The virus. PPE. Part 1

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Whatever this bats*** RatG13 really is these lazy scientists didn't include that at all, except apparently the last figure in SI? Somehow I'm not too surprised considering I had only trouble repeating Indian chemistry "science" papers.
I would want to see the full differences between the two; I'm a bit too lazy now to figure out a way to run it myself. Also just how common is ratg13 in bats and / or other animal hosts? I see the genome has been published only days ago (instead of 2013 as it would be standard practice) which raises even more questions. Big ones... This is by no means a conclusion yet. Someone should grab a load of bats and run PCR tests on their viruses.

The main point however still remains staying healthy at this troubling time.

From the Nature paper, it looks like the RaTG13 virus had never been fully sequenced before. They got a close match to nCoV with a short bit of sequence they had from the RaTG13 polymerase gene, and must then have been excited enough to pull the bat sample out of the freezer and sequence the whole virus. You can easily take the accession numbers from Zhou et al and run them through pairwise BLAST on the NCBI site if you feel so inclined. RaTG13 is about 96% identical to nCoV, which suggests they had a common ancestor several decades ago. Now another Chinese group is claiming a 99% match to a virus they've found in pangolins (scaly anteaters), though all we have so far is a press release. Unlike the HIV, snake and fish (!) theories, this one isn't being dismissed out of hand, since it's biologically plausible (the pangolin is a mammal, and apparently trafficked in wet markets) and there's some supporting evidence from an independent study:

But until they publish their data (there's not even a preprint yet) we won't know how plausible the pangolin is as a potential reservoir.
Some photography for a change - striking images from a Unification Church mass wedding in South Korea, with many masked participants:

Only 24 cases have so far been reported in South Korea.

I am surprised they went through with that but they did ban Chinese couples to participate.

both Korean and Japanese have much higher level of personal hygiene than the Chinese. Although Korea do have wet market for fish everywhere.

If things don’t change, I’ll be there this time next week.
I met a guy yesterday who runs a store in Cardiff’s Morgan Arcade. He told me he no longer lets Chinese in his shop. What a t***.
Firstly, I’m sure that would be illegal.
Secondly, how can he know a Chinese person from a Korean etc?
You can get it in a business conference or on a ski resort. Stupid people are stupid, no virus can fix that.
I met a guy yesterday who runs a store in Cardiff’s Morgan Arcade. He told me he no longer lets Chinese in his shop. What a t***.
Firstly, I’m sure that would be illegal.
Secondly, how can he know a Chinese person from a Korean etc?

There have been various well publicised cases of stores being prosecuted for descrimination! What you describe surely is a slam dunk example?
What is totally bang out of order here in town is, folk wont give up a seat for old Chinese folk or wont let them sit down. On Saturday a young Chinese girl got on the bus and not one person let her sit near them and some said Sorry you have the virus so I called out and said here sit down. Stupid people :mad::mad::mad:
It seems as if all 8 people who now have the virus can be put down to one man, him who was in my local pub last week.

If that is a known location to you and other pub goers but possibly not known to the NHS, I think there is a reporting line ( NHS 111 maybe) ,as 'they' will be doing a tracing operation as to where he went whilst undiagnosed???
If that is a known location to you and other pub goers but possibly not known to the NHS, I think there is a reporting line ( NHS 111 maybe) ,as 'they' will be doing a tracing operation as to where he went whilst undiagnosed???

If I or my family end up sadly catching it, then it will be down to just getting on with our lives ie busses and walking round town.
If that is a known location to you and other pub goers but possibly not known to the NHS, I think there is a reporting line ( NHS 111 maybe) ,as 'they' will be doing a tracing operation as to where he went whilst undiagnosed???

He was in France when he started to spread it, but who the staff member at the doctors is a strange one.
Wow! Staff are self-isolating, haven't heard anything about customers.

First time in many years since I`d been in there too, only had one game of pool and then left, the papers went in the other day and the manager said We are open now but bet the pub was not cleaned though.
First time in many years since I`d been in there too, only had one game of pool and then left, the papers went in the other day and the manager said We are open now but bet the pub was not cleaned though.

'The analysis of 22 studies reveals that human coronaviruses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus or endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV) can persist on inanimate surfaces like metal, glass or plastic for up to 9 days, but can be efficiently inactivated by surface disinfection procedures with 62-71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite within 1 minute.'
Without being alarmist it looks like the UK will soon be as heavily infected as China, I wonder how quickly we can build a few hospitals to isolate the infected, my guess it's not going to be 9 days.

'STAFF are in self-isolation at a community centre after a man with coronavirus went to a yoga class. A manager at the Cornerstone Community Centre in Hove has been advised to self-isolate after it is understood that the man at the centre of the Brighton and Hove outbreak visited a class there last week. The centre, in Church Road, Hove, where a number of community groups are held, is still open today.'

'At the Grenadier pub in Hove punters seemed unconcerned that a man who has been diagnosed with coronavirus was served here a few days ago. There were about a dozen customers watching football and enjoying a pint on Monday afternoon, and although all staff who were on duty at the time the man was hosted have been told to self-isolate, there were plenty of people behind the bar too. A Grenadier pub spokesperson said: “We are following the advice and working closely with Public Health England who have advised us that there is minimal ongoing risk of infection to either guests or staff, and as such the pub remains open for business as usual.”'
Even if/when folk start dying in the UK from it, bet the gov lot wont say right a way so it would be just like China deny deny deny but it wont stop me going up once the weather picks up. We all die sometime in our lives, me well if I do sadly catch it then I don`t stand a cat in hells chance of surviving it.
Without being alarmist it looks like the UK will soon be as heavily infected as China, I wonder how quickly we can build a few hospitals to isolate the infected, my guess it's not going to be 9 days.

How can making that statement not come across as alarmist?

Not that I actually believe we will get to that point.
One of the first plane load from Wuhan the sent to arrowe park on the Wirral is trying to walk out .. we have to remember that a lot of these evacuees do not like complying to common sense and orders .. should have left them there .. I can see foreign travel being badly affected this year
One of the first plane load from Wuhan the sent to arrowe park on the Wirral is trying to walk out .. we have to remember that a lot of these evacuees do not like complying to common sense and orders .. should have left them there .. I can see foreign travel being badly affected this year

They had to force him to stay too.
Best to nuke Brighton first though just as a precaution .
How can making that statement not come across as alarmist?

Not that I actually believe we will get to that point.
Because it's Flu not Beubonic Plague.
After Friday apparently I am in a Higher-risk group, funny how a few days can make such a difference. Is the XT4 out yet? :)
One of the first plane load from Wuhan the sent to arrowe park on the Wirral is trying to walk out .. we have to remember that a lot of these evacuees do not like complying to common sense and orders .. should have left them there .. I can see foreign travel being badly affected this year
They had to force him to stay too.

Has the new legislation gone into immediate effect........that is AFAIK 'designed' to clamp down on such awkward & maybe disruptively irresponsible people!
Has the new legislation gone into immediate effect........that is AFAIK 'designed' to clamp down on such awkward & maybe disruptively irresponsible people!

It's not a legislation, the legislation is already there, but it needs to be of certain level of health risk for them to be able to have the power, so they just up the level of risk to be able to enact that power.
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