The TP 52 - 2024 The sign up and chat thread Week 38 People

40 of 44 sign ups have now posted their wk1 photo, that is a pretty impressive stat. Well done everyone :)

We are missing one personal thread.
@LongLensPhotography could you please have a read of the guidelines and create your personal thread for expanding on your thoughts when taking the shot / commentary etc.
If you are having problems with the technicalities, (I know the linking can often cause issues initially) then we can assist.
Kind of thouight it might be soft this week. but learnt my lesson from last year so didn't take any pics in advance so as not to upset anyone.
Asking for a friend is out of focus the same as soft focus ? :)
Out of focus is going to be blurry, soft focus, is in focus but soft / dreamy
I am long overdue a nervous breakdown, is it too late to join in for 2024? I'll catch up quickly, I promise!
Welcome to week 3

Those of you that are old hands at this may well have predicted this weeks theme,
Yes I know I'm going Soft :D

I don't know what I'll shoot yet, but I do know where I'll be shooting and that I have a very decent chance of getting something useful!

For once, the stars align...... :LOL:
Just posted my Week 2. Been having fun and games with my PC, had a windows update that messed up Explorer.exe.

I uninstalled the update and that cleared the fault for a day, then a cumulative update did the same thing, then I started going round trying to uninstall that one, which in the end did not work, so I hve had to reset windows basically a new install but keeps your data, but not all programs.
I have most of it back now apart from Digikam and mariaDB, I restored the database back to my start of this year backup, but the Keywords/Tag are not right, so will have to try again after scratching my head in an effort to get that sorted, not keen on tagging all my photos again.

I am long overdue a nervous breakdown, is it too late to join in for 2024? I'll catch up quickly, I promise!
No Problem (y)
@LC2 another victim to add to the spread sheet (y)
That’s not hard! :exit:
Maybe I should re-submit my "Hard" image, seeing as it was a bit "soft"..:exit:
There is nothihg like a good shoe horn (y)
I have wondered if it would be possible to submit the same image for all 52 weeks with a lot of shoehorning.

(Obviously: goes against the spirit, why bother if you’re not going to take new shots, should be shot specifically for the theme etc.)
I have wondered if it would be possible to submit the same image for all 52 weeks with a lot of shoehorning.

(Obviously: goes against the spirit, why bother if you’re not going to take new shots, should be shot specifically for the theme etc.)
I guess you could take the same image each week to submit it, but 52 copies of the same image is not within the guidelines.
However, wouldn't you find it boring? I suppose you could experiment with different lighting / angles etc. to spice it up a bit.
I guess you could take the same image each week to submit it, but 52 copies of the same image is not within the guidelines.
However, wouldn't you find it boring? I suppose you could experiment with different lighting / angles etc. to spice it up a bit.

PS - I wasn’t serious.
I have wondered if it would be possible to submit the same image for all 52 weeks with a lot of shoehorning.
I'm not sure even I could have done that :D
Your wish is my command @Minx :)
I'm feeling quite pleased: I'm 3 of 3 in the 52 so far, all on time; I'm entered in the Nifty Fifty and DPOTY for January and the current New Old Digi. I just need to get my a%% in gear on the film front too now. :woot:
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Welcome (back), my friends
to the show that never ends.
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside! ...
Post one image a week on theme? its not that hard is it?

Everything you need to know is Here

And thanks once again to @LC2 & @minx,
For being press ganged Volunteering to keep the sacred scrolls upto date.

lindsay Lindsay​

Boots Paul

Harlequin565 Ian

-Oy- Dave​

gjhill Gary​

Stardust Charlie​

joetheslug Joe​

LC2 Tim​

nog Keith​

ncf15 Nick​

ShinySideUp Martin​

portraitsbyrj Rhonda​

RyanB Ryan​

cptnm ?​

wornish David​

Hawthorn ?​

Simonbrown16 Simon​

Adamcski Adam​

Disney93 Sophie​

Donnie Paul​

SimonH Simon​

Kell Kell​

Nikon f1.8 Paul​

PhotoVanGogh Lewis​

robj20 Rob​

Gandalf Andy​

Chevin Duncan​

JayceeC John​

BobBCN Bob​

Cloudforest Pete​

seaodyssey Pete​

DB5 Keith​

rpn Stan​

Adamcski Adam​

ecniv Vince​

welshwizard645 Peter​

HelenC Helen​




AlanDorset Alan​


Crotal Bell Keith​


j07cmt Chris​

nickbee Nick​

I‘m late to this, but would like to join in. Thanks.
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I think I’ve got the hang of the posting, so looking forward to catching up.
I think I’ve got the hang of the posting, so looking forward to catching up.

Welcome :)

Make sure the link you post in the main thread points to your post of that photo in your individual thread.
I would like to join if possible to keep me occupied if it's not too late?
I would like to join if possible to keep me occupied if it's not too late?
Feel free to jump in at any time. (y)

Another victim Participant @LC2
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