The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Here's a few I took yesterday, on the Isle of Lunga, Scotland. X-T2 plus 100-400.

Untitled by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

Untitled by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

And my personal favourite....

Untitled by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

I have loads more from my stay on Mull, just haven't processed them yet, these were straight out of the camera with a little bit of cropping...

Lovely work Steve especially like the first one.
I shoot in raw and jpeg. If I use film mode and the outcome is what I want, I will just keep the jpeg. If ther jpeg with film mode doesn't look quite what I want, I can revert back to the RAW which is in colour and flat colours.
Ashley, In Lightroom the RAWs are just that the original colour file, the B&W in camera are JPGs, change your import preferences to:-

Edit --> Preferences --> General and tick box next to Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos

Then it will import both the original colour RAW and the JPG from the camera with whatever in-camera processing you applied

Note if you only want to view the in-camera JPGs in LR, then copy those to a seperate folder from the card and then import that folder into LR.

Hope that helps

That's a very handy tip [emoji106][emoji106]
Back again ;-)

Actually got out trackside again with the X-T2

First one with the 50-140 and second with the 100-400



Pure class, very well shot, it's great to see the Fuji holding its ground as usual [emoji106]
Another cracking street shot George, lovely B&W processing. You seem to find a lot of dodgy characters [emoji38]

Thank you kindly Sir, I much appreciate you taking the time to reply.(y)

"Dodgy characters Sir just seem to find me" :D:D

OK, a bit behind the curve here re: X Trans III, but my X-T20 arrived It looks just like the X-T10, but just feels like a DSLR when shooting. I don't really know how to explain it other than everything just feels instantaneous. That aspect probably won't make much difference to landscape or studio togs, but for me chasing around after toddlers, it probably will. Looking forward to giving it real life workout later in the week, alongside my X-T1. I guess only then will I know if it's "new camera hype" or a tangible improvement. Feels good though!

Thread title needs updating by the way ;)
OK, a bit behind the curve here re: X Trans III, but my X-T20 arrived It looks just like the X-T10, but just feels like a DSLR when shooting. I don't really know how to explain it other than everything just feels instantaneous. That aspect probably won't make much difference to landscape or studio togs, but for me chasing around after toddlers, it probably will. Looking forward to giving it real life workout later in the week, alongside my X-T1. I guess only then will I know if it's "new camera hype" or a tangible improvement. Feels good though!

Thread title needs updating by the way ;)

I've even been thinking of trading the T1 or 10 I own to replace it with a T20. Love the thing!
Love the colours. I thought the mono was great but seeing the colour version, I think I prefer it more
Thanks! I like the way the mono simplifies everything. if I was shooting for fine art (not sure I am!) then it definitely gets more of that vibe. But as you say, the colours are hard to resist. I have a bunch of shots of this hour, as I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear, and trying to pick between them is no easy task!
I shoot in raw and jpeg. If I use film mode and the outcome is what I want, I will just keep the jpeg. If ther jpeg with film mode doesn't look quite what I want, I can revert back to the RAW which is in colour and flat colours.

This is what I do to. Set Lightroom to treat Raw and JPEG as separate files or it will only import the raws and leave your JPEGS on the card. If you want to just use B&W Raw files, then you can go to develop, scroll all the way down to profiles at the bottom and choose whichever B&W profile you use and make that the default for the camera so it will always switch to B&W when you import a raw file from that camera, but yes, by their very nature raw files will be in colour by default.
Panning is a doddle for pretty much any camera so I thought as I had the X-T2 out for the first time I'd stress test it with some head-on stuff in horrible light. Very pleased with the outcome, I shot the exact same location with a D750 and Nikon 200-500mm last year, that had a better hit rate but I was surprised at how close it was. Super impressed...

FoS 2017 by Chris Harrison, on Flickr

FoS 2017 by Chris Harrison, on Flickr
I notice the APD version of the XF 56mm is just £782.25 on Amazon (two left). Almost same price as standard version.

Still yet to (actually) see the advantage of this lens, mind...

The soft bokeh is the difference on the APD version, but you lose some light to compensate that. I got the normal version because is cheaper and I'm not too fuss with soft bokeh.

The aperture is same on both APD and non APD when you stop down to 5.6. On the APD version you looks at the red ring. non APD wide open is 1.2 but the APD version is 1.7
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Yeah, I know what it does but, personally, I don't see significant differences even when shots are compared side-by-side.

Possibly makes me stupid - but saved me money. :)
Yeah, I know what it does but, personally, I don't see significant differences even when shots are compared side-by-side.

Possibly makes me stupid - but saved me money. :)

You can see the difference (very subtle if you carefully look for it) but is very subjective. The APD lens is more tailor to portrait shooter that want more softer bokeh for creative reasons. Normal people like me don't give a damn about it. The normal version is good enough for me and it let in more light to help me in low light situation.
Really seriously thinking of getting an XT-1 as a light alternative to my full frame set up.

Most important point for me it will be how the camera behaves with long exposures, using ND filters. Any experiences with long exposures on the 2 to 6 minutes range?
Just asking as I had Lumix before and the noise (hot pixels) was unacceptable.
Really seriously thinking of getting an XT-1 as a light alternative to my full frame set up.

Most important point for me it will be how the camera behaves with long exposures, using ND filters. Any experiences with long exposures on the 2 to 6 minutes range?
Just asking as I had Lumix before and the noise (hot pixels) was unacceptable.
Done quite a bit of that. No problem at all. Works well and images are good.
I notice the APD version of the XF 56mm is just £782.25 on Amazon (two left). Almost same price as standard version.

Still yet to (actually) see the advantage of this lens, mind...

Fuji refurbs are in stock but at £799

Seem to have a bit more stock today, just got a 55-200 for £399 as I seem to have bought an XT2 from Panamoz. Anyone want to buy some Nikon stuff:rolleyes:
Panning is a doddle for pretty much any camera so I thought as I had the X-T2 out for the first time I'd stress test it with some head-on stuff in horrible light. Very pleased with the outcome, I shot the exact same location with a D750 and Nikon 200-500mm last year, that had a better hit rate but I was surprised at how close it was. Super impressed...

FoS 2017 by Chris Harrison, on Flickr

FoS 2017 by Chris Harrison, on Flickr

Stunning images, love the processing [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]