Techno-Geek's Daily Photo Diary (Mood = Very Good)

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I did used to love it

People do actually laugh at me, I've seen them look and laugh straight away. Or just call one of there friends and they both laugh.

I want out of here, so much-ch-ch-hc

Hi Tony

I have been following your thread for a while without commenting so thought it was time I chipped in.:D

Your photography is improving and you certainly seem to spend more time "up" than "down" now.
You have made some brave posts and been totally open to all the peeps on here and have had some very positive responses.
Tell your Mum how unhappy it makes you when she lends your things/invades your space, no good bottling it up because it will bite someone's arse eventually:nono:

Pick up all the positive, get your camera, fix the brake on your trike and get out there and enjoy taking photographs.
You have made some online friends here who will keep giving you the constructive critisicm and support(y)

For those who laugh at you when you are on your trike, sod em (y)
They are unimportant, ignore them

No go and do what you enjoy best. ;)
Day 12
No more fatty foods

I am laying off the fatty foods for a bit so i have started to eat cereal instead of sweets, fatty drinks etc in an effort to get myself slim again.

And after my wheelchair breaking down today i feel shattered but aswell like i have done some work and lost some pounds

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Day 13
Just chillin

I have not done much today, Just the normal stuff really. Surfing the net and chatting to peeps. Oh and i installed MSN Plus which is cool, have used it before but not for ages.

Now i am planning some things for tomorrow :)

So today is good (y)

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I like the blue on my fingers on the keyboard and actually didn't relies i put my arm in the way of the camera :D
:) Thanks Toothie.

What does people think of the photo? i like the focus on my eyes :)

I like your day 10 picture better than your day 13 as it portrays exactly how you were feeling that day (and you had every right) but in No.13 you look sad yes...we need a smiley one I think. yeh?
HEHE i wasn't sad, i was just concentrating.

I'll be sure to put up a happy one today (y)
Day 14

I am in a slightly more happy mood today, can you tell? :D

Well, i have not been in a good mood all day. Being home all the day by yourself isn't really that appealing to me, But it is what it is like for me everyday.

Then tonight, i get my driving test booked YAY :):D So that lightened my day up

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hehe thanks guys

Don't ask about the covering up my right eye :)
Day 15
Oh look where i am again

First off, Not a good photo i know

I am getting annoyed at living at home still. I am not allowed to do what i want, i am not allowed to stay out late. Which is how i have lost friends. I can't even go over the pub. I am 18 now for jubba sakes. Why can't i do anything?

I have no freedom to do what i want, i have people telling me what to do left, right and center.

Am i being selfish in wanted to do what I want to do?
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Sorry about the moody post above guys, i just need to let it out

TG - time to grow some balls mate :) Your 18, you can do whatever you want. I realise you have some issues with mobility etc, but come on, lets look on the bright side. You really do not want to sit and mope though, seriously - chin up, PLEASE :D

Jump on a coach, a traun, get to the nearest big city with your camera, and have fun! Go out and experiment.

If i go out, i get a phone call "Where are you?" Me "Out" "Oh come home then"

If i turn my phone off i'll have the police, the FIB and whoever else after me.

I do try and keep my head up, but i am seriously struggling


EDIT: Ohh Catherine Tate has come to the rescue with her videos on Youtube :)
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Hi Tony,

I've been following your thread but have hardly posted, and without going into my life story I can empathise with you. I have a son a couple of years older than you and understand that it can be hard to tell your family and those closest to you how you feel. However, often it's not as bad as you think it's going to be..and if you are able to choose a time when eg your mum is not busy and relaxed to mention to her some of the things that are bothering you , you may get a better reaction than expected.
As for the trike issue, sometimes the person in the chair/on the trike needs to be the strong one by just looking others in the eye and giving a confidant smile (even if you don't feel confidant) then you may get a smile back if nothing else. This could then lead to a build up in confidence which then means you don't give a monkeys about what any one else might be thinking about you....and you know what??? Sometimes when you think people are looking at you or laughing at you they actually are not.
Carry on with your thread and let's see you out and about in the near future
Jo, thanks for the post. My confidence with the trike is good now :) Although i don't go out on it much now :( Should try to though :)

Tony (y)
Day 16
Very nice

Well, what can be said about today then. I woke up this morning in a bad mood and walked outside to go and check the post and looked over at my car and see it sitting here :) That put a smile on my face and hasn't come off all day

I love my car, it doesn't argue back. Does none of that :)

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TG, its time to live your life mate, the longer you leave it the harder it will be, 18 is a big moment in anyones life and many would love to be back there...
Live it or regret it is what i will say to you.
TG, its time to live your life mate, the longer you leave it the harder it will be, 18 is a big moment in anyones life and many would love to be back there...
Live it or regret it is what i will say to you.

I am not in the slightest unhappy, i am going to be driving around in my car tomorrow getting loads of pictures so i will actually have something interesting to put up :)
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