weekly susiejb 52 /2014 Support

Hiya Susie...

What a great set of images for grow. Really different, I like the take and especially the tight framing and close zoom on the first two. Colour is great (I realise you added this in post) and basically just more good shots from you :)

I love coming to this thread!

Thanks Paul ...that's a lovely complement, I do love this challenge :)
Hi Susie, I can only echo what's already been said, these are great (y) ...:thinking:....I might be with Lynne on these though, I seem drawn to the mono image that you've posted to demonstrate the process :)
Grow I'm with Dean here. Really like these, especially #1 with the tower in the middle and the blue tone works really well.


Hi Susie, I can only echo what's already been said, these are great (y) ...:thinking:....I might be with Lynne on these though, I seem drawn to the mono image that you've posted to demonstrate the process :)

Thanks Andy and Phil for looking ...mucho appreciated :)
I really wanted to take some fungi this week .... but the weather and a zillion one other things just haven't been on my side, so I enlisted the help of my daughter in law last night to do this one. I thought she did really well ...we just did the one attempt, I thought it was nice and topical for Bonfire Night :)

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Hi Susie, what an absolutely terrific idea >>>>>>>>linky here :p:D

Great minds and all that.... ;)

Although I didn't have any sparklers :arghh:

Exposure looks good, I like it (y)
Hi Susie, nice idea and you have the expose just right capturing the sparks and only one attempt, very sparkly indeed. (y)
I think it goes without saying you could turn in a wonderful mushroom shot so hold that idea for another week.

Super simple idea that stands out really well, I love all the little sparks coming off over the entire trace of the word.

I do think it could be better with them separated, especially round the I. But this would have been very difficult to do at the time and I can't really see it being any easier to do in post.

Good work by your DIL, presume she had to write it backwards, rather than writing it normally and then flipping it afterwards. :)
Hi Susie - Live is a great shot! It's always nice to see something different and the thought process is superb. Tiny tweaks as suggested by others would work but I also like it as it is: very natural and straightforward (which is a compliment).

Great job! :)
Grow - at the risk of repeating myself, you really do take some very beautiful shots Susie - and more importantly, you do it without falling into the trap of making them look what my old art teacher would have dismissed as "too chocolate box-y" :clap: I find it impossible to choose between them - both the ones here and the extras on flickr (y)

Live - very topical and a great "one-off"! Well done on getting the sharp contrast between the sparks and black background without any hint of your daughter-in-law!
Liking that Susie, it has an unstaged feel that really helps it for me (y)

I think it goes without saying you could turn in a wonderful mushroom shot so hold that idea for another week.

Super simple idea that stands out really well, I love all the little sparks coming off over the entire trace of the word.

I do think it could be better with them separated, especially round the I. But this would have been very difficult to do at the time and I can't really see it being any easier to do in post.

Good work by your DIL, presume she had to write it backwards, rather than writing it normally and then flipping it afterwards. :)

Hi Susie - Live is a great shot! It's always nice to see something different and the thought process is superb. Tiny tweaks as suggested by others would work but I also like it as it is: very natural and straightforward (which is a compliment).

Great job! :)

Thank you folks, much appreciated :).... it was definitely a spur of the moment shot.

Graham....she did write it backwards ...she was just about to start and we suddenly thought of that !

I think to separate the letters properly you would have to either take four separate shots and put them together, or have four people ....maybe another time ....I still have some sparklers :)
Hi Susie

fab idea for the theme , well handled exposure & an excellent result for just one attempt (y)

Grow - at the risk of repeating myself, you really do take some very beautiful shots Susie - and more importantly, you do it without falling into the trap of making them look what my old art teacher would have dismissed as "too chocolate box-y" :clap: I find it impossible to choose between them - both the ones here and the extras on flickr (y)

Live - very topical and a great "one-off"! Well done on getting the sharp contrast between the sparks and black background without any hint of your daughter-in-law!

Thank you ladies :)

I did enjoy doing 'Grow' Elaine .... I do really enjoy fiddling around and generally making a mess .... maybe it's my second childhood :)
Hi Susie

Hope ure ok...a bit of a catchup again for me.

Balance: The bulldog clip idea made me smile - shows off your creative thinking wonderfully. I think all the crit has been covered on this one, though I'll just add that the white background doesnt work for me. Agree with Paul that you need a background scene on this to give some context. May be a desk / office scene of some sort.

The leaf shot is obviously superb, you dont need me or anyone else to tell you that :). Really like the rich yellow and faint lines running through the leaves. Also like the crip sharp water droplets and reflections within each. Brilliant image, and one I would like to have taken :clap:

Change: Number one is a beautiful image. I really like the contrast between big and small hand as well as smooth and rough hand. The cut on the elders hand adds to this reforcement of change / time. I like the lighting too - Bold, well considered and nicly directional to give some interesting highlights. I also like how the elder is so obviously holding the small hand gently and tenderly. THe warm coffe tones finish this off nicely. Good work Susie! (y)

Ice shot. Really great idea here, therefore seems a shame too see this picture not reach its full potential. I would definitely like to see a reshoot on this from you.

Grow: Beautiful on so many levels! I like number one best. Has a real nice depth too it, looks almost 3 dimensional. The sharpness in the cystals, the bokeh and the sublimely suble lighting are all perfect! Overall there is a nice balance between light and dark too which works well. Another good round for you Susie......PS...and I really admire how you get creative and hands on with all your submissions :clap:

Live: Super image. As others have said, current and topical for this time of year which I appreciate. Lovely rich 'fire' tones contrasting nicely with a well rendered plain black background - whats not to like? The sparks coming off towards the ground are enchanting and overall a nice dynamic submission / effort. Well done to you and daughter in law.
Hi Susie

Hope ure ok...a bit of a catchup again for me.

Balance: The bulldog clip idea made me smile - shows off your creative thinking wonderfully. I think all the crit has been covered on this one, though I'll just add that the white background doesnt work for me. Agree with Paul that you need a background scene on this to give some context. May be a desk / office scene of some sort.

The leaf shot is obviously superb, you dont need me or anyone else to tell you that :). Really like the rich yellow and faint lines running through the leaves. Also like the crip sharp water droplets and reflections within each. Brilliant image, and one I would like to have taken :clap:

Change: Number one is a beautiful image. I really like the contrast between big and small hand as well as smooth and rough hand. The cut on the elders hand adds to this reforcement of change / time. I like the lighting too - Bold, well considered and nicly directional to give some interesting highlights. I also like how the elder is so obviously holding the small hand gently and tenderly. THe warm coffe tones finish this off nicely. Good work Susie! (y)

Ice shot. Really great idea here, therefore seems a shame too see this picture not reach its full potential. I would definitely like to see a reshoot on this from you.

Grow: Beautiful on so many levels! I like number one best. Has a real nice depth too it, looks almost 3 dimensional. The sharpness in the cystals, the bokeh and the sublimely suble lighting are all perfect! Overall there is a nice balance between light and dark too which works well. Another good round for you Susie......PS...and I really admire how you get creative and hands on with all your submissions :clap:

Live: Super image. As others have said, current and topical for this time of year which I appreciate. Lovely rich 'fire' tones contrasting nicely with a well rendered plain black background - whats not to like? The sparks coming off towards the ground are enchanting and overall a nice dynamic submission / effort. Well done to you and daughter in law.

Hi Jason ...thank you for taking so much time with your comments, I really do appreciate them. It's so encouraging to feel I'm doing something right :) Part of the whole process for me is taking the time to think about something with a creative edge ...it's not always possible, but I've certainly taken some photos that I would never have imagined when I first started the challenge.
HaHa that's brilliant ... you certainly chose your moment to click there susie :clap:
Hi Susie, seems a little dark on my monitor, the label is well lit which I suppose is the point just losing the bottle and the glass a little which is a shame as the rich colour of the wine and a little more definition on the bottle would be good to see

In a way I like it as it is but would still like to see a little more light in it, difficult to achieve I know with all those reflective surfaces
Hi Susie, seems a little dark on my monitor, the label is well lit which I suppose is the point just losing the bottle and the glass a little which is a shame as the rich colour of the wine and a little more definition on the bottle would be good to see

In a way I like it as it is but would still like to see a little more light in it, difficult to achieve I know with all those reflective surfaces

Hi Allan ...thank you for looking :) yes frustrating really ... the label is nice and clear so for the topic I guess that works. My aim was also to capture the pouring liquid, I'm not sure if I've done that, it looks fine on this laptop but is very dark on my iphone. I started off doing it all myself ...taking the photo and pouring the wine but it was difficult, I kept missing the glass :eek: so I got my OH to pour the wine yesterday which made it easier.
Hi Susie

bit of a cop out I know but I'm pretty much with Allan here....the label pops for the screen but needs a little more light on the bottle & glass, partic with the color of the wine...posibly using a white bg may have helped ? Hope you enjoyed the drinking the props ;)
Hi Susie

bit of a cop out I know but I'm pretty much with Allan here....the label pops for the screen but needs a little more light on the bottle & glass, partic with the color of the wine...possibly using a white bg may have helped ? Hope you enjoyed the drinking the props ;)

Hi Lynne ...thank you for looking ....lighting is difficult isn't it ....it's also annoying that there is such a big difference depending on where you view the finished photo. Not sure about white as I wanted a dark moody look o_O but I may well try that sometime. It's always nice when the props are edible ...maybe I should do Galaxy 'smooth' milk chocolate this week !
Ha ha, I hope you managed to save enough to drink :) I think any more light would have been too much for the label and stem of the glass, which are perfect and I can just about see enough of the bowl and liquid to get the idea, so I think you've made the best of a difficult combination.
Hi Susie... I think that's an absolutely fab idea for a shot. I'm not entirely convinced by the connection to the theme (despite the brand of wine!) but that's secondary - as a concept it is absolute genius.

For me though, it needs quite a bit more development on the lighting. You've chosen a REALLY difficult subject to light! I suspect even a lighting "master" such as Lenscarta (Garry) would take a lot of time and effort to work out the lighting for this sort of shot - frankly I have not clue about how I'd light it.

The only thing I do know is that your setup needs something more...

1. Lighting on the stem is lovely - that really works and is worth keeping.
2. Nice black background, although I'd prefer the base of the glass in focus
3. Lighting on the wine stream being poured - good and I like the subtlety there.
4. But the top half of the stem, the bowl of the glass and the bottle need quite a bit more (perhaps fairly flat) light. Do don't really want more ambient as the background is lovely, but perhaps a gridded or snooted light (or lights) to really bring out the subjects would be ideal.

But that's just my rambling! It's a great shot and idea and just needs a bit of work I think on the light setup and placement...

Nice though!
Hi Susie

Change - well get #2 the ice out of the way because it is not doing much for me. But the hands - well just excellent. Maybe a bit bright on the LHS and not sure if i would have chosen to clone out the dark bit on the adult hand , but minor points on such an appropriate image - change in time, change in size, change in generation - lovely(y)

Grow - did not know that about epsom salts. Well handled good focus and dof with those little bokehey bits.

Live - well handled - must say that one of my first thoughts was 'livewire' and one of those curly things that one tries to move a circle of wire over without creating a spark from an electric current - so on theme all over the place! Bright and sparkly.

First - agree with much of what has been said about the exposure/brightness
... yes frustrating really ... the label is nice and clear so for the topic I guess that works. My aim was also to capture the pouring liquid, I'm not sure if I've done that, it looks fine on this laptop but is very dark on my iphone. I started off doing it all myself ...taking the photo and pouring the wine but it was difficult, I kept missing the glass :eek: so I got my OH to pour the wine yesterday which made it easier.

Doubly frustrating, but well done.

It looks like - before getting OH to pour - you should have got a clean glass! :thinking:
Ha ha, I hope you managed to save enough to drink :) I think any more light would have been too much for the label and stem of the glass, which are perfect and I can just about see enough of the bowl and liquid to get the idea, so I think you've made the best of a difficult combination.

Thanks for looking Elaine :) Yes it was a struggle not to overlight the label ... if I did you couldn't read the writing !
Hi Susie... I think that's an absolutely fab idea for a shot. I'm not entirely convinced by the connection to the theme (despite the brand of wine!) but that's secondary - as a concept it is absolute genius.

For me though, it needs quite a bit more development on the lighting. You've chosen a REALLY difficult subject to light! I suspect even a lighting "master" such as Lenscarta (Garry) would take a lot of time and effort to work out the lighting for this sort of shot - frankly I have not clue about how I'd light it.

The only thing I do know is that your setup needs something more...

1. Lighting on the stem is lovely - that really works and is worth keeping.
2. Nice black background, although I'd prefer the base of the glass in focus
3. Lighting on the wine stream being poured - good and I like the subtlety there.
4. But the top half of the stem, the bowl of the glass and the bottle need quite a bit more (perhaps fairly flat) light. Do don't really want more ambient as the background is lovely, but perhaps a gridded or snooted light (or lights) to really bring out the subjects would be ideal.

But that's just my rambling! It's a great shot and idea and just needs a bit of work I think on the light setup and placement...

Nice though!

Thanks Paul .... I always enjoy your ramblings ... they are very helpful :) I did fiddle and fuss about with the lighting, but time was a bit limited so I just had to go for it on the end. It's all a learning curve and one I shall no doubt come back to if I carry on next year.
Hi Susie

Change - well get #2 the ice out of the way because it is not doing much for me. But the hands - well just excellent. Maybe a bit bright on the LHS and not sure if i would have chosen to clone out the dark bit on the adult hand , but minor points on such an appropriate image - change in time, change in size, change in generation - lovely(y)

Grow - did not know that about epsom salts. Well handled good focus and dof with those little bokehey bits.

Live - well handled - must say that one of my first thoughts was 'livewire' and one of those curly things that one tries to move a circle of wire over without creating a spark from an electric current - so on theme all over the place! Bright and sparkly.

First - agree with much of what has been said about the exposure/brightness

Thank for looking in Alan and for taking time with your comments ..... much appreciated :)
Bottles are really hard to light nicely, not sure if trying to do it with a dark BG make it any easier either. Having the movement of the pouring wine ups the difficulty considerably as you can't keep re-trying like I did with my bottle for balance.

At least you'll have learnt something and you do, of course, get to drink the props. :)
Balance #1 - It's good to get out of your comfort zone. The image is nice and vibrant plus the whites are definitely white. I feel it lacks a little depth so the inclusion of some shadow on the surface may have helped here

Balance #2 - Now this is a class image. I love the diagonal composition and sharpness in all the right places. The colours are super and the water drops make this a stunner. Well done. I think this is probably my favourite of your images this year. Now get it printed and up on your wall.

Change - I don;t feel #2 is as strong but #1 is a lovely image and the tone of the monochrome conversion is lovely. Again sharpness is key on this one and you've cracked it.

Grow - What a great idea. I did google how to make a snowflake for a theme a couple of years ago but never followed through with it so a thumbs up from me. Great composition and the blue tone really suits the subject nicely.

Live - Well done for getting this and writing this the right way round. Not sure it's doing much for me I'm afraid.

First - A tricky subject to get right. I feel it is overall under exposed which let sit down as you can't see the wine pouring well enough. Maybe a quick tweak on the sliders in PS may help.
Bottles are really hard to light nicely, not sure if trying to do it with a dark BG make it any easier either. Having the movement of the pouring wine ups the difficulty considerably as you can't keep re-trying like I did with my bottle for balance.

At least you'll have learnt something and you do, of course, get to drink the props. :)

Thanks for looking Graham ...yes, of course it's all a huge learning curve for me ..lots of trial and error !
I think my mind often says says I can, and yet my ability shows I can't :confused: But I enjoy trying ...so that's the main thing :)
Balance #1 - It's good to get out of your comfort zone. The image is nice and vibrant plus the whites are definitely white. I feel it lacks a little depth so the inclusion of some shadow on the surface may have helped here

Balance #2 - Now this is a class image. I love the diagonal composition and sharpness in all the right places. The colours are super and the water drops make this a stunner. Well done. I think this is probably my favourite of your images this year. Now get it printed and up on your wall.

Change - I don;t feel #2 is as strong but #1 is a lovely image and the tone of the monochrome conversion is lovely. Again sharpness is key on this one and you've cracked it.

Grow - What a great idea. I did google how to make a snowflake for a theme a couple of years ago but never followed through with it so a thumbs up from me. Great composition and the blue tone really suits the subject nicely.

Live - Well done for getting this and writing this the right way round. Not sure it's doing much for me I'm afraid.

First - A tricky subject to get right. I feel it is overall under exposed which let sit down as you can't see the wine pouring well enough. Maybe a quick tweak on the sliders in PS may help.

Thank you Peter for taking so much time with your comments ...very much appreciated:)