Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

ok this week i wanted to show the complex nature of the human body and i wanted to represent this with a nude shot however no one would pose for me :(
NOT TRUE, you never mentioned a time frame
So instead i present to you the complex game of cricket

not very good technically but there you have it.

What i have learnt this week:
1. lots of things about cricket
2. Take a lens longer than 105mm to sporting events
3. Dont forget suncream

nice photo T(y)
Cricket is a complex game (which I have to admit, I struggle to get any enthusiasm for). I think you've 'caught' the moment well there. (y)
Good shot though I feel I would be tempted to crop it down something like this:


I think it adds to the complexity.

Yes that's a complex game...and I don't know much about it...:LOL:

fits in nicely with the theme...:clap::clap::clap:

yes lose the rope in a tighter crop, but stick with the full size for me, I like to see the space around the players...(y)
As a subject I'm with you Ruth! I throw plates - ball games lose me and cricket is 3rd to American Football and Basebell in terms of complexity for me :)

I quite like the wide open view you've gone with - colours and space are great and it matches my perception of cricket - small team - big playing field :)

Yep meets the theme with a good shot

Howzat :)
Hi Ruth, catch up time :D

Emotion - how did you get your hands on my socks :bat:, I wondered where they'd gone! Like this a lot and a clever interpretation of the theme. (y)

Complex - cricket definitely is :) I like the space around the players too and I think you've got the thirds spot on but it just feels as though it's a little cramped on the RHS and that's the bit that is drawing my eye so I'm missing the rest. Definitley fits the theme though (y)
Yeah suits the theme fine. Agree with comments on the lens not being long enough. Be great so have the figures in the image a little larger. Colours and great thought!
When time stood still.

Not a great shot i realise, was really difficult to starighten and still not convinced it is tbh.

C&C wellcome
Looks pretty straight to me Ruth, I suspect it's the downslope of the minute hand. I really like the ageing of the face and it's got good textures. (y)
Looks pretty straight to me Ruth, I suspect it's the downslope of the minute hand. I really like the ageing of the face and it's got good textures. (y)

:agree: I think it looks straight, and it doe's look like time has pass this clock by...:clap:

I think this shot is crying out to be changed to B/W with lots of contrast, and it would be a absolute cracker...(y)
God I'm late again - I didn't have any time but lets comment on a few before i post mine :D

Ruth - a nice old clock face - plenty of character and I like the way you've cropped it to simply show the face a bit of the surround - gets me thing of where you would finr this clock and what the setting is :)

Very nice (and very straight too :))
Ruth, this just HAS to be black and white. I'd love to have a go at it if you want to send me the file?
Ruth, this just HAS to be black and white. I'd love to have a go at it if you want to send me the file?

sure pm me your email addy and i will send you the raw file but you have to list exactly what you did to it on the thread so i can see :)
I also think it looks straight and wait to see what dizzy can make of the b/w version. That said, I like the colour as it brings the age of the clock face out, it's certainly been weathered by time itself.

Email address sent, ruth.
This is the excellent conversion of my image above by Dizzy :D

Thanks for taking the time mate, espically as you included the LR editing which will be really useful.
My pleasure. As I said, I would have looked much better if the face was brightened a bit more but the glare on the top right of the glass got very distracting. Certainly lots of character in there!!
Complex - I'm with you on the complexities of cricket e.g. why the hell does it have to go on for a week at a time??! I prefer the tighter crop personally.

Time - I love the aged look but it looks soft to me. Not sure if I prefer the colour of B&W... probably B&W although as you say the face could do with being lighter.

Well for the first time since starting my new job i am not leaving things to the last min.

My initial idea was to photo a light blub and i took some shots (which are on flickr) but my sister had a better idea.

so here it is

When the Apple Fell Inspiration stuck

Things i have learnt this week:
1. When shooting movement try different shutter speeds ( i think this would have looked better with a longer trail)
2. How to quick select and feather in PS
3. You dont have to come up with all the ideas yourself
4. I can still do photography on days im working
Ruth thats a genius shot! Both in execution and idea (well done your sis) But bloody well done to you for making it work!

When I first saw this on flickr I knew what you were getting at!

Excellent and, dare I say, inspired :)
Time - has done what it's meant to, and I love that clock/the feel from it (y)

Inspiration - I really like this one :D, (y) Great take on the theme and good idea with the motion added
Very nicely done Ruth (y) It fits in very well with the theme
Kudos to your sis for the idea and well done you for getting the shot. I know how tricky it must have been - well done :clap:
Thats very, very clever.

First thought, wish I had thought of that!

Brilliant shot Ruth, very well done.