This years Bird Cam

Just found out that my webcam software doesn't support audio anymore, I'm fairly certain that it did when I first bought it.....

Normally you get more and more bloat with each software revision NOT reduced capabilities :(
Just found out that my webcam software doesn't support audio anymore, I'm fairly certain that it did when I first bought it.....

Normally you get more and more bloat with each software revision NOT reduced capabilities :(

A pity, never mind.

I tell you one thing your project has whetted my appetite for next year.

Our Blue Tits box about which we were kind of unsure has some little tweeters (can just hear them from outside even with the evening chorus deafening us : ) in there and in the evening (query other times when not around) there have been both parents at the same time in there delivering grub though it must be small beakfulls as they arrive so quickly and nothing visible being carried ??? Delightfull and your camera gives us a lovely insight in the goings on in ours (y)
I can only see 6 chicks & what looks like a body at the bottom :(
Yep, mum has just had a good rummage round No7, and no signs of movement.One of theothers isn't asking for food either....
Yep, mum has just had a good rummage round No7, and no signs of movement.One of theothers isn't asking for food either....

Just been in for a 2nd look and I think you're right, one at the back didn't turn round when mum or dad came back.
Mum and Dad are calling to them from outside the next box, it looks like it time to leave home :)
Mum and Dad are calling to them from outside the next box, it looks like it time to leave home :)

I'm sure I counted 7 again but still looks like a sickly one.

Will they lay more eggs or is that them for the year? The swallows we get normally manage 2 lots but they are late in arriving back this year.
I can't tell how many are still there, but it's looking very crowded.

And they're still fidgeting around even this late in the evening. I haven't had chance to look during the day - are they flying yet? The blackbirds nesting in our garden have been flapping around the garden for about a week now.

Just had a quick looksee and boy does it look crowded in there ~ surely will fledge soon???
I need to get to college but it's great to watch. Looks like mum is trying to encourage the last 3 out.

I bet we'll be down to 2 in the time it takes me to dry my hair!
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Only one on camera now ~ busy preening but no stretching of wings :) I surmise the nest will be empty very very soon.
thank you so much for letting see this.. roll on next year....thank you
Just looked and they are all gone , roll on next year , colour and sound with a bit of luck :)
We've never had a second clutch but I'll leave it undirsturbed for a while just incase .

Once everything is deserted I'll be replacing the cable & adding a window so we can get full colour and sound for next year

Over the last month I've had about 300Gbytes of data uploaded :D
Brian just had to let you know that your tits went international :LOL: I sent the link to a friend who then sent it on to other friends in New Zealand, Aus, South America and South Africa, they all loved it and can't wait till next year!

Thanks from us all.
Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd dig this one out of the vaults (so beware of spiders)

This year we have Blue Tits, it looks like three eggs so far.... and it's in COLOUR

The webcam will be up and down (like Cobras knickers) while I tinker with the settings but it should be here :-

Birdcam Linky

Let me know if it's playing up

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The webcam will be up and down (like Cobras knickers) while I tinker with the settings but it should be here :-
Git! :p
Nice to get colour though (y)
I'm on chrome and its working fine for me.
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to

That's not the address in the link........ ?

You've clicked on the original link from April 2011, virgin have moved my address many times since then :)
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Ok maybe im missing something but .....
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
Ok maybe im missing something but .....
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
Hmmm now I'm getting that too
it was fine awhile ago :thinking: