Show us yer film shots then!

Having reached the end of the road with my Olympus OM2 underexposing on auto, giving weird oof frames and locking up its mirror, I decided to have one last try on manual with a roll of Fomapan 400 lurking in the fridge for a test. No great shots, but it seems to have behaved on manual and no mirror lock-ups even though I hadn't changed the batteries. 28mm and Xtol 1+1.

The old part of the street


The new part of the street beyond the far tree in the above shot.

Yes, I'm 5 miles from Oulton. Will probably be there, if you spot me (fat cham in a wheelchair carrying a camera) come and say hello
Amazing colours Nige
Antique tailboard camera at Tony Richardson's studio, Lee Spinners Mill. Holmes stereo card. Canon A1, 50/1.8 with Pentax beam splitter, HP5 pushed two stops.

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Potrait taken at the same event as above. It has a bit of a vintage feel about it as the guy was wearing a killer tweed suit.

1941_Canon F1_Leigh Spinners-008 copy.jpg

Ordsall Hall, chair in children's room. Canon A1, 50/2.8. Harman K400 pushed two stops (you have to do these things to gets the shots, even then three stops would be more betterer.

1942_Canon F1_Ordsall Hall-013 copy.jpg
St. Mary's, Ecclestone, Canon F1, 24/2.8. Harman K400, box speed.

1944_Canon F1_St. Mary's, Ecclestone-030 copy.jpg

Canon F1, 50/1.8, Harman K400 at box speed. Possible very underexposed!

1944_Canon F1_St. Mary's, Ecclestone-035 copy.jpg

Same church, this time with RealitySoSubtle 6x17 pinhole camera, Fomapan 200. Had to guess the exposure (which should have been about five minutes) because I forgot to pick up my phone when I went out and I don't normally wear a watch. In the event I think I'm lucky to get an image, or images.

1945_RSS 6x17_St. Mary's, Ecclestone-004 copy.jpg

Ha! Ha! Kevin Allan, my RSS is bigger than yours (although I prefer your picture)!
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St. David's, Haigh. Agfa Clack, Fomapan 200. A nice capable camera and very, very simple to use, as befits me. It has a curved film plane like a Kodak 127. I used a lens hood which I think has been of benefit.

1948_Agfa Clack_St. David's, Haigh-004 copy.jpg

St. Wilfred's, Standish. Sputnik stereo camera. Fomapan 200. There is a bit of a discrepancy between the two shutter speeds I think. Maybe exercise will help. The camera didn't display any of the almost legendary shortcomings, light leaks, internal reflections, for example. Good to go.

1949_Sputnik_St. Wilfred, Standish_stereo-001 copy.jpg

Same camera etc. as above. Standish church from the main cemetery.

A couple from the Zeiss Contarex of a small local river.
Film is Kodak Pro Image 100, professionally developed and scanned.

Glane View Portrait 4Thirds  CR2 50T f8 60 Web.jpg

This was taken using a Zeiss Tessar 50mm. The image has been cropped to four-thirds

Glane CR1 35D f8 60 Web.jpg

This one was taken using a Zeiss Distagon 35mm lens
Chamonix 045N-1
Scneider-Kreuznach Super-Angulon 5.6/90
Ilford Delta 100
Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 10.5mins @ 20°

St. Peter's Church, Letwell by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
The church has a real 3D feel - I like the image very much. At first I was puzzled by the trees being taller than the tower. Then I realised that was because I've just been looking a lot of cathedral images by Frederick H Evans and of course, cathedrals are much taller than any surrounding trees.
The church has a real 3D feel - I like the image very much. At first I was puzzled by the trees being taller than the tower. Then I realised that was because I've just been looking a lot of cathedral images by Frederick H Evans and of course, cathedrals are much taller than any surrounding trees.

Thanks Kevin. The two trees at the far left and right of frame are not far behind the wall in the foreground, so there's some perspective stuff going on there, but the tree just to the left of the tower is probably about the same height as it.
What sort of exposure did the shot entail and what is the pinhole's aperture? Did you have to correct much for reciprocity failure?

The aperture of the camera is, I think, f/128. I worked out reciprocity using the scientific calculator on my iphone (turn the phone sideways to get the scientific functions) and raising the measured exposure to the power of 1.31.

I think the resulting exposure was somewhere in the region of 12 minutes.
I was looking at an interior shot of St. Wilfred in Standish, even with Fomapan 200 it worked out at between 60 and 90 minutes, I seem to remember. I think Fomapan 100 might give exposures in the order of days!
I was looking at an interior shot of St. Wilfred in Standish, even with Fomapan 200 it worked out at between 60 and 90 minutes, I seem to remember. I think Fomapan 100 might give exposures in the order of days!
Fomapan 100 would not be my first choice for interiors (particularly with pinhole) but having said that I find that I can get away with substantially less of a reciprocity adjustment than the tables recommend. For example a 30 second metered exposure with Foma 100 theoretically requires 347 seconds with reciprocity but I would just give 4 minutes instead of almost 6.