The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Thanks Lee, ColourofSound, and CraikeyBaby

I take your point regarding one of the previous versions and seeing if I get on with it. The reason for going for the new version was the jump primarily in resolution and, as I don't change equipment frequently, a bit of future-proofing.

I haven't used any Fujifilm equipment since film era so yes trying an older model makes sense. However I also reckon that if I don't 'bond' with the vi then I should be able to move it on without suffering much of a loss.

I have a Sony RX100IV with I thought would've suited my needs but although it's a good camera I find it just too small for me to treat other than a point-and-shoot camera and my iPhone more than covers that base.

Reading reviews of the X100VI I'm coming across comments regarding poor AF especially with moving subjects. This may be a deal breaker as I have a 5 year old grandson running around the place.

I have compared camera sizes of the the models and the Sony ones will be definitely be deeper with the FE35 attached but not a lot - 30mm or so.

I suppose truly the only way I'll fully know if it suits me is to try it myself.

The wait continues then (or I'll give him and buy one from eBay).


30mm is a fair bit different, but it depends on how you want to use it, I don't think anything bigger than an X100 will fit in my coat pocket etc. The AF performance isn't that bad - I mostly use my X100V to take photos of my boys:

Riding the skinny by Lewis Craik, on Flickr
A Fuji camera, particularly an X100 series will never match the tracking AF of a Sony IMHO.
No, the X-H2S is good, but the X100V is a different type of camera.
The other option for a point-and-shoot style is the Ricoh GRIII (or IIIx depending on your desired focal length). Out of all the cameras that might lead me away from Fuji its that one. Super, super sharp; APS-C so comparable to an X100 in that regard (and a larger sensor than the RX100 series)

The only downside is no viewfinder; and that it is comparatively old tech now; they haven't updated the core technology in the GRIII for a number of years.

I'm surprised you prefer your iPhone over the Sony RX100VI. I really don't like photos out of phones; they seem very flat. I've liked everything I've seen out of the Sonys.
I did look at the Ricoh but like you I couldn’t live without a viewfinder.

The photos out of the RX100 are more than acceptable - I just find the form factor too small for me. So all I really use it for is a point-and-shoot camera. I’m looking for something smaller than the A7R that also makes me think about the photo before pressing the shutter if you know what I mean.

The last few iterations of the iPhone can produce some very acceptable images. I’m not sure whether it’s the actual camera/lens or the AI that’s driving the improvements.

30mm is a fair bit different, but it depends on how you want to use it, I don't think anything bigger than an X100 will fit in my coat pocket etc. The AF performance isn't that bad - I mostly use my X100V to take photos of my boys:

Riding the skinny by Lewis Craik, on Flickr

No, the X-H2S is good, but the X100V is a different type of camera.
That’s great to know. That photo is excellent and similar to what I’m taking atm.

Decisions decisions.

The Fujifilm X Summit is coming up next month.

The Fujifilm X Summit is coming up next month.

I hope they don't announce an X-T6, I've barely got 16k click out of my 5 so far !
The Fujifilm X Summit is coming up next month.

I know they probably won't announce an X-E5 but if they did, packaged with the 27mm WR lens, and they priced it at £949 like when the X-E4 was released? I would probably wet myself with glee. 40MP sensor with exchangeable lenses in that form factor would be very cool. Maybe they'd bring the MCS and rear dial back too! :love:
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I know they probably won't announce an X-E5 but if they did, packaged with the 27mm WR lens, and they priced it at £949 like when the X-E4 was released? I would probably wet myself with glee. 40MP sensor with exchangeable lenses in that form factor would be very cool. Maybe they'd bring the MCS and rear dial back too! :love:
lol I was going to almost say the same, x-e5 with 100vi internals would do it for me
I know they probably won't announce an X-E5 but if they did, packaged with the 27mm WR lens, and they priced it at £949 like when the X-E4 was released? I would probably wet myself with glee. 40MP sensor with exchangeable lenses in that form factor would be very cool. Maybe they'd bring the MCS and rear dial back too! :love:

I'm finding that that some (mainly the older 35 f1.4) is not a good match for the 40mp camera. The 3 zooms I have seem to be fine, 10-24 f4, 50-140 f2.8 & 100-400.

13 years in and I've still never had an explore. :(

If I am honest I am not sure why things get picked for explore - I've had 3 or 4 but there doesn't seem to be any logic to it and the ones that were picked haven't been anything amazing compared to some of the photos on Flickr.
Did you get it yet? I need a second battery for my X-H2S, and found this, and thought it might be too good to be true - it sounds like it might be.

I am also after an L bracket. It seems like the options are Small Rig or a no name one from eBay/Amazon. Has anyone bought a no-name one that is good?
Arrived after a couple of days.
All the images I have taken with the 35 on the T5 look like they have missed focus, put it back on the T3 and it's fine. Seems a bit strange, but there you go...
I'm finding that that some (mainly the older 35 f1.4) is not a good match for the 40mp camera. The 3 zooms I have seem to be fine, 10-24 f4, 50-140 f2.8 & 100-400.
I am finding the 16-55 and Viltrox 27 1.2 very sharp as well as the 35. The Original 56 1.2 I find not so consistent on the new sensors.
My 35 seems ok in the T5. But a lot is down to what you're shooting I guess.

Have you done a clinical test on tripod etc?
So, it's a bum bag, then...? ;) :exit:

Sling! :runaway:

it's 3.5L on paper but I feel like this can fit more than my PD 10L Sling. It has a slot for everything in this bag pretty much. The only thing I can't fit into this is my iPad Air.

On a regular day to day I won't take the Instax out but the fact that it can fit it side by side with the X100 is brilliant.
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Not posted much recently as various commitments have taken up time.
This is one of the models I’ve been making for something.
The next stage is using these pictures for screen printing.
I think this process has changed my photography, or rather what I want to use picture taking for.
still trying to work it out fully.

T3 - 16/1.4

The walkway to the sea front at Ventnor has been closed for a while for renovation work. Looking quite curvy and clean now it's finished. Still steep on way back up though :)
X-t5 16-55

New walkway at Ventnor by Nick Lowe, on Flickr

Very nice landscape style capture Nick, and nicely presented in mono.

"I actually remember that map model (bottom left) of the IOW from my one visit to Ventnor many, many moons ago"
Do we think Fuji will ever release a successor to the X-T30ii?

I'm sure I read rumours of an X-T40 at one point but can't remember where now.

I currently have an X-T20, I'm not actually looking to upgrade at the moment but the time will come and I do enjoy the small form of the X-T20, centre view finder etc...

I also have an X-T100 that I enjoy using but it looks like Fuji have killed off the cheaper bayer line of cameras now so I'll have to look after it!
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Do we think Fuji will ever release a successor to the X-T30ii?

I'm sure I read rumours of an X-T40 at one point but can't remember where now.

I currently have an X-T20, I'm not actually looking to upgrade at the moment but the time will come and I do enjoy the small form of the X-T20, centre view finder etc...

I also have an X-T100 that I enjoy using but it looks like Fuji have killed off the cheaper bayer line of cameras now so I'll have to look after it!

See post #73511 above - probably will be announced on May 16th!

Is an X-T50 on the way?
