Show us yer film shots then!

Peter B -- Reference your query about mu Outdated ORWO NP22 -- I used to shoot at 100 ASA when it was fresh and it did not seem to lose much sensitivity over the years as i had done a 'short length ' TEST first -- the film was processed in mu home-made Crawley Formula FX-4 1+1 for 9 mins @20oC .. I find FX-4 is good for ORWO NP22 -- I never liked their NP27 400 ASA though -- quite 'Soft' in contrast and very grainy so it lost definition.
Just shot and developed a couple of sheets, and the colour of the dumped developer definitely confirms mine as Fomapan 100. (y)
Having mentioned testing the fridge-stored 2009 Wephota NP22 upthread, here are the 2 sheets taken at St Barevan's Church. This was to ensure the lack of an audience while I fumbled with the whole plate camera, and the fact that the early 14th century scene was unlikely to move. :whistle: Camera was the Kodak Model B like this one (but bigger) with a Schneider convertible 210/370 at 210 (about 35mm on 35mm) and film was shot at iso 100. Scan was on the glass of an Epson V700, which unfortunately led to Newton's Rings on the second shot, and the neg is sharper than this, so I'll need to make a whole plate holder of some sort to lift it off the glass.

This one had an unfortunate light leak on the LHS which I've cropped out to leave about 2/3 of the frame. I'm not sure if this was down to the DDS slider which jammed while I was pulling it out. This was shot at f32 for 1/5 sec (it's an old lens) and devved in Rodinal 1:50 for 7mins in the Orbital


This was taken into the light to check the lens for flare as well as the film, and the small amount at top right is as likely to be from the holder as the lens. This one was shot at f32 and 1/10 sec, then devved in HC-110 Dil B for 5mins 30 sec in the Orbital.

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I'd been after an Olympus XA for a while but took me a while to get my hands on one. Must admit, it was worth the wait, love it's tiny, pocket-able size!

Olympus XA
Addox Silvermax
Dev & scan by Filmdev.

Isle of May

000005040016 by Steven Cook, on Flickr

000005040023 by Steven Cook, on Flickr

000005040024 by Steven Cook, on Flickr

Olympus XA3
Ilford HP5+
Lab developed in Xtol

Awnings by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

Olympus XA3
Ilford HP5+
Lab developed in Xtol

Underneath the teapot by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

I had an XA back in the pre digital days as a pocket EDC but I don't remember my shots being this sharp/clear/grain free. I would have used HP5 then or Kodak Gold.
As long as I remeber to put it in the correct zone-focus setting for the conditions / film I'm using, my XA3 is very sharp.

My first foray back into film was with an Olympus Trip, I put a roll through it before selling it on as I just couldn't "get on" with zone focusing. Give me a rangefinder every time! ;)

I had an XA back in the pre digital days as a pocket EDC but I don't remember my shots being this sharp/clear/grain free. I would have used HP5 then or Kodak Gold.

I've just bought a batch of HP5, so it'll be interesting to see how the XA copes (I do like HP5 grain though).
There was a 'Tudor Era' event in grounds of Ingatestone Hall ESSEX ( England) so i went with a couple of Camera Club/ Flickr Mates - took my 'Gift' 1978 Hasselblad 500 C/M with 2 A12 backs -- ORWO NP22 dated 1993 rated 80 ASA and Fuji Pro 160S dated 2001 rate 80 ASA. There were only a few 'Tudors ' there I told them i was using a Camera Obscura' and using 'Alchemy' to reveal the images ! I used only the 120mm f4 CF Maro-Planar T* lens and struggled a bit with poor light, getting 1/125th @ f5.6 . I Sepia Toned the ORWO in PhotoShop 7.
Tudors 06 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 08 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 10 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 11 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 05 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Tudors 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Can I ask what you are metering with?
I'm currently using a Weston Master V and/or a metered prism. Sadly the two do not correspond.
I was wondering if the metered knob is a viable lightweight option.
soupdragon -- Meter with Weston Master V + Invercone for 'Incident Light'
A couple of locations that @Harlequin565 should recognise
I have walked past that 2nd one loads of times and never seen that signage before... Notice fail...