Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

well new forrest got cancled due to bad weather, have been out taking pics all week, will post my 52 tonight or tomorrow :D
well i went out and about in my local area looking for a decent night shot and this was the t i could come up with.

Thanks for looking :D
Nice one Ruth, sorry missed this earlier. I like that, the colours work well (with a hint of a tint and gradient in the sky). (y)
Development was a fantastic idea!!
Freedom, lovely shot and I think I should step back from that one there...
Night, another well seen shot and the angle makes the shot.

Good stuff!
Thanks all, sorry have been a bit quite this week have been really busy, glad to there that as always there is some great ideas floating about which i will comment on as soon as possible :D
On saturday my Great Aunt got married which i think is fantastic now i was going to post a picture of the bride and groom as they are the highlight of each others lifes, and the wedding was the hightlight following a lot of hard work from many people.

But when sorting through my pics i found this shot and the hightlight of my day was when Harvey saw the camera and possed for me.

Thanks for looking :D
:D... Good one Ruth, he looks a right little tearaway. A good take on the theme that wouldn't look amiss in this weeks theme "fun" either.
Now it could be me but the smile looks a little forced...:LOL::LOL::LOL:

That's lovely shot and one to be proud of, and one I'm sure will come back to haunt him...:D

and very fitting for the theme...(y)
Hi Toothie - apologies for not commenting sooner, I am now on a catch up mission...

Development - I actually like that the candle is in less light - adds to the idea of developing to new and better ways of lighting up the darkness.

Freedom - Well someone had to do it :D Serious comment - I like the DOF but I'm not finding the BG very inspiring.

Night - Lovely and sharp and I like the colours. Interesting angle works - all in all, I like it :)

Freedom - Is that not how all men end up looking after a good wedding reception (or more accurately - free bar!). Lovely shot - he looks full of character (y)
Hi Toothie - apologies for not commenting sooner, I am now on a catch up mission...

Development - I actually like that the candle is in less light - adds to the idea of developing to new and better ways of lighting up the darkness.

Freedom - Well someone had to do it :D Serious comment - I like the DOF but I'm not finding the BG very inspiring.

Night - Lovely and sharp and I like the colours. Interesting angle works - all in all, I like it :)

Freedom - Is that not how all men end up looking after a good wedding reception (or more accurately - free bar!). Lovely shot - he looks full of character (y)

Thanks for taking the time to comment on them all :D, i know what you mean about the background on freedom but lacking a dunon i couldnt think of anything better than my bed :/

Awwwww - that is so cute :love:

What a great expression on his face !
Lovely shot, I really like it.

Thanks Sarah it was his expression that drew me to the photo :D
What a great shot and a lovely cheesey grin. I also like the way the path in the background adds more interest (y)

And it looks like he is wearing most of his meal too :LOL:
Ruth Ruth Ruth - so sorry I've missed your last few :( No excuses (other than bad arm and newcastle visit - okay so i have excuses :))

Freedom: I love that shot - angle composition and dof all work really well and the message given the theme is excellent :)

Night: Oooh thats well exposed and the angle adds a nice dollop of interest :) Yep good one!

Highlight: Now thats funny :) Good portrait and I bet his mum and dad love it :) Say Cheese or what :D? (I had hair that colour once :()
How fantastic is he?

Ruth, Harvey is superb.

I was thinking about this today, if I had to choose between light, composition or expression,what would I choose?

I would choose expression...Why?...

I think your picture holds the answer.
Ahhh - bless him. I just love that smile. :love:
Definitely a highlight of what sound like a fabulous day. (y)

thanks :)

What a great shot and a lovely cheesey grin. I also like the way the path in the background adds more interest (y)

And it looks like he is wearing most of his meal too :LOL:

There was a water fight going on, although i think he does have some dinner round his copps;)

Ruth Ruth Ruth - so sorry I've missed your last few No excuses (other than bad arm and newcastle visit - okay so i have excuses

Freedom: I love that shot - angle composition and dof all work really well and the message given the theme is excellent

Night: Oooh thats well exposed and the angle adds a nice dollop of interest Yep good one!

Highlight: Now thats funny :) Good portrait and I bet his mum and dad love it :) Say Cheese or what :D? (I had hair that colour once :()

Gald you like them John, thanks for taking the time to comment on them all.

How fantastic is he?
Ruth, Harvey is superb.

I was thinking about this today, if I had to choose between light, composition or expression,what would I choose?

I would choose expression...Why?...

I think your picture holds the answer.

I think your right, i have just put together the photobook from the wedding, technically the photos arn't all that but my Aunt will love the moments i have captured.
argh running late again :(

Want to do something out side and it keeps raining and im working crazzy shifts will do my best to get something tonight or tomorrow :D
Hi all well this week gave me all kind of challenges to be honest. I wanted to take a shot of the Aliens having fun outside but bad weather and i lack of garden i didnt have any luck. so at 1030 on sunday night i needed a new idea, indoors with zero light.
This is the result:

Alien 4683 was extreamly happy that he didnt have to stand in line on the hot harsh reflective plantet and was free to have some fun exploring :D
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I'm not sure who had more fun there Ruth... you or the alien :D... How long did that take to put together ?

I'm not sure how many of these you've got, I'm struggling to work out which are real and which reflections, the stones add that certain something, looks almost like he's on some alien beach. I think it works very well and I like it (y)
Just catching up Ruthie love the Aliens as always (y)
Lol what a clever shot, well done and sorry I've missed a few weeks.

Well done , enjoyed the pic. (y)
thanks all glad you like.

Took about an and 30mins to set up get the pics and edit:)

the aliens live in their space ship when not out playing with the camera :D

just need to get something easy now :thinking:
What a great, fun shot. And kudos to you for seeing the potential and setting it up when you were struggling with the weather. :clap::clap: