The "What is it?" thread - Part II

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Fencing foil
A sword, foil?

Not sure of the proper english name, but here's a picture of my guess:

800px-%C3%89p%C3%A9e.jpg had all better get a move on - Emily's Coffin will be creaking open now the sun's down and she'll have this in one :naughty: :LOL:
Pizza cutter
I'll be back, well done SP(y)

Many thanks,
sorry i'm having trouble uploading pic, so if anyone wants to take my place your welcome. :)
This is the stupiest thread ever!! :bang:

I've downloaded countless images, resized and rotated them, looked up really close and stepped meters back and when there just for once was that one image, that I thought I knew what was... it was a wrong guess!

And yet I keep coming back for more! :D

..."easy peasy" or not, I have no clue what latest photo shows either! :wave:
Good for you Jan - we can always do with more "addicts" ;)

Practice makes Perfect - or at least that's what "they" say.... :cautious:
But does it fit into something else then?
Is it a fastening of some kind? Like a kiddie catch (lock)?
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