The TP 52 - 2024 The sign up and chat thread Week 40 Candid

I’d ask first of all which camera does your hubby have?

Crop sensor or FF?

This may(or may not) affect how transferable his lenses are.

I.e. if he has an APS-C with EF-S lenses, then they won’t fit a FF camera.

It also depends on what you've discovered you like shooting.

Prefer sports or fast moving subjects, then you might prefer something with a higher FPS rate rather than worrying about ultimate IQ.

But realistically any DSLR from a 20D all the way through to a 5d IV could work. And in some instances, the older and cheaper the better.

I bought a 20D a few years back and loved the simplicity of it. I liked it so much, I then 'upgraded' to a MKI 5D.

I upgraded that to a MKIII 5D but have regretted selling the 5D ever since. To some degree, I also regret letting the 20D go too. Even though both camera were well over 10 years old when I got them, I sill loved using them.

And then, if you want to go mirrorless, you don't have to dive in and get a R3 or R5. There are much cheaper intro mirrorless cameras. BUT whichever one you go for, you'll have to factor in a 'proper' converter. By that I mean one which has all the necessary electronics to match EF lenses to an RF body.

I have some old Minolta lenses that I use on a Sony mirrorless camera. But this is a purely mechanical connection the camera doesn't control the lens and the lens does not give the camera any information. Because of that, they're only about £30. To ensure the EF lenses work on an R body, you'll need to spend anywhere from around £200-£400 depending on the brand of your converter.

Good luck though - I certainly made some major errors with my choices along the way - more so in terms of lenses than bodies. So my 'best' advice would be to post on here in the equipment section and ask before buying. Then someone with way more knowledge than me will be along to tell you what they think.

The only issue with doing it online is how the threads normally go.

"I want to spend £300, which is the best camera?"

But before you know it, someone will say,

"well, £300 could be a waste of money as you'll end up with the wrong thing, you're better off spending £500 and getting XXX"

And then someone else will say

"Well, if you're spending £500, you might as well increase it to £1,000"

Before you know it, your mortgage payments are going directly to Canon.
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I'd like to know what you all think.

I agree with @Kell, get whatever is compatible with hubby's lenses. Just get something basic. If at some point in the future you identify that you have specific requirements, consider upgrading then but until you know what you want a camera's a camera. The pictures I take with my 77D are higher resolution, but no better than the pictures I took with my 30D.
I'm so very glad that participating in the 52 challenge has led to your enthusiasm for this hobby, that is so wonderful to hear, and is a real reward for our efforts in running the site and the challenges. Thank you Sophie @Disney93 !
I can't offer advice on Canon kit as I'm a Nikon and Olympus shooter, but the comments above are a generic guide. If you can say what you've been using (your husbands camera) then it will help in recommending specific bodies, but I do agree with the advice about a 24-70 or even 24-120 or thereabouts.
...and now we are on the eve of the next theme and technique. I am starting to get into this!
Well, I can reveal that the technique for May and June is..........decidedly uncomplicated and doesn't involve very much at all, indeed it is Minimalist
As to the theme, well, still mulling that over for the next couple of hours...
I'll be Straight with 52'ers, I'm quite enjoying doing this theme-setting each week. I guess it means I can't really join in myself, although since I don't know the theme myself until I decide just before midday, I probably can if I find time.
Of course you can :)
Thanks @lindsay

You could use an online randomiser if you still wanted to play along.
Or you could just ask a different person each week to pick next week’s theme.
Right - got some decent takes on the theme today on a mooch around Lancaster. I'll wait for the weekend though to see if something even better presents itself :D
Thanks for the comments - in fact if I'd taken a camera on this morning's early dog walk I'd have been posing one for Straight/Minimalist this morning...but I didn't take the camera that was on my desk specifically prepared for this morning's outing.
After a week of going Straight (and not shooting an image to fit that despite having ample opportunity), I am inclined to think of a theme that is not so... straight....
Donut alert for Boots ;)
I had to go looking for Cobra's donut image, thanks for the tip-off Dave!
As I said above, I'm going off the straight and narrow now after a week of seeing straight images, I think I fancy a different Bent
No worries Paul, it prompted me to find and save that little jpg for future use!
At least it was jammy, like our other favourite cake/biscuit :exit:
@BillN_33 - do you not have your own TP52 thread?

I was going to comment on your Brompton picture, but there's no link.
TP52 - No I don't - should I have one

It's one of the first Brompton's a Mk1, from 1982 - I've got quite a few Brompton's - I collect and if necessary "lightly" restore them - this one is #0392 - there were the first 50, (an initial 30 followed by another 20 ish, not more but maybe a few less) which were what I would call prototypes - most were scrapped and thrown away - and then a further batch of 450 ish maybe a few more before AR stopped making them until 1988

(I hate predictive text!!)
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If you want people to comment on your pics, then you should have your own thread.

Post them in the main thread, then link back to your own. That way, people can comment, offer critique etc.

It's up to you.

I'm a Brompton fan, that's why I was going to comment and say that it looked like one of the earliest ones.

I've currently got an H6 I bought in 2015, but looking at getting a 12-speed.
If you want people to comment on your pics, then you should have your own thread.

Post them in the main thread, then link back to your own. That way, people can comment, offer critique etc.

It's up to you.

I'm a Brompton fan, that's why I was going to comment and say that it looked like one of the earliest ones.

I've currently got an H6 I bought in 2015, but looking at getting a 12-speed.

Will do - here's another of my Mk1's - a bit earlier than #0392

I'm just going round in circles trying to set this up - no idea what to do?
You just need to create your own thread (which I can see you've done).

Then post the same picture into your own thread - add any explanations, kit used, or anything else you'd like people to know.

Then create a link back to your own thread from the main thread.

This looks complicated, but it's not really.

To create the link. you need to edit your post.

First, highlight your title as shown



So you click the little chain icon in order to paste a link.

It will come up with a box, and you simply paste the URL of your own thread into that box.


To make it easier for people to navigate to the correct post, each post has a unique URL which you can copy by clicking on it. That way, once the threads go onto multiple pages, it makes it easier for people to go straight to the correct post.


For example, if I wanted people to go straight to post number #426 above, I'd right click it, and copy the URL. THen you can paste a LINK and that link will jump straight to it.
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You just need to create your own thread (which I can see you've done).

Then post the same picture into your own thread - add any explanations, kit used, or anything else you'd like people to know.

Then create a link in your post in the main thread.

This looks complicated, but it's not really.

To create the link. you need to edit your post.

First, highlight your title as shown

View attachment 422538

View attachment 422539

So you click the little chain icon in order to paste a link.

It will come up with a box, and you simply paste the URL of your own thread into that box.

View attachment 422540

To make it easier for people to navigate to the correct post, each post has a unique URL which you can copy by clicking on it. That way, once the threads go onto multiple pages, it makes it easier for people to go straight to the correct post.

View attachment 422537

For example, if I wanted people to go straight to post number #426 above, I'd right click it, and copy the URL. THen you can paste a LINK and that link will jump straight to it.

I think that I have sorted it - maybe you could check it?
Good man Kell :banana:
Thanks for that @Kell , good man. I've been busy on other jobs lately, but am now starting to think about a new theme for tomorrow...sometghing above gelled with my train of thought...
I thought I'd stay on the same trajectory as recent weeks, gradually tweaking the theme, but this time not being so geomestric, so we are now going for a properly bent theme: Arches

Just in case anyone is thinking that next week's theme might be rather predictable though, I will say that it will be something completely different so no point in trying to outguess me.
Arches? hehehhe.... The Thick Plottens :) :banana:
LOL Naaaaah... These arches may have a train on :)
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I don't know about everyone else, but it's really wild weather here in Ireland today, blowing a gale.
Shouldn't be a problem.


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