The TP Donkey does a 52 - Week 6 - Present (updated 13/02/10)

Well done mate! Glad you managed to get out of your comfort zone. I still havnt done it! :(
Definitely tomorrow though!
I really like the island shot, your PP has really made an ordinary subject look really quite good! MY pick of the bunch anyway.
Thank you Rikki! And the Thank You above especially applies to you and the guys and gals who take the time to keep up and comment each time.

Best of luck dude - my only advice is to go out and be bold, brave and smile! Seriously - I was really surprised at the amount of smiles and chats today!

Look forward to seeing yours dude!
Yah dont worry about that Matt. Its good to keep up to date with cetain threads that appeal to you. Will see how you progress over the year!

Yeah im just going to grow a pair and get out there tomorrow! Sure itl be fine! Will hopefully be posting tomorrow night.
Nice one, braver chap than me, all those high rise flats full of dodgy geezers waiting to pounce. I copped out on my street and used the camera phone!

Think you've done an excellent job though, love the processing and the multi pic comp. Coolio (y)
Looks like you got carried away in the end. Congratulations on overcoming your fears and getting out there.

A few shots in there that would stand out on there own, particularly liking the traffic island and the elderly people sign. Not sure I'm keen on the whole montage thing though :)
Nice one, braver chap than me, all those high rise flats full of dodgy geezers waiting to pounce. I copped out on my street and used the camera phone!

Think you've done an excellent job though, love the processing and the multi pic comp. Coolio (y)

Cheers Mark! The highrise is a local eyesore lanmark and important to the town. It reminds me of Nelson Mandela House :LOL:

Thanks for the kind comments!

Looks like you got carried away in the end. Congratulations on overcoming your fears and getting out there.

A few shots in there that would stand out on there own, particularly liking the traffic island and the elderly people sign. Not sure I'm keen on the whole montage thing though :)

Thank you Darren. The island and sign were definitely my faves of the bunch. The idea to montage is to reflect multiple aspects of 'Street' but I would have loved to put the individual shots in for this week.

Thinking I may put one of those into Indepth C&C.

Thanks for your comments. (y)
You've probably tried to get too many good shots together, but I would struggle with which ones to leave out. Great idea and always good to get out of that comfort zone.

Cheers Scott... I am starting to get the feeling I may have been overexcited with my mojo! Still I think I will leave them all in - excited is good ;)

Cheers Dude (y)
Sorry guys had a hicup with the website. All links now fixed and working (y)
I like the effect here although i think there are too many on the final image, maybe a triptych would be better. You certainly have the "aged" look to the then images. Alround i think its an interesting set of shots, its surprising what you can find out there. I think you could probably get away with this as your "present" theme too.
:) Thanks Chris. I agree with the amount of images - but I planned for it to be 'busy' as a representation of street. I totally know what you mean about it being surprising what you can find!
Hi Matt,

Missed your chopped shot first time round, but that really does have the awwww factor as well as being technically very good.
Lovely positioning of the onion. The DoF has worked particularly well on the right half - just the right amount of definition in the rings.

Street : :clap: congratulations on your Hallelujah moment and I'm really pleased that you're getting something out of the 52.
There's something really interesting about each of those shots individually, but they work really well as a montage too - almost a collage of your High Street.

The contrasting PP on each of the shots is very interesting and I'm struggling to decide which style I prefer . . . although I guess the point of the montage is to be able to appreciate the two different styles for what they are and not have to choose :LOL:

Personally I don't think that you have included too many - there are only 5 different shots there, which really isn't that many for a montage.
What I think might work though is if you were to flip the second subdued version of each shot horizontally to make it a mirror image of its partner.
I think it might tie it all together and give it more structure - making it look like 5 pairs of shots rather than 10 separate images.

Just an idea, but it may be worth playing around with and seeing what it looks like.
Or how about maybe arranging all the warmer shots on the LHS and then having the mirror image with the other PP on the RHS?
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Hi Matt,

Missed your chopped shot first time round, but that really does have the awwww factor as well as being technically very good.
Lovely positioning of the onion. The DoF has worked particularly well on the right half - just the right amount of definition in the rings.

Street : :clap: congratulations on your Hallelujah moment and I'm really pleased that you're getting something out of the 52.
There's something really interesting about each of those shots individually, but they work really well as a montage too - almost a collage of your High Street.

The contrasting PP on each of the shots is very interesting and I'm struggling to decide which style I prefer . . . although I guess the point of the montage is to be able to appreciate the two different styles for what they are and not have to choose :LOL:

Personally I don't think that you have included too many - there are only 5 different shots there, which really isn't that many for a montage.
What I think might work though is if you were to flip the second subdued version of each shot horizontally to make it a mirror image of its partner.
I think it might tie it all together and give it more structure - making it look like 5 pairs of shots rather than 10 separate images.

Just an idea, but it may be worth playing around with and seeing what it looks like.
Or how about maybe arranging all the warmer shots on the LHS and then having the mirror image with the other PP on the RHS?

Excellent idea for flipside Sarah! Thank you! I will have a play this week! I really appreciate your support and kind comments. I am glad that the montage did show off the busy street signs etc.

Thank you lovely lady for the C&C! :)
Hi there,

6 weeks in and another thread I've missed. I think my "must comment on" list is now up to almost 30...

Anyway... Week 1 seems to be missing, so I can't say much about that.

I like the rose shot, and the composition suggests you took it with a plan to add the words in after, which was good foresight.

I also like chopped. Any photo that makes me smile is a winner!

Street... Hmmm...

I must admit that the montage is a bit crowded. The winner is the "valuables" shot for me. Simple and a bold statement that works well. Looking at the others, I wondered whether you were looking for "orders" in your signs (no parking, keep left, don;t leave valuables etc) but it doesn't appear to be the case.

I like the commentary around your shots. It helps understand where you were coming from.

Looking forward to the next installment!

Week 5 - Speed

Taken at Paradise Wildlife Park.

Week 5 - Speed.jpg
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Well there's nothing faster on four legs :D although my Westie would give it a race, lovely animal. (y)
Thank you kind Sir!
But I bet you don't get a fence in the way when the Westie is in the loose!

Thank you for stopping by (y)
Nice shot - pity the rangers couldn't have stuck some live bait in so you could have got it mid run!

I wonder if a rotated crop is worth considering? Something about the angle of the grass keeps making me tilt my head when I look at it! How's 'present' coming along?

Cheers Phil. I too thought about portrait orientation but then it looks like it is climbing a bank. It was taken at a photography day at the Zoo and this was fairly late on - I think I must have been getting tired or bored and started doing wacky things like the framing in this one! The keepers did put in some food but the Cheetah was recovering from a virus and so was not that active. I am not sure if I liked seeing such a powerful and movement orientated creature in a small ish exclosure with not enough room to stretch its legs. :shrug:

As for present - I am working on it. Valentines is upon us and I have got a good stash of presents. Not sure if the gift idea will be used or whether I will try something new.

Cheers for your comments Phil. Hope all is well matey. (y)
Love street mate! The PP'd shots really look nice, have a kind of cross process feel to them! And bang on theme with speed. I like the different angle you taken it at. Adds interestingness to the shot (y)
That's just beautiful Matt !
Fantastic detail and the DoF is perfect to keep your eye where it should be. I don't normally like funny tilty shots but this one's worked so well that I hadn't even noticed the odd angle until I read the posts above.

Definitely my favourite out of your 52 so far . . . just gorgeous :love:
Thank you Sarah! What a glowing lovely comment!

My only regret is not having faster glass to blow out the fence in front to a greater extent.

I am also glad to hear someone likes the angle - I think I was definitely drunk on animals that afternoon.

Thanks again (y)

Present coming in a few mins!
Week 6 - 'Present'
Week 6 - Present.jpg

Valentines Day was upon us. It is a low light shot hence the grainy feel but I think it adds to the shot. Would love to hear what you think. C&C most welcome... good or bad!
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That's beautiful that is.
I'm a BIG fan of B&W portraiture and the grain just adds to the overall feel of the shot. It's lit wonderfully and there's plenty to look at. Not too sure on the border though, but that's a minor personal niggle.
:clap: that's an absolute corker of a shot! Really beautifully composed, focus is bang on, great feel to it. Awesome shot mate! (y)
:love: Shucks! Thank you!!!

What do you think to this: (I prefer it).

Week 6 Neg.jpg
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Smallish bump for c&c of the border version now my website is back up and running.

Thanks all (y)
I was wondering what it would look like landscape, and I prefer it. Afraid, the border is a bit much for me though :(. Still a corker of a shot though (y)
C&C most welcome...

Is it upside down? ;)

I could personally do with it having a little more contrast as it's a bit grey. Love the graininess though and the fact that there's still some great detail with the eyelashes and eyebrow is superb. (y)
I prefer the second one, the grain is just about right and the DOF around the eye ares is spot on.

Glad you didn't colour the rose :D
Well done on Street, you've captured those well and the PP sets them off nicely.

Speed, what a great capture of the big cat.

Present, simply stunning.. .not sure about the border though.
I was wondering what it would look like landscape, and I prefer it. Afraid, the border is a bit much for me though :(. Still a corker of a shot though (y)

Thanks Matey. Border was simply an experiment to match the grainy feel to it.

Love your present shot! Beautiful!

Fankooo Natt! :)

So do I - great shot!


Cheers Phil - Glad you likey!

Is it upside down? ;)

I could personally do with it having a little more contrast as it's a bit grey. Love the graininess though and the fact that there's still some great detail with the eyelashes and eyebrow is superb. (y)

Cheers Lee - Will try and boost the contrast when I play with the border too. Thanks for the C&C matey (y)

OK, you got me, where are the pictures??? I cant see any of them.
Hmmm been having some troubles but thought they were all sorted. May take a few hours to populate across all the servers...

I prefer the second one, the grain is just about right and the DOF around the eye ares is spot on.

Glad you didn't colour the rose :D
:LOL: Funny you should say that - I was a little tempted but was then overtaken by willpower to keep the shot natural. Thank you for your kind comments!

I love the present picture. I prefer the first one. I dont think the border helps at all in the second shot.
Hmmm fair doos! Seems to be a marmite frame! Glad I posted both now! Cheers for stopping by.

Well done on Street, you've captured those well and the PP sets them off nicely.

Speed, what a great capture of the big cat.

Present, simply stunning.. .not sure about the border though.
Thank you matey for all the kind comments. The border is starting to grate with me too :( And thanks for your comments on the other shots too - I appreciate it.
Really like your 'present' shot :) Nice composition. I'm not really a fan of the borders though.
Fair enough Bri. TBH I am starting to side with you!
Thank you for stopping by lovely lady.
Week 6 - 'Present'
Valentines Day was upon us. It is a low light shot hence the grainy feel but I think it adds to the shot. Would love to hear what you think. C&C most welcome... good or bad!

Such a lovely portrait! I almost want to see it up the other way, but there's something about the composition and upsidedown-ness that makes it different, but in a good way. And the grain.. pssh, as irritating as grain can be, it works!

Ooh looking at your other edit, I like that one too, probably more so :)
A lovely shot. Great pose and I find myself wondering what it would look like with her eyes looking at the camera with that hint of a smile.

I'm not sure which way round I prefer it, but I agree woth the others that say that the borders aren't doing much.

I also think you have a little too much grain for my liking, but I understand the sentiment and what you're going for.
