Post pictures of your cool/old/retro cameras!


HMMM a Yashica TLR, been toying with the idea of getting one of them.
My Fujica ST605 with a Vivitar 135mm 2.8 on it :)

Heh, yeah it is near enough mint condition wise, been in the family for well over 20yrs though! How you finding the RB67 Ven? Very tempted! :p

Could be tempted quite easily by one as minty as that Syk... ;)

The RB is a fabulous bit of kit and I am pleased with the overall condition and feel of mine... (y) ... however... ::( ... I am guilty of NOT yet using it to its full potentital and it is suffering, like all my gear, with a total lack of TLC... :shrug:

But I will get around to it... :cautious: ... I WILL... :D


Could be tempted quite easily by one as minty as that Syk... ;)

The RB is a fabulous bit of kit and I am pleased with the overall condition and feel of mine... (y) ... however... ::( ... I am guilty of NOT yet using it to its full potentital and it is suffering, like all my gear, with a total lack of TLC... :shrug:

But I will get around to it... :cautious: ... I WILL... :D


Hehe, how you get it? eBay or something i presume?

Will be buying some 120 roll film tomorrow for the Yashica, haven't used it for a wee while :bonk:
Hehe, how you get it? eBay or something i presume?

Will be buying some 120 roll film tomorrow for the Yashica, haven't used it for a wee while :bonk:

Yep... came with a bunch of stuff including an ally case... :D

Good luck with the TLR then... ;)

I inherited all these from Dad who passed away a couple of years ago. They have been posted here before.









Thanks to the help of kind folk here (Joxby), I have used the Bronica and managed to win a first at my camera club with her, which would have thrilled dad no end!

Hope you enjoy!
Hey Rock Chick... :wave: ... how YOU doin' ... :D

I remember seeing these but it is great to see them again... (y) ... I love looking at all this old stuff and have pored over this thread repeatedly... :eek: ... how sad is that... :LOL:

Thanks for sharing them again... ;)

Seems like dads have a lot to answer for! My dads Bronicas (and his Hassy, and his decent digital stuff and all his lenses) all got sold when he popped off, but I did get boxes of stuff, some of which I sold (through ebay bit I just bet some of it went to people on here!) and some of which I'm still going through. Quite a few old lightmeters and a fair few old flash things that are like circular sails that slide down into a small cover plus other bits that I just don't know what they are!
Anyway, here's a couple of the old cameras I've got, they've been on here once before:


I really must get some film to put through it.

Yep... came with a bunch of stuff including an ally case... :D

Good luck with the TLR then... ;)


Very nice :cool:

Keeping an eye out for a good deal on there at the moment for a good RB67, any pointers as what to look for? :)
I inherited my father's collection too earlier this year. There are a couple of Nikon Fs, a Rolleiflex and a Mamiya 645 and about four Mamiya C series TLRs with a wide selection of lenses. There are also 35mm SLRs from Zenith, Edixa, Minolta, Exakta and Kodak and some rangefinders. About thirty cameras in all.

The collection is currently still in the display cabinets we put up last year but my mother is moving house soon so his collection will probably join my collection of around twenty five. I will probably thin down my collection as it's not as good as my father's but I certainly plan to make use of most of them rather than have them sit in a cabinet all the time. The Rolleiflex and the Nikons will certainly get some use.

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Will be adding a load of pictures (most likely a link to a folder too) tomorrow... :p
Here's an interesting bit of kit. Currently up in my parents loft. We're not sure if it will take full or only up to half plate glass negatives. It's got a filter drawer too - (So suitable for multigrade papers.) And there are a selection of other lens boards and so forth. I have no idea how we got it up in the loft, nor how we will get it down again if we decide to do anythign with it!

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Not all of them, many of them are going on the bay, except the 'good' ones :p

A select few;







More here... http://biSPAM/RtxJH
Not all of them, many of them are going on the bay, except the 'good' ones :p

A select few;

More here... http://biSPAM/RtxJH

There are some great cameras on there, you should have posted them all on here!

I would offer them on here first, more chance of getting paid and no fees !!
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There are some great cameras on there, you should have posted them all on here!

I would offer them on here first, more chance of getting paid and no fees !!

Yeah, possibly will, the cameras missing from the FlickR are some random nobranded Panorama, and other 35mm standard cameras. The ones that sell, the money will be given to Charity anyway! Might talk to one of the mods about possibly having a charity lot for them.
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Yeah, possibly will, the cameras missing from the FlickR are some random nobranded Panorama, and other 35mm standard cameras. The ones that sell, the money will be given to Charity anyway! Might talk to one of the mods about possibly having a charity lot for them.

I will be interested in one or two of them myself! I definitely think they will be better sold on here.
This could well be on the way to me come tomorrow...


Also this is on the way to me...


Without the lens, but will probably buy another 50mm for it!
My dad is looking for an old Kodak basic box camera. Something to show the boys how he started in photography. he still has quite a lot of old family photos and negatives taken on one, but not the actual camera.
My dad is looking for an old Kodak basic box camera. Something to show the boys how he started in photography.

I see them quite often at car boot sales. It's best to go for one of the older models before Kodak changed from 120 film to 620.

It's the same film but on a thinner reel and the camera is cunningly designed so that 120 film doesn't fit, forcing the user to buy Kodak's 620 film.

This could well be on the way to me come tomorrow...


Also this is on the way to me...


Without the lens, but will probably buy another 50mm for it!

That Rollei surely looks well minty Syk... (y) ... and the Nikon too for that matter... ;) ... lovely items but have you got the time to play with your exsiting stuffs let alone adding more... :naughty:

Very nice :cool:

Keeping an eye out for a good deal on there at the moment for a good RB67, any pointers as what to look for? :)

Soz Syk... :shrug: ... missed that... :D ... there are still some good ones out there and the main problem with these is the seals around the film back area although these are easily repairable, apparently, and holes in the extending bellows that are not so easily repairable... :shrug: ...

... otherwise these are pretty much built like tanks and should not have too much else wrong with them... just watch who you are buying from, as usual fleabay practice, and ask as many questions of the buyer as you need with additional image requests as necessary... ;)

HTH and you pick up a bargain in good nick... :D


That Rollei surely looks well minty Syk... (y) ... and the Nikon too for that matter... ;) ... lovely items but have you got the time to play with your exsiting stuffs let alone adding more... :naughty:

Yeah, a few of mine will be re-sold, apart from the ones i like, especially the Brownie's, Voigtlander perhaps and the Pen. But wanted a Nikon film SLR to use with my lenses, and for the price, couldn't argue about the SLR. The Rollei i'm thinking about buying, the guy has had it since new, and has only put it through about 20 rolls of film! :D

Soz Syk... :shrug: ... missed that... :D ... there are still some good ones out there and the main problem with these is the seals around the film back area although these are easily repairable, apparently, and holes in the extending bellows that are not so easily repairable... :shrug: ...

... otherwise these are pretty much built like tanks and should not have too much else wrong with them... just watch who you are buying from, as usual fleabay practice, and ask as many questions of the buyer as you need with additional image requests as necessary... ;)

HTH and you pick up a bargain in good nick... :D

Yeah, still keeping a look out for them, might use the Yashica and then decide, if i really like MF and want another, shall think about the RB67, get some pics up from it ! :p
Not as many green cameras and accessories as I would have expected though

You are totally to blame here... :cautious: ... got me to thinking and looking...

Lost cause, I am...

My latest and proudest addition arrived this morning... :D ... sort of two birds with one stone... or two loves with one purchase... :love:


And just in case the colour is not clear enough... :eek: ... this one is a gorgeous shade of metallic Jaguar Racing Green very similar (if not exactly the same... :D) as my current mota... :naughty:


Yummy... :wacky:

Very nice, you mustn't have space for the RB67 anymore, how much? :p :D
Very nice, you mustn't have space for the RB67 anymore, how much? :p :D

:LOL: ... WRONG... :D ... the new addition is tiny by comparison both in terms of size and weight... :eek:

Nice try but... :thinking: ... how many of your 'new found' collection would you be prepared to trade for it... only the decent stuffs mind... :cautious:
