Show us yer film shots then!

I haven't used a film camera since February 2020 but meeting up recently with @dmb @Mr Badger @FishyFish @Harlequin565 @sirch inspired me to dust off the Rolleicord.

Light was rubbish today but I wanted to get through a roll to go through the process.

There is an issue though. If you zoom in close on dark areas you can see small blotches. Given that I've used brand new chemicals I was wondering if it has something to do with the film siting in the camera for the best part of two years. I used distilled water and photo flow for final rinse as usual. Film is HP5. Any thoughts?

1239 by Simon, on Flickr

1237 by Simon, on Flickr

1236 by Simon, on Flickr

1235 by Simon, on Flickr

1231 by Simon, on Flickr
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I haven't used a film camera since February 2020 but meeting up recently with @dmb @Mr Badger @FishyFish @Harlequin565 @sirch inspired me to dust off the Rolleicord.

Light was rubbish today but I wanted to get through a roll to go through the process.

There is an issue though. If you zoom in close on dark areas you can see small blotches. Given that I've used brand new chemicals I was wondering if it has something to do with the film siting in the camera for the best part of two years. I used distilled water and photo flow for final rinse as usual. Film is HP5. Any thoughts?

1239 by Simon, on Flickr

1237 by Simon, on Flickr

1236 by Simon, on Flickr

1235 by Simon, on Flickr

1231 by Simon, on Flickr
Only one way to find out, buy a new fresh roll, shoot it within a week or so, then develop with the fresh chemicals you have. Not the most convenient way, but it should reveal the answer.
I haven't shot film for ages, but when moving house I came across a few rolls of Formapan 400 in 120 and 135 so thought I'd have a go. I had forgotten a few things, How simplistic/pleasurable film shooting is without loads of menus to give you many more ways of screwing a shot up,(y)(y) How nice it is to have forgotten what you shot and have a nice surprise when you find out,(y)(y) and in my case the pleasure /anticipation of waiting for the photos to come back from the Film developer(y)(y) I'm going to do more :):)

Here are a few from my Old and battered Cosmic using sunny 16. Trimpley steam and vintage rally.

Shame about the idiot parking his modern car in the back ground, Should be shot

The remains of burnt out Whitley court

Long live film (y)(y)(y)

There was a 'Tudor Era' event in grounds of Ingatestone Hall ESSEX ( England) so i went with a couple of Camera Club/ Flickr Mates - took my 'Gift' 1978 Hasselblad 500 C/M with 2 A12 backs -- ORWO NP22 dated 1993 rated 80 ASA and Fuji Pro 160S dated 2001 rate 80 ASA. There were only a few 'Tudors ' there I told them i was using a Camera Obscura' and using 'Alchemy' to reveal the images ! I used only the 120mm f4 CF Maro-Planar T* lens and struggled a bit with poor light, getting 1/125th @ f5.6 . I Sepia Toned the ORWO in PhotoShop 7.
Tudors 06 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 08 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 10 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 11 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 05 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
There was a 'Tudor Era' event in grounds of Ingatestone Hall ESSEX ( England) so i went with a couple of Camera Club/ Flickr Mates - took my 'Gift' 1978 Hasselblad 500 C/M with 2 A12 backs -- ORWO NP22 dated 1993 rated 80 ASA and Fuji Pro 160S dated 2001 rate 80 ASA. There were only a few 'Tudors ' there I told them i was using a Camera Obscura' and using 'Alchemy' to reveal the images ! I used only the 120mm f4 CF Maro-Planar T* lens and struggled a bit with poor light, getting 1/125th @ f5.6 . I Sepia Toned the ORWO in PhotoShop 7.
Tudors 06 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 08 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 10 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 11 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 05 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
I'm interested in the Orwo shots Pete and was wondering whether you would shoot at 80 again or if you would tweek it slightly? I've got sheets of Wephota NP22 which the web says will be Orwo NP22 for earlier stuff, but then it apparently changed to Fomapan 100 at some point. I'd be shooting it at 100 or so as it's only 2009 and has been refrigerated, but happy to be guided by your thoughts. The other problem is that Fomapan 100 is notorious for reciprocity failure, but I don't know about Orwo. :thinking:
Scottish summer weather can be a bit, erm, "disappointing" at times. This was Dunnet Head in late July, unfortunately a tourist must-see as the most northerly point on the British mainland. Well, they just about managed to see it through the mist/fog/cloud and it was certainly busy. To the mid-left of the photo you might just be able to make out the pillar with the big foghorn, but no sound was forthcoming from it. Ensign 1620, Fuji Pro 400H, Filmdev.

Peter B -- Reference your query about mu Outdated ORWO NP22 -- I used to shoot at 100 ASA when it was fresh and it did not seem to lose much sensitivity over the years as i had done a 'short length ' TEST first -- the film was processed in mu home-made Crawley Formula FX-4 1+1 for 9 mins @20oC .. I find FX-4 is good for ORWO NP22 -- I never liked their NP27 400 ASA though -- quite 'Soft' in contrast and very grainy so it lost definition.
I'm missing the reference Nick. The only (tenuous) thing I can think of is the 101, which was the vault number you start from in the post-apocalyptic videogame, Fallout 4.
It's a reference to the 1978 Jam single, "A" Bomb in Wardour Street.