weekly Viv1969's Try at 52....The Sequel....2016 Week 50, 51 & 52.... And finished

Hi Ruth :)

A couple of super images as usual, I do love your imagination !!!

Life, a clever idea, although the knot bugs me slightly, nicely thought out and like the withered burnt out end, just how I feel at the moment :D

Hidden - Now that is just superb, the clipping on the left is a shame, but overall a real fun image, very bright, perfectly staged and nibbles for later too - Perfect :clap:

Thanks. :)
I feel similarly about the knot....looks like the mother ship is beaming up the body :LOL:

Hidden made me laugh out loud. I love the expression on Big Egg's face. And you get to eat the props afterwards to. (y)

Many thanks. Egbert was in a mischievous mood. :D
The other props are still untouched in the fridge... Help yourself! :D
Is is Easter again? But great photo!
Hidden brilliant image great fun with some great colours and you needed to eat the props straight away to stop them melting in this heat so its a win win image:)
Hidden make me laugh. :D top idea for the theme ... nicely done.
Hidden brilliant image great fun with some great colours and you needed to eat the props straight away to stop them melting in this heat so its a win win image:)

Hidden make me laugh. :D top idea for the theme ... nicely done.

I love this Ruth, I bet the eggs are gone now ! Nice theme

Many thanks all.
The props are still in the fridge.
I think a society is forming!
First come, first served :LOL:
Life - Clever take on the theme and very original and well thought out.
Hidden - Great fun image - lovely colours and nice contrast to the sombre 'life' shot
Both great :clap:
Week 30 - Lone / Lonely

Poor little fella.....all alone :(

Very clever Ruth (y)

(and I shell resist any puns this time :D )
Excellent Ruth - would never have thought of that. Like the artistry with the paintbrush let alone the camera. Good fun image again.
Very clever Ruth (y)

(and I shell resist any puns this time :D )

Ruth, your take on the theme this week and last with the eggs are great, just shows what great imagination you have !

Excellent Ruth - would never have thought of that. Like the artistry with the paintbrush let alone the camera. Good fun image again.

Thank you guys.
I merely document his adventures.
His biographer, if you will ;)
Whats a matter with you Ruth the poor eggs suffering and all you can do is point a camera at it, shame on you :mad:
Whats a matter with you Ruth the poor eggs suffering and all you can do is point a camera at it, shame on you :mad:

But Allen, if I interfered, I'd wind up hand rearing it, then I'd have to release it back into the wild, and I don't think my poor heart could take it.
Best to just let nature take its course. :LOL:

Your two egg pictures are very clever, well done:clap:

Thanks Clive, much appreciated. :)
What a cracking idea Ruth :exit:

Lovely lighting and details.

It made me smile
I love that egg image too, spot on focus/DoF and the inclusion of the tad of green works wonders... like it a lot, a nice image, well in fact its a cracking shot :)

Thanks DK...much appreciated. :)

What a cracking idea Ruth :exit:

Lovely lighting and details.

It made me smile

Groan. :)
Many thanks.

Only you could make a shot of 2 eggs so emotional! Love the dof and, as DK said, the touch of green.

Thanks Em. :)
Oh, another egg themed photo! Great idea and well lit.
Last edited:
Week 31 - Fauna.

I thought there might be a lot of pictures of little creatures, so I decided to go to the opposite end of the spectrum.
You have to be patient to catch on of these fellas in the wild.

I couldn't resist the "...cation" either. :D

Thought for today ....
As plastic is made from oil and oil is made from dead dinosaurs, how much actual real dinosaur is there in a plastic dinosaur?

Two very much on theme images Ruth (y)
Plastic?...Whaddya mean, plastic? :thinking: :sneaky:

Thanks Chris :)
Plastic?...Whaddya mean, plastic? :thinking:
Well he certainly has a bad case of rigor mortis if nothing else!
But I suppose being dead for 65 million years would have that effect on anyone :D
Well he certainly has a bad case of rigor mortis if nothing else!
But I suppose being dead for 65 million years would have that effect on anyone :D

But, he was chasing me.
I barely made it out of there alive!
You don't see too may of them these days ... thankfully for the sanctity of the grass verges I say. I like the second one best though Ruth - sharp and .... well ... it does tell a story - I'm assuming shutter speed was not a primary consideration !!!
Hi Ruth ...aww that's a cute shot for Lone ...well done with getting that one sorted.

Love the dinosaur ....a great idea ....it should have been an easy topic but it's got me stumped.

Thanks Susie. I struggled for a while too!

You don't see too may of them these days ... thankfully for the sanctity of the grass verges I say. I like the second one best though Ruth - sharp and .... well ... it does tell a story - I'm assuming shutter speed was not a primary consideration !!!

Thanks Carl. Yep, you don't have to shoot from the hip to capture mating tortoises. I passed the enclosure again about 20 minutes later....not moved!

Hi Ruth, like your T rex but wonder if it could be enhanced a bit with some dodge and burn on the t-rex itself to help the colors stand out a bit more.

Many thanks.
The colours are pretty true to the those seen, but I agree with the leg area.
Sadly, my dodging and burning skills are limited at best :(

Fauna, I can't imagine seeing one of them for real :runaway:


Cheers Andy. Patience is critical with these fellas :D

Love this Ruth, bet you ran like hell !

Usain's got nothing on me! :D
Week 32 - Static

They're heeeerre.......

Lovely shot Ruth (first image of the elephant)
this chap could do with a touch of Nivea around the eyes .. well actually everywhere in fact :rolleyes:

Lovely shot Ruth (first image of the elephant)
this chap could do with a touch of Nivea around the eyes .. well actually everywhere in fact :rolleyes:


Thanks Tony.
She definitely hasn't been spending much on the Q10!!