Post pictures of your cool/old/retro cameras!

Actually, I took this picture a couple of months ago, but thought I'd add it to this thread!
I placed my trusty Fuji A5600 alongside this very classic camera (no prizes for working out what that old camera is).

I really should get myself a pentax me and an olympus om10. two classics!

Oh Yes! The OM10 with the little plug in manual adaptor. It was a brilliant little camera of which I have very fond memories.

Yes, I must get one! :D

I'd not have the time to use one. I have enough trouble getting the blad and/or the mamiya out but it really is a truly lovely bit of kit. Enjoy. :)
OM10 brings back vey happy memories. That was the first SLR which was my own.

I had used my dads ME Super a few times.

Later on I bought an OM4 and an OM2 - Both were fantastic.

then changed to Nikon F3 and FM which became my work horses.

I don't know which ones I have pictures of - if any. :shrug:
Well - can't do the Praktika MTL3 (fell off a bivi ledge on the Aig. Du Midi 27 years ago) or the Canon AE-1 (removed from my car by thieving scrote with a housebrick) but I can do something a wee bit more recent...

Yashica 108

35-70 zoom to suit...

and more recent still... (as in a couple of weeks to me, but at least 10 years old...probably nearer 15)

EOS5 (with my much more recent nifty-fifty on there)

(and with a more "period" Sigma 28-200 zoom)

Blooming fanstastic Steve, you sure you don't have a spare Rollei kicking about that needs a new home? :naughty:
Well done Steve (y) What a top man :clap:

It's gestures like that that make TP the great place it is :)
Blooming fanstastic Steve, you sure you don't have a spare Rollei kicking about that needs a new home?

I have a Rollei... but it's not spare!

I'm thinning my collection out a little bit by giving a few things away. Once I have decided what else is going, I will post a list.

As far as the Retinette goes, I bought it a while ago for almost nothing, brought it home then realised that I already had one. With 30+ cameras in the house, the chances of a second Retinette being used are zero!

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My Voigtlander Vitomatic IICS, off for a service and adjust at the moment........but if it anything like the other Vitomatic a great rangefinder, that produces some great pics......especially with the color Skopar f2.8 lens.......

PS. great thread, and some lovely looking cameras.............don't they look so much nicer than all the Canon's and Nikons we have now.........????

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My old AV-1,


My second digital camera, fuji A101


My wifes camera Minolta x-300


I have received and given away a few things in recent years. Rather than giving or receiving payment, I prefer the idea of 'passing on a favour'. That is, if you find you can help someone else out then try to do it.

Last year I received a beautifully restored Ansco Speedex camera (US version of Agfa Isolette) from a member of another forum (APUG). This was from a retired American who restored these cameras for a hobby. He had about twenty and offered them to forum members. He wouldn't even accept postage even though it cost him about $30.

I have since sent a few cameras out to UK, France, US and Canada and I will soon be sending out a few more as I get rid of some of the items which I will not use and/or I have two of.

My father's collecion (which is now mine) has some better examples of some of the cameras I have so I am going to thin down my collection a bit so I am left with the cameras I actually use and two or three with some sentimental value i.e. my first 35mm SLR (Edixa) and my first Nikon (FG).

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My Dad has an OM10 and Olympus 65-200mm f4 lens. Do you know whether it will autofocus??

No pics yet. i prefer digital though.
In the cool category:

Horseman LX-C 5x4.

I have had it for some time and am thoroughly ashamed to admit that I still haven't got round to using it. This summer, I'm promising myself. A visiting teenager bimbo saw it and said "Wow, that's a really big screen. How do I turn it on?". Bless her.


OK, here are a couple of mine:

Edixa Prismaflex. My first SLR which my father got for me around 1979.


And a Pentax SP500 I got recently.


More (many more!) to follow.

Kodak No. 2 Hawkeye Model B

Note the seperate viewfinders for Portrait & Landscape.
and the original soft case

First SLR - Praktica LLC

and of course the Minolta Weathermatic, ideal for the beach, waterproof to about 15 feet and you just rinsed it under the tap to get the sand off!
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From left to right, a vintage vest pocket kodak, a box brownie (also have original leather case), a zeiss ikon which was bought in Gibralter in the 1950's by my RN Uncle. I have the box,leather case and instruction manual. I don't believe this camera has ever seen a roll of film, and a pentax S70 zoom from the early 80's. My Ricoh KR10 has obviously done a runner and left the strap behind ;)

a zeiss ikon which was bought in Gibralter in the 1950's by my RN Uncle. I have the box,leather case and instruction manual. I don't believe this camera has ever seen a roll of film

Then it's about time it did!

Here's my Zeiss Ikon:


And here is a Zeiss lens on a Polaroid pack film camera:


My camera, but not my photo (dragged out of my fleabay archive):


The antenna on top is used to seek out any camera that relies on a battery.
My camera, but not my photo (dragged out of my fleabay archive):


The antenna on top is used to seek out any camera that relies on a battery.

I dont understand what that antenna would be used for though.

I've just found a Fujica AZ-1 and bought some film for it today so will have a play with it tomorrow and post some shots. :D
These are a few of my favourite things...

I dont understand what that antenna would be used for though.

It's a frame type sports finder - different frames for different lenses -about as basic as it gets. Probably pretty accurate too.
Pentax 110. Takes 110 cartridge film. 50p shown to gauge size. If you want dimensions, it's 3 and 3/4 ins wide, and a little over 2ins high

Lenses 24mm 2.8, 20-40 2.8, 50mm 2.8, 18mm 2.8. Not shown is an add-on motordrive which I forgot to put in the picture.

£30 off ebay. Came with 5 film cartridges of unknown age. Not used it yet.

Just a massive (y) for Steve Smith.

I was on holiday in the new forest (pics to come!) and the camera must have arrived during the week.

Got back to a nicely packaged Kodak camera, as promised. "Brilliant!" I thought.
And out popped a letter, too.


Steve listed all known issues with the camera and wished me luck with it on a very personal level.

For me, this really just gives me hope in the kindness of humanity again.

Steve mustered up the money for the postage and sent me this camera absolutely free of charge and really did go out of his way.

Massive :clap: and a (y) for Steve, a very pleasant, generous and genuine fellow. :)
From left to right, a vintage vest pocket kodak, a box brownie (also have original leather case), a zeiss ikon which was bought in Gibralter in the 1950's by my RN Uncle. I have the box,leather case and instruction manual. I don't believe this camera has ever seen a roll of film, and a pentax S70 zoom from the early 80's. My Ricoh KR10 has obviously done a runner and left the strap behind ;)


I'd bloody love a Box Brownie, they're so cool! Just as a collector's item, mind.

Does anyone know what models to look out for?

My camera, but not my photo (dragged out of my fleabay archive):


The antenna on top is used to seek out any camera that relies on a battery.

Now that looks retro!

Gorgeous photo mate! (y)

These are a few of my favourite things...


And for good reason!

I never realised how bloody huge the RB67 is!

Pentax 110. Takes 110 cartridge film. 50p shown to gauge size. If you want dimensions, it's 3 and 3/4 ins wide, and a little over 2ins high

Lenses 24mm 2.8, 20-40 2.8, 50mm 2.8, 18mm 2.8. Not shown is an add-on motordrive which I forgot to put in the picture.

£30 off ebay. Came with 5 film cartridges of unknown age. Not used it yet.


What a bargain! Now that's why I love ebay.