Forgive me GAS. It has been four months since my last
Since being given a film camera, it persuaded me to dig out my own film camera.
I gave away the Pentax, but got my old Minolta X-500 out of a box.
I only ever had one lens for it (a 50/1.7) so I bought ‘some’ more.
Acquired. (All Minolta MDII OR III)
Panagor 80-210
Oh. But then my original camera starting developing a fault. I ‘think’ it’s the capacitor. Asked how much it would be to fix in the camera shop near work and they said £150 - and couldn’t tell me how long it would take.
For that price, I could buy another Minolta X-500. So I did.
I liked using the lenses. A lot. And wanted to see if I could convert to use on my 5DIII.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a worse possible combination than Minolta and FF Canon. The focal distance is too similar, and the lenses won’t clear the mirror or focus to infinity.
I could have used my old 80D (I believe) but I traded that in.
So I bought an original Sony A7.
I like the idea of the Sony and the Minolta lenses as in some way, you could argue that they’re heritage lenses for Sony cameras.
Anyway, I liked it so much, I began to question if my next move might be to switch from Canon to Sony.
Asked on here about the validity of that. But most people said if you’re going mirrorless, the Canon R6 outshines the A7.
Plus, the sums didn’t work out. I’d have to sell all my Canon gear and it didn’t look like that would be enough to get a newer Sony and lenses.
So I was looking at a SH Canon R6 I. But then the prices dropped on the mkII and suddenly brought it into the same price range as a
second hand MKII and only about £100 more than a SH MKI.
So I cleared that with the wife and now have an R6Ii as well.
I think I might need to say more than a few Hail Marys.
I'm also going to have to wait a while before I can even think about any RF lenses.