The Unofficial Monkey Thread??

Just lately monkey has been a bit down

all together now...Aaaaaaaaaaaah

SO any ho, i let him watch the internet horried storys...EBAY!

unknown to me the little bugger had found my credit card....

And before i could say PG



took the card off them, but i think they have my paypal account password,
im sure the dog is in with them.

*tries to make a note of madpups credit card details* :p

P.S - That last shot is great :)
Saw this earlier but no time then to say

:clap: Madpup :clap:
(y) madpup!!! PMSL :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
very good (y)

may the tail / tale of the monkey be a long one
Bought one in Tesco last week with tea bags.....reckon he had been hiding in the warehouse...:)
Bought a new lens today, just love that DOF
my first prime canon 50mm F1.4 and this is @1.4

He is at the wheel again :)
He came to Shoot Liverpool with us too....

Somebody should do him topless... Had to ask at work what the heck this was all about. Very funny though.

Hi, i'm new here* and have just been checking this thread out.
At the risk of being banned on my first post; I couldn't help but smile when I read's suggestion above, so I gave it a go.

Apologies to RobertP for modifying your work -


I just hope poor Monkeh doesn't get anything caught in the machinery!

*Blame Kelco, he sent me here!

LOL I can't take the credit for the above shot. Although I technically took it, it was taken at the time we were formulating one of our Shoot Liverpool entries.

So it was a team effort.

The black patch/bandage thing was actually the keyring off my USB memory stick :p
Hi, i'm new here* and have just been checking this thread out.
At the risk of being banned on my first post; I couldn't help but smile when I read's suggestion above, so I gave it a go.

Apologies to RobertP for modifying your work -

*Blame Kelco, he sent me here!


No apology needed that is an impressive bit of editing! Must remember not to trust what I see in anything else you post :LOL:

Welcome to the forums. Good to see David is spreading the word!
Look who's back in town, now with added suckers (although they are only held on with one string so easily cut off) I got 2 for £4 at Tesco (along with a enough tea to last a few months).


AWESOME!!!!!!!! :woot: :banana:
Yup I think we're all going to get suckered in :LOL:
Hehe just seen these in Tesco tonight.

Bear in mind theyre about 3/4 the size of the other monkey.
Lol this thread is good.
I jst went to tescos...spent £70 on stuff I didnt go in for, and NO Monkehs!! :shake:

Keep looking, I think they have only just gone in stock, maybe your Tesco hasn't got round to piutting them on sale yet.