The TP Donkey does a 52 - Week 6 - Present (updated 13/02/10)


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Very late entry Matt. It's amazing what type of shadow you can create with your hands, much better than a rabbit :D

Another brave an I hope willing partner. (y)
Thanks Dave,
PP is one of the things I struggle most with.

Here is the edit with more contrast.

Link - NSFW

See I am learning and developing already! (y)
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:LOL: thank you Nat!
Appreciate your kind words.

And thanks for the suggestion. It has been added!
Well done Matt, both to you and you're partner, very curvy... :D
Great silhouette shot although it does seem to lack a bit of punch...? The edit with more contrast helps but I think it could be enhanced further by making the white, whiter and the black, blacker...see what I mean?

The other think that draws my eye is, I'm guessing, her left shoulder - not sure what you could do with it apart from clone it out but it looks a little odd to me?

Looking forward to seeing how you develop. A lot braver than me with technique and also your partner is obviously a lot braver than mine...!!

Well done Matt, both to you and you're partner, very curvy... :D

Thank you! Tried to think out of the box!

Great silhouette shot although it does seem to lack a bit of punch...? The edit with more contrast helps but I think it could be enhanced further by making the white, whiter and the black, blacker...see what I mean?

The other think that draws my eye is, I'm guessing, her left shoulder - not sure what you could do with it apart from clone it out but it looks a little odd to me?

Looking forward to seeing how you develop. A lot braver than me with technique and also your partner is obviously a lot braver than mine...!!


I do indeed. I think it is because the shadow is a gradient that it is difficult to do without too much photoshop and turning it into digiart. Totally see what you mean though - I will have a play and see what I come up with.

Thanks for your kind words - I am lucky that the shadow is a representation of her - I dont think she would say yes to a shot of what was creating the shadows!

Thanks for your kind wishes! I shall try to develop!
A little late on this one but here we go:
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I really like this.
Very strong red for the rose goes really well on the greys and blacks of the background!
The selective colouring works really well with this also, im not usually to fond of this, but looks like we have both adapted it for this weeks theme.
Great start to your 52!
Nicely done, for once I like the selective colour too. The image seems to have an overall warm tone which I like, and nice light too (y)

Cheers Mark - I appreciate your kind words and support of the selective colour. I am not a huge fan of doing it but I thought it worked well against the sepia style tones in this one.

I really like this.
Very strong red for the rose goes really well on the greys and blacks of the background!
The selective colouring works really well with this also, im not usually to fond of this, but looks like we have both adapted it for this weeks theme.
Great start to your 52!

Thanks Rikki, I appreciate it!

/Goes off to check Rikki and his selective colouring.
Hi Matt.

Seems I missed your week 1 . . . not difficult with the number of threads in here, but I've found it now!

I'm really surprised that we didn't get more nudes for that week, but the use of the shadow is a really original take on the theme.
And I think it's worked very well (y). I particularly like the gradient in the shadow - the way it gets fainter / less distinct as it reaches the less defined edges in her hair.
My only niggle is the way that her shoulder breaks up the line of the silhouette - it just doesn't look quite right.

I'm not quite sure about week 2.
I wasn't keen on the selective colouring at first glance, but it's growing on me.
The background tones give it the look of embossed bronze, rather than being just a mono conversion of the original image and that part works well for me . . . I like the idea of the flower head being the only part of the image still "living" in the context of the poem.
I think what's not quite working for me is the stark contrast of the petals against the b/g without anything to link the two together. Maybe a bit f colour brought back to the stalk and fading more gradually into the b/g would work better for me?:thinking:
Curves: Clever interpretation and nicely executed! Very nice indeed!

Poem: Love the poem, love the shot - i'd be tempted to crop a little of the right away to move the flower head off centre...very nice nonetheless :)
Hi Matt.

Seems I missed your week 1 . . . not difficult with the number of threads in here, but I've found it now!

I'm really surprised that we didn't get more nudes for that week, but the use of the shadow is a really original take on the theme.
And I think it's worked very well (y). I particularly like the gradient in the shadow - the way it gets fainter / less distinct as it reaches the less defined edges in her hair.
My only niggle is the way that her shoulder breaks up the line of the silhouette - it just doesn't look quite right.

I'm not quite sure about week 2.
I wasn't keen on the selective colouring at first glance, but it's growing on me.
The background tones give it the look of embossed bronze, rather than being just a mono conversion of the original image and that part works well for me . . . I like the idea of the flower head being the only part of the image still "living" in the context of the poem.
I think what's not quite working for me is the stark contrast of the petals against the b/g without anything to link the two together. Maybe a bit f colour brought back to the stalk and fading more gradually into the b/g would work better for me?:thinking:

Thank you! This is perfect feedback - I really am keen for people to give me honest C&C.

Curves: I totally agree that the shoulder doesnt look quite right - but we took around 200 shots trying to get the flash in the right place to make her proportionally normal (non giant!) and the right level of strobe.

Poem: Again I agree - the flower seems a little too disconnected. I am split as to whether to leave it this way - the poem is fairly metaphorical and the rose is symbolised as being an object as much as the worm - disconnected from the person. I think I like the BG as more of a texture rather than part of the shot.

Thank you so much for your honest feedback - I really appreciate it.

beautiful rose. usually can't stand selective colour, but that works, well done.

Thanks Nat! I am with you on selective colouring - but this one asked for it!
Thank you for your (as usual) support and lovely words!

Curves: Clever interpretation and nicely executed! Very nice indeed!

Poem: Love the poem, love the shot - i'd be tempted to crop a little of the right away to move the flower head off centre...very nice nonetheless :)

Curves: Thank you! What a lovely comment! Tried for something different!

Poem: I definitely agree with you and the comment above about thirds - I was a little late on submitting but I will definitely revisit when I have more time and do some cloning!

Thanks for your feedback DS!

Nicely done, not too strong a colour with the rose.(y)

Cheers Foggy! Played around with the sliders for a while and tried to be fairly reserved!
I like both shots so far. As others have said the rhs of the poetry one wants a crop, but good nonetheless.

Tis coming Rikki! Sorry for delays.

Have been working in Theatre last two weeks - get home from work at 1730 then leave for Theatre at 1800!

Thanks for visiting! I shall have them up asap!
No worries, im behind aswell :p Was just making sure you were still doing it, like your stuff (y)

Thats some schedule you got going on, must be knackered.

(y) Will look out for them.
Hey all! :wave:

Apologies for the lateness of "Chopped". Have been crazy busy but here goes:

Week 3 - Chopped - HIIIIIIIYAAAAAAA! (You Wouldn't like him when he is Angry!)

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Apology excepted with that shot, great skills the box bot :D
:LOL: Cheers Scott! I tried a few different ideas on Chopped and then I spotted him sitting there in my car... I could have sworn he spoke to me "Oi Matt you pleb, you are behind with your TP fiddytwo and I am sat here not up to much... why don't I give you a hand".

He didn't cry either....

Thanks for your reply Scott. (y)
I've somehow missed your thread. Curvature is quite clever. Would have liked her head looking straight ahead rather than down, but it's a good take all the same. I promise I won't comment on how nice her boobs look :naughty:... we need a "doh!" emote! :LOL:. Great idea well executed (y)

Love poetry. Really like how you've seperated the rose from the background. And a good poem to suit.

And I love chopped! Donbo is such a great model too! Really like how you've used him (or her) (y)
Thank you!
Curves - I think I may play a card and have another go at this one at some point. Its just not 'there' for me yet...The downward head was to suggest appreciating her own curves but I dont like the way the mouth turned out.

Poetry - Cheers - tis my fave poem.

Chopped - Tis my first shoot with Danbo. Not sure if it is a he or a she yet....They are coming out to help me with street tomorrow so I may have to have a chat with them and find out.

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments.

OO and can I ask your name? I always reply to your posts to Karma...
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Thank you!
Curves - I think I may play a card and have another go at this one at some point. Its just not 'there' for me yet...The downward head was to suggest appreciating her own curves but I dont like the way the mouth turned out.

Poetry - Cheers - tis my fave poem.

Chopped - Tis my first shoot with Danbo. Not sure if it is a he or a she yet....They are coming out to help me with street tomorrow so I may have to have a chat with them and find out.

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments.

OO and can I ask your name? I always reply to your posts to Karma...

Real name is Conor. I should really stop being a lazy arse and update my profile :LOL:
Good to see Dan popping up in the 52. He's got a swift right box to be able to produce such a clean cut.
:LOL: indeedy Lee. I got it ages ago and have been meaning to get better acquainted!

thanks for stopping by Mr.
Well done on getting a step closer to catching up.
Your on par with my level of laziness now! :LOL:
Really like your entry though Matt. The minute I seen this theme I immediately wanted to steer clear of the chopped veg thing. However, by adding that wee dude (cant remember the name) its completely changed it.
Very well set up and lit, really good end result!

Onwards to street now eh!
Cheers Rikki!
Appreciate your assessment. And indeedy on to street. Have my shot planned but a little nervous about going out and taking it by the side of the road :shrug:

Rikki - if you are ever down in Herts drop me a pm. Twill be Beeroclock time.
I am in the exact same situation.
I know the street I want to shoot, however its a bloody busy street And its right close to the university. Cant help feeling im going to look dodgy walking around trying to get candid photos of people on the street... Will grow a pair tomorrow and get it done though.

Yeah I will keep that in mind mate! Same applies if your ever up my neck of the woods. I quite fancy going to one of those TP wildlife trips down in Kent this year. So if thats of any interest to you sure the beer would flow afterwords :beer:
Week 4 - 'Street - Now & Then'

Hey All :wave:

Bit of a special week for me this one - I was apprehensive to go out and get my Street image. I felt nervous about being outside my comfort zone and being alone in public snapping away whilst people ambled past. This was probably the reason for my delay with this 52 shot but BOY am I glad I went out and did it.

I spent half an hour wandering our local town highstreet - struggling for inspiration and desperately trying to find something with character and out of the norm. I was getting frustrated and about to pack it in and look for a different angle on the theme when I without thinking started taking shots of the 'Elderly People' sign below. It was a unintentional movement to start shooting it but I quickly realised I really liked how the aged sign was fitting its content perfectly!

Bit of a small but significant 'Hallelujah' moment! And from then on it all started to flow! I started seeing things all around me that stood out - it is a skill I readily associate with all the pro togs - the ability to capture the beautiful and artistic within ordinary confines or life.

Spent an hour on the PP for this one so would love to hear what you think! Cheers all and hope I haven't bored you too much rambling on! It just feels like this is a turning point and exactly the reason I wanted to push myself to do a fiddytwo. So a massive thank you to all those who have taken the time to comment and given me encouragement, each and every one of you - your time has really driven me this week and I really feel it has helped me to turn a corner and go full throttle again!

Week 4 - 'Street - Now & Then'
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