they're two different lenses.

Your Olympus link indicates that the M.Zuiko is a new lens, which won't be available until April this year, looks quite interesting though.
Yup. Looks interesting because of it's range and relatively compact size.

I think I'd rather have something like this than a relatively huge Sigma 10-20 (or in my case Sigma 12-24) on my GF1 as I think it'll be more in keeping with the micro 4/3 nature. As already said, it's slowness won't be that much of a problem for landscape use and it'll be fine in good light too.

I still don't know if I'll bother with a zoom though.
"your dimensions are wrong though
Dimensions 79.5 mm Ø, 73 mm long
Weight 280 g"

I'm not so sure.

The lens I was talking about is the M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm f4.0-5.6. See here -


I think that what you're talking about is the ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm f4.0-5.6. Which I think is a different lens. Here -


The "M." on the lens I mentioned I guess indicates that it's a new Micro 3/4 lens.

I think they're two different lenses.

Indeed I am on about the 4/3 and not the m4/3 because it isn't due for release until april

Edit: that'll teach me to hit reply now before I go have coffee, beaten to it by Glenn Surtees
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"Indeed I am on about the 4/3..."

Yup and not the MFT one that I originally mentioned, the dimentions I copied being correct. I was just trying to be polite :LOL:

I realise that it's not out yet but it's not too long to wait for anyone who's interested. Just enough time to save up.

The dimentions of the new MFT lens look interesting and it may be another option to consider rather than the existing 4/3 lens which is bigger or something like a 10-20mm which is bigger again. Putting something big on the GF1 doesn't appeal to me personally. But...this new lens might make a nice day out or holiday lens to partner the 20mm f1.7, which I think will still be my fav.
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Is anyone else getting totally confused with the current lens situation?

I have nearly decided to get the 14-45mm kit lens. O.K. it's slow but the IS could be worth a stop ot two. Then sit back and wait for the dust to settle re who is going to make what and where and maybe and when. At least with the 14-45mm I know it works, read that it's good and as a bonus it's as cheap as chips and will fit straight on the camera.:clap:

Woof I tried your raw thingy. Now I had moaned about converters using grey on black type and what was Rawtherapee? black on grey. Anyway back to Jpegs from the camera I've had my techno fix for the quarter.

Is anyone else getting totally confused with the current lens situation?

I have nearly decided to get the 14-45mm kit lens. O.K. it's slow but the IS could be worth a stop ot two. Then sit back and wait for the dust to settle re who is going to make what and where and maybe and when. At least with the 14-45mm I know it works, read that it's good and as a bonus it's as cheap as chips and will fit straight on the camera.:clap:

Woof I tried your raw thingy. Now I had moaned about converters using grey on black type and what was Rawtherapee? black on grey. Anyway back to Jpegs from the camera I've had my techno fix for the quarter.


Not really confused, just refer to http://www.four-thirds.org/en/microft/lens.html to see what's what.

As far as the 14-45 goes, it's a really nice little lens, light, sharp and as for speed, well, there is always the OIS and the ability to up the ISO:

Was going to buy the Panny 7-14mm, but ended up buying the FT 9-18mm with the Panny DMW-MA1 adaptor. It might look like it's too big but the I find it balances really nicely with my E-P1, focus is not lightning fast but no slouch either. Tried the 14-54mm mk2 which is very nice lens, focus is quick but abit too big for the camera, one to think about. Also had a play with the Panny 45mm Macro, really nice lens and probably next on the list. Anyway here it is:

That list is alright Glenn but we were talking about using the Sigma 10-20mm lens and Macro lenses on Micro cameras with adapters and wondering what works with what, for instance does the camera operate and display the aperture with the mentioned Sigma lens ? In fact two recent posters were even giving different dimensions for the same lens then realising that it wasn't the same lens at all, in fact one hadn't even been released . It is confusing. Now tell me. Are Olympus Macro/Micro lenses fully compatable with Panasonic Macro/ Micro cameras and 'tother way about. ( With appropriate adaptors) The Olympus 11-22mm would make a nice lens for the GF1 but will the Panasonic "idiot/ intelligent" mode work?

But your snow shot makes a compelling case for the 14-45mm

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What I could really do with is a decent long zoom. I tried the IQ on the 45-200 and found it poor in comparison with other lenses. The longest lens I found that I was happy with was the 45mm but oldboy2000 beat me to it!

I think you must have had a bad copy of the 45-200mm - mine is pretty damned sharp, especially when stopped down 1/3 or 2/3 of a stop. Focussing is SILENT and very quick too.

I'm very impressed with it - compact, not heavy, and a 90-400mm range in FF terms (y)
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In fact Glenn having another look at your snow I should have said that on my monitor the quality is excellent, the tonal graduation is medium format like.

Somebody recently here was overwhelmed by a some shots with a Leica 45mm, then you post this. Mmmmmmmmmmm makes you think.

As you say the speed with the IS at the wide end which I want it for is perfectly acceptable, one of my favourite lenses of all time was the 28mm f2.8 Elmarit so it will be like meeting an old friend who has had a face lift.

My need for longer lenses can be covered by the Nikon 50mm , being a long time r/f user, longer than that makes me feel over endowed :)

I can see the superb 20mm being somewhat redundant, still what's new with that?

Now to find somebody splitting kits I suppose.

My daughter is heading for University this year to study Photography. She currently uses my spare 30D + 18-55 kit lens, would the GF1 with the 14-45 be a good option for her or should I donate the 30D full-time ?
For more reasons than I care to list..............no. And it's got nothing to do with quality, nor indeed common sense.

O.K. I will mention one, Peer Pressure.
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I think you must have had a bad copy of the 45-200mm - mine is pretty damned sharp, especially when stopped down 1/3 or 2/3 of a stop. Focussing is SILENT and very quick too.

I'm very impressed with it - compact, not heavy, and a 90-400mm range in FF terms (y)

I have to say that for what it is, the 45-200 might be the most impressive lens I've bought to date. It's certainly the cheapest I've bought since my teenage years and I was expecting all manner of horrible things from it.

The reality is that it's pretty sharp, even out at 200, it's quick to focus and provides decent colour and contrast. Oh and the IS seems fairly close to what I've seen on canon lenses four times the price. Although a good deal of that is from the 2x crop giving you a leg up in effective reach.
In fact Glenn having another look at your snow I should have said that on my monitor the quality is excellent, the tonal graduation is medium format like.

Somebody recently here was overwhelmed by a some shots with a Leica 45mm, then you post this. Mmmmmmmmmmm makes you think.

As you say the speed with the IS at the wide end which I want it for is perfectly acceptable, one of my favourite lenses of all time was the 28mm f2.8 Elmarit so it will be like meeting an old friend who has had a face lift.

My need for longer lenses can be covered by the Nikon 50mm , being a long time r/f user, longer than that makes me feel over endowed :)

I can see the superb 20mm being somewhat redundant, still what's new with that?

Now to find somebody splitting kits I suppose.


Just to throw another spanner in the works, here is a pic I posted elsewhere taken with the 45-200, at 200mm:

"...should I donate the 30D full-time ?"

I think so. I think that a conventional DSLR will help her to learn her trade as they're pretty much the accepted standard.

My niece is doing photography and she currently has 2 film SLR's I gave her, a 5DII, a medium format, several film compacts and the new Olympus MFT with 2 lenses, flash and viewfinder. I've been thinking of giving her a rangefinder but are such things really relevant these days?

Yes, that 45-200mm looks good but at the moment I think that if I do go for a zoom it'll be that new MFT 9-18mm.
Congratulations :)

That compact looking 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 at £279 looks tempting but doesn't seem to be stocked locally so I'd have to buy blind.

But the 14-45mm has IS...£235, and it's only a bit bigger.
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Not being a GF-1 owner I've not bothered with this thread til I noticed the post count still rising...

What a breath of fresh air...I think this has to be the nicest, most balanced, polite and well-informed thread I've read in ages...
It was actually a pleasure to read as well...good use of English, nice varied vocabulary, interesting syntax and grammar...

Owning a Panasonic camera must just turn you into a nicer person, I guess...

Next time it gets out of hand in the Public Bar, I'll send them a link to here so they can see how civilised people behave...

Thank you all for brightening my evening up.
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