TP 52'ers Class of 2016 Discussion thread Week 52 we made it! time to celebrate /( celebrations)

Still got to sort out an image for Effort as I wrealy don't want to use a archive image if I can help it. I have a few ideas just need the time to try them......
It's all a bit of an effort getting images this week, isn't it?
:LOL::LOL: It is.

I'm off to circuit training and spin tonight lots fo effort there but not one a can photograph as I would be in trouble if I stopped making an effort and got my camera out!
Good news folks... I'm back out from two camera shops and have managed to avoid any purchasing. I am, however, sold :) I will be planning my moves to covince Mrs Pjm1 that a new camera is required in order that I can enjoy my hobby fully. And photography is safer than mountain climbing, so I'll play that line too. I'm not sure whether I'll get her to have a play with my Pentax or not but if I can get her into this as well we'll be laughing as it's further ammo for my absolutely essential upgrade :)

Nikon body felt fine and although a couple of the buttons involved stretching slightly further than I'm used to, it felt pretty natural in use. My biggest shock: the 750 autofocus is INSANE! I'm used to the Pentax which takes an eternity to fail to lock (half the time) and this was so quick and silent I didn't think autofocus was even working!

Just wow...
Oh boy...I've been having the 750 discussion here over the last few lot are really not helping ;) !!

Nah, the 750 is overrated. What you really want is a properly "run in" Pentax K5. There might be one with a few rock scuffs appearing in the classifieds here soon ;)

(only kidding, it will be staying as a second body for more rock scuffing!)
I'm a Canon girl myself. I realise that probably sounded like swearing to some of you lol :)
Isn't it Thursday today?
Good news folks... I'm back out from two camera shops and have managed to avoid any purchasing. I am, however, sold :) I will be planning my moves to covince Mrs Pjm1 that a new camera is required in order that I can enjoy my hobby fully. And photography is safer than mountain climbing, so I'll play that line too. I'm not sure whether I'll get her to have a play with my Pentax or not but if I can get her into this as well we'll be laughing as it's further ammo for my absolutely essential upgrade :)

Nikon body felt fine and although a couple of the buttons involved stretching slightly further than I'm used to, it felt pretty natural in use. My biggest shock: the 750 autofocus is INSANE! I'm used to the Pentax which takes an eternity to fail to lock (half the time) and this was so quick and silent I didn't think autofocus was even working!

Just wow...

I love my D750 coupled with the 24-120 F4 it really does a good job I sometimes miss the extra reach of a crop sensor then I come to my senses! Plus I've got the Xpro 1 when I finally get a longer lens for it.
I'm a Canon girl myself. I realise that probably sounded like swearing to some of you lol :)
Isn't it Thursday today?

Not at all... I'm still currently a Pentax guy which is, I think, the school ground equivalent of that strange child who used to wear hooded parkas in the summer.

I'm contemplating upgrading to the full "Duran Duran T shirt" very soon though, now :)

Aside from Anita is everyone else around this place aready shooting D750s?!? It seems like I'm the odd one out!!
I'm a Canon girl myself. I realise that probably sounded like swearing to some of you lol :)
Isn't it Thursday today?

I was a Canon girl myself until about 2008 when I saw the light :p

And yes, it is Thursday afternoon, so for the first time all year I can start drumming my fingers and hitting F5 :D
Just realised I have half a dozen random "shop" shots from the D750s I was playing with - as I took my own SD card along. It means I can pixelpeep when I get home!

And who knows, if the theme is "shopping" then I'll be done already ;)
But that would be technically cheating. :p

Shopping would be a great theme though. I'm actually IN a shop right now. Although I haven't got my camera with me. :thinking:
If anyone is thinking of getting a D750, stop mucking about and just get one! I went from a D5000 to one in September last year and it still amazes me every time I squeeze the shutter :banana:
Just my 2p of course ;)
D750 is rubbish :help:

I've had mine a year now and it's a belting camera. Does all I need and then some. I'm looking to photograph some sports as I use it 99.9% for landscapes and I hear the auto focus is superb. The tilt screen has come in handy as well.

Just make sure you good glass. My 24-70 is my go to lens. It's the non IS version but I don't need IS. The 14mm Samyang is also great value and insanly wide.

Many of the buttons can be customised (y)

Cheers and Just Do It.....:bat:
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Week 14 already? How did I get two weeks behind?!
Week 14 already? How did I get two weeks behind?!

Could be worse, you could be 7 weeks behind, like me! I've resorted to making a list on my phone and to take a photo every day in order to catch up. Well, that's the plan at least :pint: