Notice TP 52'ers class of 2017 discussion thread week 52 weather ( and done)

It'd be like a train with no driver, it'll all end in tears, we'll come from all corners of the country and help you set the mouse traps ( er, its getting the mousy's out that's a bit tricky) you can reply on us. There no smilies left to say........

P.S Why can't I like my own posts?
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We could start a protest :D

Really, really sorry to hear that. I quite understand that it's a lot of work and double that or more for you what with looking after a bunch of moaning ingrates like us but I really like your posts, great wit and humour coupled with very good photos. Anyway, I hope work settles down a bit and I hope you get chance to post a few photos along the way.
PMSL, I see it more like baby sitting TBH and yes it does have it own reward TBH :)
Thanks Chris :)

I can see why he wants or needs a rest, he looks a little PINK :beer:
I always look pink :D
(Its a hell of a long story too)

Noooooo, if I can do it you can :bat::bat::bat:
I admire your stamina Jill :)

It'd be like a train with no driver, it'll all end in tears, we'll come from all corners of the country and help you set the mouse traps ( er, its getting the mousy's out that's a bit tricky) you can reply on us. There no smilies left to say........
LOL if only my job was that easy

P.S Why can't I like my own posts?
Wouldn't that be a little hedonistic?

Thanks guy's I truly appreciate the support and encouragement (y)
You can't abandon us all, we need you here to keep us in check.
I'm not going to be far away Mandy :)
But of course I'll still be here doing what ever is necessary, sorting out the problems moving stuff about deleting the "donut" posts etc etc.
Oh and I may even get a chance to pull a theme or two as well :p
Stupid question time :eek: Took my re-shoot shot, so do I only put it in my thread ?
Steady on Dave, you have already posted for this week. The week 1 theme will be out on Thursday, you've lost me doing a re-shoot already, the r.s usually come in a few months time, to have another go at a particular theme. If you want to post a photo every day do a 365 which is seperate to the 52's.
Steady on Dave, you have already posted for this week. The week 1 theme will be out on Thursday, you've lost me doing a re-shoot already, the r.s usually come in a few months time, to have another go at a particular theme. If you want to post a photo every day do a 365 which is seperate to the 52's.

Oooooops sorry and Thank you Shirley it was my mistake :banghead::banghead:
Took my re-shoot shot, so do I only put it in my thread ?
Blimey! you're keen Dave!
There are 4 re-shoots per year, spaced equally (roughly) through the year.
It they are not drawn out the hat within the allotted quarter.
You will be notified of them along with any given weeks theme. :)
Blimey! you're keen Dave!
There are 4 re-shoots per year, spaced equally (roughly) through the year.
It they are not drawn out the hat within the allotted quarter.
You will be notified of them along with any given weeks theme. :)

Cheers Cobra, I made a mistake, but YES I am keen to get it on :agree::banana:
Just to confuse you even more, you can add another photo to your 52 thread at any time if you want to, but you only put one per week on the main links page.
Exactly Susie, put as many as you want in your own 52 thread, but only one in the 'Photos only thread' this works well when others make suggestions on your posted image, it's good to see transformations, different crops or even shots taken from better angles, some even do shots of their 'set up' for said image :)
Just to confuse you even more, you can add another photo to your 52 thread at any time if you want to, but you only put one per week on the main links page.
Thanks for that :)

Exactly Susie, put as many as you want in your own 52 thread, but only one in the 'Photos only thread' this works well when others make suggestions on your posted image, it's good to see transformations, different crops or even shots taken from better angles, some even do shots of their 'set up' for said image :)

Thanks DK, I will now change my name to Dave :beer::beer::beer:
I've just seen the name of the poster that has caused so much mayhem, he's called Frank, Frank Spencer by any chance.:rolleyes: Frank, Frank, Frank, why not try the 365's. We have just spent the last 48hours with our wee pinky snakey, in intensive calming down by @Dark Knight and other brave volunteers. All well until 11.38 last night when you posted, most folk were :sleep:clearly you don't need much sleep. Forgotton what I was just going to say, oh! yes got it. Happy New Year and Good luck, cause your going to need it. :bat:
When Pinky reads your post it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.:cobra:
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Oh Dear God NO !!!
Shirley seems to be poking the monster with a big pointy stick!

Run... Run for your lives...

OHHhhhhhhh... Shirley prodded and poked me alright.. :D ... and run... run for the hills... for over the hills and far away is another excuse for a 24!!!!
What is this about, dare I ask.

I've just seen the name of the poster that has caused so much mayhem, he's called Frank, Frank Spencer by any chance.:rolleyes: Frank, Frank, Frank, why not try the 365's. We have just spent the last 48hours with our wee pinky snakey, in intensive calming down by @Dark Knight and other brave volunteers. All well until 11.38 last night when you posted, most folk were :sleep:clearly you don't need much sleep. Forgotton what I was just going to say, oh! yes got it. Happy New Year and Good luck, cause your going to need it. :bat:
When Pinky reads your post it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.:cobra:

Well, well Shirley......SOOOOOooooo glad you asked...please...pull up a chair....let's have a chat about a 24 ...36.... or how about trying the 48?


Oh No... he will tell you soon, don't fall for it unless you like no sleep :D

sleep DK...who needs sleep...when there is a challenge a foot??

I gather it is long winded and never ending then :eek::D

Just had a look, well cool :)

Exactly COOL.....

@Shirleyr @Dave70D
Here is Frank's 24 thread from last year

Be afraid, be very afraid.
Showing the slightest interest means you've signed up!

....think of me as the Candyman...or Beetlejuice? we have cleared the air....

....... is now a good time to mention the 24? How about one this weekend? Start the year off with a bang? :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty: we have cleared the air....

....... is now a good time to mention the 24? How about one this weekend? Start the year off with a bang? :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty:


<STILL not listening>

:oops: :$

Well... maybe in a couple of months once work settles down :)
Crazy the lot of you, don't be sucked in by sammy, he's the most crazy person I know!

Crazy the lot of you, don't be sucked in by sammy, he's the most crazy person I know!


............... Please ignore the pink snake behind the curtain.... it is merely the janitor sweeping up last nights empties!!... rejoice one and all as the photo24 is close at hand???
I'm terribly sorry but I would if I could but I've lot a glove and now I'm spring cleaning the under the stairs and you know where that leads to. Anyway I've got the best excuse er! reason ever, my two best cameras are broke. So my poor little Lumix couldn't cope, goodbye Frank:wave: Hey there's a song Goodbye Frank hello Smantha.
I'm terribly sorry but I would if I could but I've lot a glove and now I'm spring cleaning the under the stairs and you know where that leads to. Anyway I've got the best excuse er! reason ever, my two best cameras are broke. So my poor little Lumix couldn't cope, goodbye Frank:wave: Hey there's a song Goodbye Frank hello Smantha.

.......... stay a while Shirley.... its still need to spring clean just yet... and a lumix is on the list of recommended cameras for a 24...