The TP Donkey does a 52 - Week 6 - Present (updated 13/02/10)

Such a lovely portrait! I almost want to see it up the other way, but there's something about the composition and upsidedown-ness that makes it different, but in a good way. And the grain.. pssh, as irritating as grain can be, it works!

Ooh looking at your other edit, I like that one too, probably more so :)

Aw thanks Louise! Appreciate your thoughts on the composition as well as the grain. I am not usually a fan either but sometimes in portraits it just sort of 'works'.

Thank you for stopping by :)

A lovely shot. Great pose and I find myself wondering what it would look like with her eyes looking at the camera with that hint of a smile.

I'm not sure which way round I prefer it, but I agree woth the others that say that the borders aren't doing much.

I also think you have a little too much grain for my liking, but I understand the sentiment and what you're going for.


Hmm I think you are right Ian - I need to work on my borders... they are a little tac at the moment methinks. I do like the neg frame though...

Thank you for stopping by matey and wonder no more:


I wish I had got the shoulders parallel but would like to hear what you think to the variant.

Thanks all who have commented - I appreciate it (y)
Really like the edit. Also like the reduction in grain. Also like the removal of borders.

10/10 for me on this one!

Pssst . . . You need to change your title . . . still showing week 5 ;)

These shots for present are absolutely beautiful though :)
The first one is simply stunning and I didn't think that there was much you could do to improve on it . . . but you've managed it with that final edit.

I like the feel that the grain gives to it, but the final one with the grain toned down a touch is just spot on for me.
Also really like the eye contact in the final one.

IMO the fact that the shoulders aren't parallel works with the "upside down" angle and just adds to the feel of the image.

Not too sure about the second edit with the film border - the angle just looks a little bit strange and forced . . . but I don't really care about that because the other two more than make up for it!
That edit is much better. Just about spot on.