The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

So just bought a 6 month old XT1 for £400, are they so much better than the XP1?
Not here. I'm keeping my X-T1 but want the X-T2 as well. Don't know the specs yet but informed guesswork says it could be worth waiting for.
X-T1 and X-E2 for me. Both are perfectly capable IMO, and now I've sussed out that the JPGs are so good...well I'm not sure I need anything more :) You can remind me of this post in 6 months time when I'm desperately scraping together the cash for an X-T2...just because lol
XT1 and XE2 for me as recently sold my x100s for an xe2 which is more like an xt10 now anyway after the update.
That's a great coverage. I just wonder how much the image quality and focus speed will be affected at and above 800mm?

This chap has some pix and a review and it does seem tempting.

At the moment if you pre-order with the 1.4 TC it is a good deal but I wonder if that is a pre-order offer?
Think I will ring fuiji and ask'

Update rang fuji and they say the offer is nothing to do with them , Jessops say the offer will still be available when the lens is in store but if you have it delivered you have 14 days to take it back-decisions decisions
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Great, thanks. Will be available in February?

According to Jessops website available late feb but speaking to their sales line they have no firm date,I think I will mull it over and probably pre order one as I can always return it,I would hate to miss out on what is a good saving by getting the two items
still keeping my eye out for a an XT1, LCE had one with the kit lens for £850 but I wasn't in position to buy at the time. I'l just keep watching eBay for now
The refurb store is back, some massive price hikes and the PayPal discount no longer works, hmmm.
£699 for a refurb X-T1 and no paypal12 :(

What was it before it was a while ago I was looking but I thought they were cheaper than that?
still keeping my eye out for a an XT1, LCE had one with the kit lens for £850 but I wasn't in position to buy at the time. I'l just keep watching eBay for now
Have you tried WEX bought mine from there, good service fast delivery and 12 months warranty
My XT1 got it's first sports tryout this weekend at the Ireland Wales six nations game. This is the first time I've used for sports after selling off my Canon gear. To be honest I was disappointed, the on pitch shots were generally quite soft. I'm not sure why. I took a few candid shots of the crowd and these were razor sharp. I used the 55-200mm and the 18-135mm. Tried to keep the shutter speed above 1/250. The only reason I can think of was most were shot wide open.
Anybody having trouble with the Fuji casahback scheme?

I bought a lens last year and submitted my claim. This was approved immediately. Now I can't get my cashback. All Fuji will tell me is that they are busy. Presumably the payment goes into some computer controlled system so anyone know why they are not paying out?
Anybody having trouble with the Fuji casahback scheme?

I bought a lens last year and submitted my claim. This was approved immediately. Now I can't get my cashback. All Fuji will tell me is that they are busy. Presumably the payment goes into some computer controlled system so anyone know why they are not paying out?

Yes mine is a couple of days overdue (from last year I hasten to add before you think you've got that pint in the bag!!), they have been slow in the past, so hopefully it will be paid shortly.
My XT1 got it's first sports tryout this weekend at the Ireland Wales six nations game. This is the first time I've used for sports after selling off my Canon gear. To be honest I was disappointed, the on pitch shots were generally quite soft. I'm not sure why. I took a few candid shots of the crowd and these were razor sharp. I used the 55-200mm and the 18-135mm. Tried to keep the shutter speed above 1/250. The only reason I can think of was most were shot wide open.

That is exactly my experience with the 55-200. Great lens but for fast moving subjects
I think the X-T1 was about £630 after discount code before, do probably the same price. MPB have much cheaper used examples if you can successfully navigate their website for long enough to actually buy one ;)
I know their site is poorly designed. I bought my XT1 from WEX, which was also cheaper than Fuji refurb and with a 12 month guarantee
Bought on 27/11 !!! Actually haven'y bought a body or a lens for over 2 months now, am I cured yet......???

I think I will have to do a full audit. I need to see your bank and credit card statements, and I'll need to examine your cards in detail. Please forward them to me along with your on line banking passwords. I think I should do this every month until you are cured, or you buy me a pint - whichever comes soonest!
I think I will have to do a full audit. I need to see your bank and credit card statements, and I'll need to examine your cards in detail. Please forward them to me along with your on line banking passwords. I think I should do this every month until you are cured, or you buy me a pint - whichever comes soonest!

If you had all the details, you could buy yourself a pint.....:D