The "What is it?" thread - Part III

strap buckle?
C or D cell positive terminal?
Nope to all above
The base of a glass or bowl?
No. Clue: most people will own one or more of these, but they might not have this particular bit on them.
Is it a rivet on a cooking pan/utensil?
Magnetic clip on a wallet or bag?
No to all.
Just say if you want another clue
Okay, but TIME is running out
Cheers Tim and good morning all. I'll be along shortly with a picture, just getting my thinking cap out :thinking:
Door handle
Handle of a pan. Just been doing the dishes and came back to this picture lol

If not it's stupidly like my pan anyhow :rolleyes:
Sounds like your house trained Paul :), but sorry, no, not a handle on a pan.