The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

That what I though Lightroom is easy to use I have also got luminar that good and it Be even better when it brings the DAM out.
Yup going to ditch Adobe as I’m not a fan of the subscription based model.

I was going to go CC but every time I tried to install it something went wrong and then I went off the idea. I'm still using CS5, raws need to be converted to DNG though.
On the subject of the CC subscription model...

The rumor site reports Adobe posting record quarter revenue...

Gotta hate them :D

The guy recommends two alternative packages :D

What he sez...

"I still use the old Photoshop 6 for my photo editing. But it literally p***ed me off that Lightroom is now available on subscription only. This is why I am switching over to Capture One. In general I can recommend two alternatives:

Cpature One:
I think this is the only TOP level alternative to Adobe. And in some aspects it even beats it (like RAW editing). Use the coupon code “AMBSAR” to get a 10% discount on Capture One 11 (Click here) and Capture One 11 for Sony (Click here).

It’s certainly NOT on par with Adobe but they are growing fast. The big news is that they will release a DAM module this year which should give you similar Lightroom functions. And it’s also a lot cheaper than anything else out there. And if you use the coupon code “SAR” you will get $10 off! Check out Luminar 2018 here."
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Well I not been able to get out the Drift been that damn bad and I now had to cook dinner. Wanted to get the dogs out and do some tracking with it.. I still have learning about the AF points is there not a smaller dot so we use to focus on the dogs as we know Eye AF dont work on animals it damn great on human very impress with that feature indeed.. Here are a couple of image while i am still stuck indoor.. Sorry for your Veg people regarding the Meat image, I forgot to fetch the Shutter speed down so the ISO was a bit high that I would of liked as that could of been easily taken at a lower Shutter speed user error there.. Notice that Flickr does some strange things sometime to images.. On the dog there some blue tint which doesnt appear on the original in LR.

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr
Am not with this. I’ve just tried af c in wide and it picks up daughter no problem

It also depends on how well lit your subjects are, if I stick a decent modelling light over something it's struggling with it starts working as you'd expect.

Speaking of raw files though, Affinity Photo is able to open them but it's quite slow so I wouldn't want to do a batch that way.

I'm liking what I've seen so far though, the only real issue doesn't affect me and the image quality from a very quick set of comparisons seems just fine compared to what I was using. I am a little annoyed the Batis 85mm has some obvious CA as it's supposed to be slightly better than the Sony in this regard but it's easily corrected at least.

That’s fair enough, but it just sounded like you didn’t have the issue from your response so I wondered if it was lens specific (y)

I've had it happen with both the Batis and Samyang.

This is for anything above f8.....
Various situations can require f8 or above.

The problem isn't caused by your aperture, it's caused by a lack of light reaching the AF system (or whatever the exact process is), so if you're shooting in a well lit environment the small aperture shouldn't be a problem but if you're in a dark studio it's going to cause you problems.

Someone in here got it from show 50 percent off so that £25? God knows how I miss that stand

They were pretty well hidden, they were sponsoring the stage in the top right corner from the entrance and had a teeny tiny little booth I missed. I only found them while resting at the entrance and spotted one of their staff in an Affinity Photo tshirt. I hadn't even heard of Affinity Photo until 2-3 days before too!

I'm considering it but affinity can't replace lightroom imo.

I'm really hoping Capture One + Affinity Photo means I can give Adobe the middle finger, I think CO is superior to Lightroom but given I've been using Photoshop for 20+ years I think that might be the harder change.
They were pretty well hidden, they were sponsoring the stage in the top right corner from the entrance and had a teeny tiny little booth I missed. I only found them while resting at the entrance and spotted one of their staff in an Affinity Photo tshirt. I hadn't even heard of Affinity Photo until 2-3 days before too!

I'm really hoping Capture One + Affinity Photo means I can give Adobe the middle finger, I think CO is superior to Lightroom but given I've been using Photoshop for 20+ years I think that might be the harder change.

How much did you pay for it please? Might see if someone i know is going tmr and try and get them to get me one.. Or a few people there that might be able to help me
All brilliant images there mate..

Can I ask which AF point mode did you use pls as I am trying to figure out the best one to use before I try and get out later one but looking bleat as got to help daughter with bloody home work..

I used wide area C-AF I think for these, I don't have much time to acquire focus on the subject and they're pretty small for tracking from single point expandable lockon AF (which works great for humans).
I think CO is superior to Lightroom but given I've been using Photoshop for 20+ years I think that might be the harder change.
That's the crux of it, I tried all of them but went back to Photoshop CC because I didn't have the patience to learn a new system.

If alternative software companies want to attract the hordes of Adobe users dying to change then they need to use the same terminology and menu system as Adobe to make it easier to change.

Just closing an image is complicated on some. :banghead:

Rant over!
How much did you pay for it please? Might see if someone i know is going tmr and try and get them to get me one.. Or a few people there that might be able to help me

£25, they give you a little card with a download code.

They also sell a couple of thick books designed to help you through the software (one for Photoshop type work and one for Illustrator).
That's the crux of it, I tried all of them but went back to Photoshop CC because I didn't have the patience to learn a new system.

I've found photographers more so than most other professions, love to have things a particular way and weening them off a particular product can be quite a challenge.

Maybe they're all just mildly OCD? ;)
I've found photographers more so than most other professions, love to have things a particular way and weening them off a particular product can be quite a challenge.

Which of course plays into Adobe's pockets, I mean hands. ;) :rolleyes:

Once you are in the mindset of a certain piece of software, especially if you use it a lot, it can be very difficult to adapt to something different. And it is very hard for competing software to match software that has evolved over many years for features and user interface quickly. The company that does it best seemingly will have a market for their program. It has been a couple of years since Adobe went subscription and their profits continue to rise. So no clear alternative yet it seems. :thinking:
I completely forgot that you were shooting action with the Sony so you are probably the best person to ask!

How do you find it compared to a normal DSLR for action? I mean I only tried it for like 90mins in and out of the shop and the fastest action I got was taking pics of passing cars on a 20mph road lol.

I’m not a big EVF fan, maybe I’m just not used to it having been shooting with Nikons and Canons for like 15 years. I guess it’s something you just get used too? Out of interest in low light does the EVF still perform well for action?

No real issues to report. I'm used to the EVF as I've been shooting motorsport with mirrorless since the early days of M43. The latest Fuji and Sony EVFs are a world apart from those early ones and I honestly don't think about it at all. Instant review directly in the viewfinder is great for confirming how things are going when shooting pans at 1/15 or whatever.

I'd say the X-T2 with boost grip is slightly more responsive than the a7R2, but not much in it, and I found the Fuji combo to be pretty much up there with the D750 for motorsport.

The nice thing about the a7R2 is that you really can crop for some serious effective reach. The FE 100-400mm is the sharpest long zoom lens I've used, so that combined with the 42 megapixies means you can just go for it.

I can't really split the Fuji or Sony but either way I wouldn't touch a DSLR again.
Waiting for a a7iii to come out I got those good ones off eBay in the past. Forgot the brand. People say Sony are good too
Waiting for a a7iii to come out I got those good ones off eBay in the past. Forgot the brand. People say Sony are good too

Are all the LCD for A9, A7Riii the same size and dimension? Then I can just get one for A9 if that’s the case.

Ps I’ve already decided I need another battery and get a charger. May be a grip because it’s insanely weird with a 85/1.2 on the end of it!
Are all the LCD for A9, A7Riii the same size and dimension? Then I can just get one for A9 if that’s the case.

Ps I’ve already decided I need another battery and get a charger. May be a grip because it’s insanely weird with a 85/1.2 on the end of it!

I want a charger but £85

Grip one day maybe how much those
I woke up with a case of man flu, managed to get myself out of bed but don’t dare pick up the camera yet because these coughing fits literally sends me to the floor.
thats what comes of walking for over half an hour in that cold because you took the bus :rolleyes: