weekly Viv1969's Try at 52....The Sequel....2016 Week 50, 51 & 52.... And finished

A simple cycle. :)

Very creative thinking Ruth - I like your interpretation for the theme. Very .. .um .. .striking. :clap:
Very creative thinking Ruth - I like your interpretation for the theme. Very .. .um .. .striking. :clap:

Oh very good. :D
Thanks for having a look and commenting. :)
Activity - Well Ruth, that's going to have gotten you on some official watch-list somewhere...
You had me chuckling :) I will agree with @Carl Ayling though, it does look a little on the blue side.

Life - Blimey, that was quick off the mark. I love the concept of using matches to create matchstick people, and the use of burnt out ones for the end of life. Very Clever.
Something to print and stick on your wall (or perhaps to actually make and put on a wall) as it would be a interesting talking point.
Activity - Well Ruth, that's going to have gotten you on some official watch-list somewhere...
You had me chuckling :) I will agree with @Carl Ayling though, it does look a little on the blue side.

Life - Blimey, that was quick off the mark. I love the concept of using matches to create matchstick people, and the use of burnt out ones for the end of life. Very Clever.
Something to print and stick on your wall (or perhaps to actually make and put on a wall) as it would be a interesting talking point.

Blimey, I never thought of that.
Maybe I should take it down from Flickr! :eek:

Thanks for commenting, and giving me the Herbie jeebies!! :D
That's a great idea! Very creative and well executed
Interesting take on the theme, well thought out, don't know what the fuss is about your activity shot some people are a little too sensitive bless them
That's a great idea! Very creative and well executed

Thank you very much, :)

Interesting take on the theme, well thought out, don't know what the fuss is about your activity shot some people are a little too sensitive bless them

Thanks...appreciate it.
(And I expected a poor reaction for Activity...never stops me though ;) )

Thinking out of the box for Activity, nice compo, for life did you use the burnt matches to light the dynamite:p:p:p

Thanks Wally...that would be telling!! :D

What an original idea Ruth ...I like it, I did wonder if it would stand out more on a plain background ....but I'm not sure!

Thanks Susie.
I did try a plain BG...both black and white...but preferred this one. :)
That's really thinking outside the (match) box this week Ruth, clever idea, striking actually ...

... OK OK I'm done :D
That's really thinking outside the (match) box this week Ruth, clever idea, striking actually ...

... OK OK I'm done :D
Groan...thanks Chris.
I'm beginning to think it looks like the dead match is being beamed up to the mother box ship. o_O
Life, cracking idea. Really like this one.

Crit, well to be very critical, I'd like the matches to have been cut by a knife rather than snapped, would make them a little cleaner....

That said, a creative submission.

Life, cracking idea. Really like this one.

Crit, well to be very critical, I'd like the matches to have been cut by a knife rather than snapped, would make them a little cleaner....

That said, a creative submission.


Thanks Andy.
I deliberately used the ragged snapped matches because, well, life ain't perfect. ;) :)
Hi Ruth a bit of a catchup for me

Stones, nice image, I just wonder what it would look like in B&W?
Simple, nice and simple image, with the detail in the bubbles good, I would have thought that simple was right up your street as your images always shout 'simple' and are very effective!
Signs, again a nice image, like it against the black background, well lit as well
Flora, again a simple and effective image, loving the green :)
Activity, a timely image! a bit risky, but still nice
Life, very clever and creative
Hi Ruth a bit of a catchup for me

Stones, nice image, I just wonder what it would look like in B&W?
Simple, nice and simple image, with the detail in the bubbles good, I would have thought that simple was right up your street as your images always shout 'simple' and are very effective!
Signs, again a nice image, like it against the black background, well lit as well
Flora, again a simple and effective image, loving the green :)
Activity, a timely image! a bit risky, but still nice
Life, very clever and creative

Lee, thanks for the immense catch up!
I appreciate your comments a lot :)
I'm interested, in what way rushed?

Can't put my finger on it, and maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it, must be just a combination of things like BG, WB, focus ... it's slightly lacking in your usual magic.

And the old life cycle with matches trick .... nicely done. ;)
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Activity - certainly created a lot of strong reactions and thought, so job done I'd say. I think it's maybe the lighting that's a little flat, but a brave choice for the theme.
Life - love that - very clever (y)

Thanks very much Em :)
Will be one of my favourites for sure, brilliant concept for the theme ! Nicely taken with the background

Thanks a lot Chris, much appreciated! :)
sorry bit of a catch up on comments

Sign - unusual take on the theme.
flora - clean sharp image and smiley
Activity - certainly caused some controversy hate to think what the original idea was.
life - very creative I like it
sorry bit of a catch up on comments

Sign - unusual take on the theme.
flora - clean sharp image and smiley
Activity - certainly caused some controversy hate to think what the original idea was.
life - very creative I like it

Thanks for the catchup minx, it's very much appreciated. :)
I know I 'liked' the shot at the time, but as I've a bit more time thought I'd tell you how impressed I was with the Life shot, Ruth. Very creative!

A very good idea well captured :)
He's baaaaack!

Hi Ruth. I applaud the use of edible props ... wish I were there to help clear up! Nicely composed, colourful and a good fun image. :clap:
As Carl says, I'll always advocate the use of chocolate where possible :)

I'm liking the 'expression' on the big egg and the slightly high key styling to make the edge of the bowl and surface disappear.
Hi Ruth. I applaud the use of edible props ... wish I were there to help clear up! Nicely composed, colourful and a good fun image. :clap:

Thanks Carl. I'd happily share the little props.
I prefer the big ones. :D

Hidden - Fun shot I like the colour tones.

Thanks minx. :)

As Carl says, I'll always advocate the use of chocolate where possible :)

I'm liking the 'expression' on the big egg and the slightly high key styling to make the edge of the bowl and surface disappear.

Oooooh chocolate ....always a winner ...not sure about the offside crop but that's just my OCD, super bright eggs, a great idea Ruth, very original.

Thanks to both of you for looking, although, chocolate?
I have a coop full of tiny miniature chickens who lay brightly coloured eggs. ;)

And Susie, I took a centralised shot which included the whole of the bowl, but it looked a little "clinical". Not quirky enough. :)
Cheers Tim.(y)
Yay! The egg returns! Colourful and fun, though I can't quite make my mind up on the crop...I think it works for me. I'm definitely with you on preferring the bigger props :)

Thanks Em.
He's been battling to get out of the box for a while. :D

That's a nice fun shot but not keen on the offset composition and would prefer a square crop centred shot.

Thanks for commenting Stan. Much appreciated. :)
As I mentioned earlier, I did do a version squared and centred, but it just didn't look right.
Hi Ruth :)

A couple of super images as usual, I do love your imagination !!!

Life, a clever idea, although the knot bugs me slightly, nicely thought out and like the withered burnt out end, just how I feel at the moment :D

Hidden - Now that is just superb, the clipping on the left is a shame, but overall a real fun image, very bright, perfectly staged and nibbles for later too - Perfect :clap: