Recommend me a movie?

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So now we're with Lovefilm so the whole world of film opens up :)

What 3 films would you recommend? I want something reasonably intelligent.

The rules are:

1. No musicals
2. No films that are mainly fights, guns, explosions or car chases etc.
3. No cartoons
4. See rule 2

If you want my recommendations:

The Lives of Others
The Artist is Present
The Station Agent
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There's the animated version of Death Race 2000 set to Abba music....

Whoops! Just seen the rules, sorry!

Pan's Labyrinth? (El laberinto del fauno)
Little White Lies
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My 3 would be………

1: The Green Mile

2: Into the Wild

3: Amadeus

I wasn’t sure how you felt about old films so I didn’t include any, but there are some bloody awesome ones well worth looking at.
Not been a great year for films i enjoyed Ruby Sparks, Looper, Argo, Drive.
Los Ojos de Julia.

Girl with the pearl earring.

Thanks, will look at those.

There's the animated version of Death Race 2000 set to Abba music....

Whoops! Just seen the rules, sorry!

Pan's Labyrinth? (El laberinto del fauno)

:LOL: There's always one!

My 3 would be………

1: The Green Mile

2: Into the Wild

3: Amadeus

I wasn’t sure how you felt about old films so I didn’t include any, but there are some bloody awesome ones well worth looking at.

Thanks for those 3. I like old films - so suggest away
Sorry i thought you meant this year. The Lives of Others is also in my top favorite films of all time along with.

once upon a time in america
Shawshank Redemption
Carlitos Way
Fight Club
High Fidelity
City of God
The Shining
Slumdog Millionaire
Dead Mans Shoes
There will be blood
Old Boy
The game

Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

Hobson’s Choice (1954)

Rear Window (1954 version)
Rule 2 rules out any of my recommendations!

If I'm asking for film recommendations, rule 1 would work for me, but rule 2 would be 'Only films that are mainly fights, guns, explosions and car chases' :p
Three colours : Blue
Krótki film o milosci ("A short film about love")
Jean de Florette & Manon des sources (these are two halves of one story, so counting them as one)
I have to recommend The Artist. It stars a Jack Russell :p ;) :LOL: - but it's actually a great film.

Older ones? I would have recommended Jean de Florette too. Or The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp.

Have you seen Pulp Fiction? Some violence but a beautifully crafted movie.
I have to recommend The Artist. It stars a Jack Russell :p ;) :LOL: - but it's actually a great film.

Older ones? I would have recommended Jean de Florette too. Or The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp.

Have you seen Pulp Fiction? Some violence but a beautifully crafted movie.

Thanks for those Jonathan. I'd forgotten about The Artist - haven't seen it but would defineitely like to. I have seen Pulp Fiction - hated it. Tarantino obviously has great skill as a director but the films he makes seem adolescent to me. It's my fantasy to force him to make a film with no guns, gangsters or violence - it could be a truly great film.
If you don't mind subtitles, another really good Spanish movie is Mientras Duermes. An excellent and original thriller.
I'll pop a few in

Blade Runner - The Final Cut
Hunt For Red October
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
I really like Memento - very clever film. Seen Moon fairly recently and thought it's another great film!

I forgot to say Moon its another one of my fav's it a great film. directed by David Bowie's son if you didn't know, some people don't because he goes by Duncan Jones not Zowie Bowie
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Forgot to add Let Me In/Let the Right One In. The former a US remake of the latter but both excellent. Maybe the Swedish one edges it.
If you don't mind subtitles, another really good Spanish movie is Mientras Duermes. An excellent and original thriller.

Oh yes that's good is Moon, recommended by a couple other posters.

At this rate you'll be set for months! :D
Star Wars trilogy? (IV-VI)
1: Nikita
2: La Rein Margot
3: Bladerunner

or Unstopable

Unstoppable is pants, ignore's his dog talking through him :D
Bladerunner is good though :D
Blues Brothers? Contains a car chase (of sorts!) and music but isn't really a chase movie or a musical.
Blow Up?
Dr Strangelove?

Green mile

As an aside.. back in 2002 (had to google to check_ we went to the cinema. I wanted to see "Sum of all fears" - adaption of the Clancy thriller, but Sharon said would be too violent etc, so I let her choose..

We went to see Windtalkers...:wacky::wacky: (I don't think she had a clue what is was about!!)

For those who don't know, it's about the Navajo Indians in WWII who used their language as an unbreakable code and the soldiers who were there to protect them. High bodycount!!!!

I loved it, but it would fall foul of rule 2.
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Lynton....good boy.
The original swedish films of the girl with the dragon tattoo trilogy.

Blade runner the final cut.


The hitcher
screw the rules!

Tropa De Elite 1 & 2 back to back. Otherwise A Seperation of Nader and Simin is a fantastic film made in Iran.