The TP 52 - 2024 The sign up and chat thread Week 40 Candid

Evening all... Joined the forum yesterday and having a look around... Just want to learn the mechanics of photography and a DSLR properly and take better photos!

I'm itching to upgrade my camera but really I should learn how to use the one I have first! I guess the camera I want will be cheaper if I wait a while anyway

Really like the TP52 concept and wondered if it's possible to jump in late for the rest of this year? Whatever the theme is, I'll aim to take the photo in manual mode and hopefully learn the hard way!
I'd be happy to just set up my own thread and follow along of that works better

Really like the TP52 concept and wondered if it's possible to jump in late for the rest of this year? Whatever the theme is, I'll aim to take the photo in manual mode and hopefully learn the hard way!
I'd be happy to just set up my own thread and follow along of that works better

Hi Ross, and welcome

Things are pretty relaxed here and you can jump in any time you like - much as we post photos to the group the attitude is that it's a personal challenge so you work within (and sometimes without) the rules as you see fit.

Don't get hung up on using manual mode at the outset. It's definitely good to know when defining the aperture or the shutter speed will enhance your photo. Sometimes it's both and you might choose to go to manual and sometimes it's neither, but there's a myth that learning to use manual is somehow going to improve one's photography when in fact that's far less important than developing an eye for composition and an understanding of how different light conditions will affect your shot.
Evening all... Joined the forum yesterday and having a look around... Just want to learn the mechanics of photography and a DSLR properly and take better photos!

I'm itching to upgrade my camera but really I should learn how to use the one I have first! I guess the camera I want will be cheaper if I wait a while anyway

Really like the TP52 concept and wondered if it's possible to jump in late for the rest of this year? Whatever the theme is, I'll aim to take the photo in manual mode and hopefully learn the hard way!
I'd be happy to just set up my own thread and follow along of that works better


Hi Ross and welcome

As stated above - camera mode is not important for you right now. I run a beginners photography class and I don't touch them for six months. My students gain far more important knowledge initially by learning about things like light, composition and story telling.
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@bullinachinashop As already mentioned, you can join in any time in the year - and drop out and come back again. I started the year with good intentions, and then through sad and unfortunate circumstances, had to take over running the challenge (at least for the time being...). There are detailed instructions elsewhere, but essentially you create your own thread for your 52 using the specified weekly themes and bi-monthly techniques (a new technique every other month, to demonstrate/use sometime in the 2 month period), and then post your best shot each week to the main images thread with a link back to your own thread. (you'll see this in the image posts where people have put hyperlinks). It's just a bit of fun to get out shooting. Likewise the monthly challenges DPOTY and FPORT, and the Nifty Fifty if you've got a 50mm equivalent lens, and the Seasonal challenges. We like to provide as many excuses as we can to get out with the cameras!
Evening all... Joined the forum yesterday and having a look around... Just want to learn the mechanics of photography and a DSLR properly and take better photos!

I'm itching to upgrade my camera but really I should learn how to use the one I have first! I guess the camera I want will be cheaper if I wait a while anyway

Really like the TP52 concept and wondered if it's possible to jump in late for the rest of this year? Whatever the theme is, I'll aim to take the photo in manual mode and hopefully learn the hard way!
I'd be happy to just set up my own thread and follow along of that works better

Hi Ross.
Here is the link to the Howto, but I'm guessing you may have already read it as you know to create your own thread :)
Ali or I will add you to the scrolls when we update and see your post in the main thread. Feel free to ask questions here and someone will be around to help.

As everyone has said, it's absolutely okay to jump in during the year. You may want to back fill the previous weeks, or you may want to just move forwards. One photo a week. Easy huh? ;)
Don't constrain yourself to using Manual mode though, use whatever is appropriate (if you're shooting fast moving sports in changable light, then shutter priority, if portraits then Aperture etc.)

Most importantly, have fun.
Evening all... Joined the forum yesterday and having a look around... Just want to learn the mechanics of photography and a DSLR properly and take better photos!

I'm itching to upgrade my camera but really I should learn how to use the one I have first! I guess the camera I want will be cheaper if I wait a while anyway

Really like the TP52 concept and wondered if it's possible to jump in late for the rest of this year? Whatever the theme is, I'll aim to take the photo in manual mode and hopefully learn the hard way!
I'd be happy to just set up my own thread and follow along of that works better



Welcome to the forum!

The challenge is a great way to encourage you (and me) to get out and do something with the camera each week. Go for it!
Welcome on board.

I find the TP52 a great way to keep my interest up during the year. Some weeks it's a struggle to find the time, others I have my camera and something comes to mind immediately.

As others have said, it's up to you how you play it. Being as strict or as loose as you like.

But as you've said you're learning, then the best way to learn anything is just to do it more often.
Blimey, thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'll get stuck in ASAP!!

Great advice to chill out about the manual mode and keep fun at the top of the agenda. I can definitely do that. Just need to see if I can resist buying a camera that's much better than me... Maybe lenses are a better place to start!

Thanks again and looking forward to getting involved
Just need to see if I can resist buying a camera that's much better than me... Maybe lenses are a better place to start!
The D5100 is a pretty decent camera. Use it until you find it is holding you back before thinking about upgrading.

A tip, though, would be to go with 2nd hand lenses if you decide to invest (MPB, WEX, LCE etc.) because you'll lose less if/when you decide to get rid of them.
DSLRs and the F mount are not going to get any more R&D from Nikon (or even 3rd parties), everything is going Mirrorless and Z mount.
Which means you'll be able to pick up bargins, but ultimately it is dead end tech and you'll eventually want to move onto the newer cameras and lenses. So it's better to reduce your costs now so that changing doesn't mean you lose too much.
Maybe lenses are a better place to start!

Another vote for lenses, if you see one in good condition at a reasonable price. The classified section of this forum is a good place to look - generally we seem a pretty trustworthy bunch.

I shoot Canon, so don't know about the Nikon situation, but I decided a while back that I could see no point ditching perfectly fine DSLR bodies and lenses to switch to mirrorless. For my photography DSLRs are better than I am, and the changeover to mirrorless for those that want that simply provides a buying opportunity for me. Having said that, I still shoot film as well, so perhaps I am just a dinosaur!
The D5100 is a pretty decent camera. Use it until you find it is holding you back before thinking about upgrading.

A tip, though, would be to go with 2nd hand lenses if you decide to invest (MPB, WEX, LCE etc.) because you'll lose less if/when you decide to get rid of them.
DSLRs and the F mount are not going to get any more R&D from Nikon (or even 3rd parties), everything is going Mirrorless and Z mount.
Which means you'll be able to pick up bargins, but ultimately it is dead end tech and you'll eventually want to move onto the newer cameras and lenses. So it's better to reduce your costs now so that changing doesn't mean you lose too much.
That's good advice, thanks!
It's that time again...well, 8 minutes ago...
...and on my dog walk this morning I was struck by the number of Critters I came across, although the little beggars scarpered as soon as I got the camera out!
It's a homage to our erstwhile colleague, with his penchant for bugs (whether for photographs or food for his snakes).
Well, that's me totally out of my comfort zone Outside the box shoehorn perhaps

Critter = animal. Must be a kitty or pooch about somewhere :D
Well all I need is some sunshine, been taking a lot of shots of little critters by the river lately, so I have no excuses this week.
My wife, upon returning from a 15k run:
"What have you been doing whilst I've been gone?"

"Trying to take photos of bees."

My wife:
"What, this whole time?! Did you get a good one?"

"No. You go for a shower, I'm just off to try some more bee photos."
Well, I am up to date commenting, but behind with photos. Summat wrong.

Anyways, weather shot ready, just looking for critters,

Thought about shooting Real Madrid supporters. And maybe taking photos of them, too. Hahahaha!!!
We had a lovely traditional Irish dinner last night: Meat pie, green cabbage with black pepper, and spuds (crushed and spiced new potatoes actually): a delightful combination of Animal, Vegetable and Mineral. (sort of).
So, let's see some veg folks! Plenty of scope there I think.
If it's not Animal or Mineral then it's Vegetable. Works for me :D
this should get soon interesting shots, not to mention any politicians name
In my experience, after a week or so, many vegetables fall in to a state of Decay...

Don't forget the tech theme Minimalist will change in a couple of weeks or so.
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I looked through the themes and couldn't find a natural progression from the last theme, so I was glad it was Snappers Choice this week

Lots of scope there I think!
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I looked through the themes and couldn't find a natural progression from the last theme, so I was glad it was Snappers Choice this week

Lots of scope there I think!

A good week to finally get that 'Minimalist' tech shot done :)
I thought it was time to stretch the imagination and seeing-eyes a bit into a genre that I'm a fan of whilst not too good at: Natural Abstracts. for the next theme. You can interpret that however you wish, what is abstract and natural to one person may not be to another, but that's ok.

Time also for a new tech feature, so for July and August it will be Contrasty. I'll try to find appropriate themes to help with that.
Oooooooooh nice :naughty:
Continuing the slightly abstract idea, today we shall go back to basics and start thinking about light whether that be visually or in respect of mass - shoehorning an option. The tech theme might be well matched with this theme...
Well it's July. Should be plenty of light about! :exit: