Techno-Geek's Daily Photo Diary (Mood = Very Good)

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What other funny one? Have i done another funny one? :LOL:

Thanks for the comment
Day 16
Very nice



hey, nice update - i have been loosly reading this 365, what type of buissness do you want out of photography?
Day 22
Funny Face

I have not had hardly any sleep in the past 38 hours, I've tried to get asleep but i can't. Funny enough, i feel more creative than normal. I thought to myself this morning (12 ish) "Ah i've got that jacket in the cupboard with the hood on it. So out it came and i stuck it on and took a photo but that didn't do anything for me so i tucked the edges of the hood behind my ears and that is what i came up with.

I am still keeping a smile on my face about London :) I've looked online and i reckon i am going to paying around 300,000 for a decent house with garage space :confused: Is that for real? Maybe start fashion photography once i am sorted

But my real big plain is to start doing wedding photography and portraits in the studio

I am now planning for the future, not just sitting on my back side all day in front of the computer

Tony (May be updated later) (y)
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^^^^^^ Zelda for the win :D HAHA! Definately funny, it's a bizarre portrait :) Keep up the good work TG.

Jesus, £300,000??

Have you thought about surrounding areas which are still busy? and close to Craig / London Centre? Watford, Essex etc?

Pic made me laugh :LOL:
Jesus, £300,000??

Have you thought about surrounding areas which are still busy? and close to Craig / London Centre? Watford, Essex etc?

Pic made me laugh :LOL:

Around the £300,000 mark yeah :LOL:

London Centre is most likely to be more expensive than where i am looking, May get more traffic though. So that is something i will have to weigh up. I am so excited about it i am going to start to design my stuff now :)

Tony (reporting with a HAPPY mode) :)
And here's me trying to find local houses for around 110k mark :LOL:

Good effort mate!

I am not talking about local houses mate :) I am talking about a big enough space so i can have a studio and live there :)

£300,000 should get me sorted with property and all the stuff i need to get all my equipment sorted aswell :)

Good luck to both of you, it's a tough bloody market out there :(


Thanks :) I am aware it is going to be tough "gulp"

dont mean to take my penis out and wee on the bonfire, but how wil you fund £300,000 in todays market?
its hard mate - im doing it right now and struggling
Saved and a bank meeting :) Got a rich family up there aswell

Could get 5 a mouth but don't know.
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I know most of you don't think i can do it but it is something i really want to look in to. Just got to get the wedding orders piling in now :D

This is like something i am looking at Clicky and renting a house

This would also be awesome
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Day 23
You got a problem? Sort it then :D

Scrap what i said before.

I have been really focused on getting this photography stuff rolling for me lately, and i think my dad and mum can see i am very interested in going down the photography business path. If they will support me it would make it 90% better for me. I have spent the day (from when i got up at 12ish) brainstorming about different ideas that i have and they look really good to me but once i get them all sorted i'll post some of them up and see what the others think. Mind you, i won't put all of them up. Someone might try and nick my ideas :D

I have had a really creative day in all and i am going to be working at it tomorrow again. I just want to get some ideas down on paper so i know where i am going. I have worked out a way i can get some cash to put in it, I think i can find myself a job either down the shop or somewhere up town. I am going to try and put away near enough all my payment cheque to try and get this in motion. I've even got a floor plan for what i want my studio to look like, may be jumping the gun but hey. I am really looking forward to it and that most i am happiest about.

I am going out tomorrow to see what i can photograph, i just need some locates to go :)
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Just one question Tony. You say you are planning to set up doing wedding photography. Have you actually tried doing any yet? Not putting you down or anything as I think it's great that you are sorting out a plan in your mind, but before you get too much into it find out first a) whether you will enjoy doing it, and b) whether you have a talent for this particular branch of photography?
Just one question Tony. You say you are planning to set up doing wedding photography. Have you actually tried doing any yet? Not putting you down or anything as I think it's great that you are sorting out a plan in your mind, but before you get too much into it find out first a) whether you will enjoy doing it, and b) whether you have a talent for this particular branch of photography?

I'm planning to do studio work more than anything and field work

No i have not done a wedding before, Next weekend my first one is. I want to get in to studio work more. I've got a backdrop in my garage now and i love it. Not posted any results but i really should. I'll try and find some tonight if not i'll get a photo of where i've got the backdrop.

This wedding next week is a sort of taster for me, if you get what i mean

I don't think i am typing it out as clearly as i can to what i want to do. I'll post it properly up tomorrow
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Good luck mate, and remember the top of the ladder is only as far away as you make it. Take your time, and concentrate. Research loads, and NEVER be scared to ask for help.

Wishing you every success.

I'm planning to do studio work more than anything and field work

No i have not done a wedding before, Next weekend my first one is. I want to get in to studio work more. I've got a backdrop in my garage now and i love it. Not posted any results but i really should. I'll try and find some tonight if not i'll get a photo of where i've got the backdrop.

This wedding next week is a sort of taster for me, if you get what i mean

I don't think i am typing it out as clearly as i can to what i want to do. I'll post it properly up tomorrow

Look forward to seeing photos and backdrop. Good luck with the wedding next week. Is it a paid job, or just a freebie to see how you get on?
Good luck mate, and remember the top of the ladder is only as far away as you make it. Take your time, and concentrate. Research loads, and NEVER be scared to ask for help.

Wishing you every success.


Thank you mate, I am going to do all the research i can tomorrow :)

I have replied to your 365 by the way :)

Look forward to seeing photos and backdrop. Good luck with the wedding next week. Is it a paid job, or just a freebie to see how you get on?

It's just a freebie to see how i get one (y)
Day 24

What can i really say about today's photo, well there wasn't really much planning i just looked down and see the disks and thought "Hmm wonder what reflection i can get in them" So i tried to get the computer screen in and i think it worked.

I kerbed my car today, what a ploker :LOL: I straight away told my mum to check the wheels. I was nearly crying :) To think i had hurt my wheels, my first ever set of wheels :( I was so scared that when i pulled away the wheel was going to do the buckled thing. Then i would have been angry. But luckily it didn't even have a scratch. And another thing, Whoever thinks a 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa is slow, they want to come in mine. The pull away is probs faster than my dads 1.4 Rover. It's got a very quick pickup and also slows down very quick, excellent for the Norfolk roads. All bends and roundabouts :)

Tony (y)
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Liking it TG keep it up. Good idea, and nice reflections, good text too.

Is it good to kerb the car? Oh yay go me, oh no wait. It's not Damm :LOL:

Cheers EG :)

Is it good to kerb the car? Oh yay go me, oh no wait. It's not Damm :LOL:

Cheers EG :)


OK, good was a bad choice of word. Well Written I should have said, in some respects anyhoo! It made me laugh :D Alloys get kerbed, just don't do it on your test! Instant fail.
OK, good was a bad choice of word. Well Written I should have said, in some respects anyhoo! It made me laugh :D Alloys get kerbed, just don't do it on your test! Instant fail.

:LOL: All the roads where the test is are a bit bigger than the one i pulled out, Well alot bigger really :D

I was thinking, Gary thinks it's good i kerbed my alloys? Huh :LOL:

Thanks DD (y)
Day 25
I don't get it....

I've made it to Day 25 WoowooW

Why is it that my parents don't understand when i say i want to move back to where my mate is? Why don't they hear me when i say "I hate it where we live, there is nothing to do" Why is it that everything i say gets ignored?. Why is it that i can't even play my music loud? And why is it that if i go out on my bike and my dad phones me and tells me off for going out, that i am actually worried that i'll get in trouble and rush back? Two times i nearly come off my bike near cars going round me because i was rushing. I seriously don't know how to approach them about this so i think it is best not to. Then when i say i want to move out they rub it in my face that i have not got a job, I say "I've tried to get a job" Then they say you ant, Really can't win. I've applied for loads of jobs. No one ever can say Well Done for something i do, no one

It seems like everyone is out to make me look small, like i have no power over what i do. I can't even go down the shop without being asked where i am going

I see no one from 8ish in the morning until about 3ish in the afternoon, kinda sucks. I have been looking for a photography club near me but all the one's i have seen wait paying for membership, Like "What?" And it's not cheap.

I want to go back to London, so so much

What my plain is, Get a job where the manager don't think your a laughing stock. Get my test passed. Get a job in London and start off fresh up there.

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Tony, don't let ANYONE tell you that you can't do something. Regardless of who they are. Have some self belief mate, seriously. Screw the world and think of your self at times like this!

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