Thanks Lee, ColourofSound, and CraikeyBaby
I take your point regarding one of the previous versions and seeing if I get on with it. The reason for going for the new version was the jump primarily in resolution and, as I don't change equipment frequently, a bit of future-proofing.
I haven't used any Fujifilm equipment since film era so yes trying an older model makes sense. However I also reckon that if I don't 'bond' with the vi then I should be able to move it on without suffering much of a loss.
I have a Sony RX100IV with I thought would've suited my needs but although it's a good camera I find it just too small for me to treat other than a point-and-shoot camera and my iPhone more than covers that base.
Reading reviews of the X100VI I'm coming across comments regarding poor AF especially with moving subjects. This may be a deal breaker as I have a 5 year old grandson running around the place.
I have compared camera sizes of the the models and the Sony ones will be definitely be deeper with the FE35 attached but not a lot - 30mm or so.
I suppose truly the only way I'll fully know if it suits me is to try it myself.
The wait continues then (or I'll give him and buy one from eBay).