WCMUT....what cheered me up today

WCMUT has been an assortment of bird viewings. We visited a rather depleted reservoir a few km away (been meaning to for a few years but only got around to it today!!!) and saw several Grey Herons, loads of Cormorants and a (pretty certain!) Marsh Harrier. To top that off, we were treated to a Kingfisher on the rocks about 25m from our lunch table.
Heading off to Thailand in 3 weeks time and we're spending 21 days over there... When I'm over there I usually plan to have a trip off on the railway and in the past it has meant booking the tickets when we arrive. Found out recently there's an on-line portal for pre-booking..... WCMUT was successfully registering and pre-booking my tickets for a overnight sleeper to/from Bangkok.
Heading off to Thailand in 3 weeks time and we're spending 21 days over there... When I'm over there I usually plan to have a trip off on the railway and in the past it has meant booking the tickets when we arrive. Found out recently there's an on-line portal for pre-booking..... WCMUT was successfully registering and pre-booking my tickets for a overnight sleeper to/from Bangkok.

Mrs WW is there at the mo. As you may know it's the rainy season and although some areas have seen flooding where she is they've had less rain than usual.

Hope the weather suits you while you are there. Enjoy! :D
After a week being a bit poorly today I managed my first meal since last Saturday, I did my exercises and managed an evening photography trip to Saltburn. The light wasn't great but I enjoyed being out with a camera (actually I took two) again.
Mrs WW is there at the mo. As you may know it's the rainy season and although some areas have seen flooding where she is they've had less rain than usual.

Hope the weather suits you while you are there. Enjoy! :D

We were out there for 3 weeks in May/June for a family wedding and the only day it didn't rain was the day of the wedding!!!

I don't mind the rain in Thailand.... With being Cumbrian I'm used to raining and getting wet....

We fly 3 weeks today with Qatar Airways from Manchester with the Doha to Bangkok leg being on an A380..... I'm hoping to spend some of our air-miles on a Biz class upgrade for that leg if upgrades become available before we fly..... I believe they become available about 14 days before flight day. If that doesn't happen we can use the air-miles for a reward flight next time.
Not today but last night...

Long story try to cut short.

My old iPhone (sans SIM) sits in the arm rest of my car and is the music storage device. Permanently there, but noone knows it is there unless I point it out..
Last used my car on Monday.
Took something out of it on Thursday
Saturday evening I went to it to collect my glasses case, and noticed the USB Lighting cord, but no phone. No sign of entry into the car....
I thought I must have taken it out for the software update.... But I don't remember taking it out.

Coming back from a meal with friends, my OH notices a few calls on her phone (this is about 11pm)
One from the Met and another from my worried 90-year old Mum.
Phone is found in local railway station, handed to police who trace me via my Mum, then via my OH and deposits the phone through the letter box,.. No signs of tampering on the phone.

So my phone being recovered cheered me up, but what I can't work out is the how, why and when...
Not today but last night...

So my phone being recovered cheered me up, but what I can't work out is the how, why and when...

How very odd.

I think the answer is either aliens or pixies. Glad you got it back :D
This, actually yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to use it until today. I found it by accident on one of the LCE branch sites, greatly reduced in price. Classified as used but given its condition and that of the box almost certainly an ex demonstration item.IMG_4806 copy.jpgpigeon-1 copy.JPG
FA 77mm f1.8 Limited back from the repairers....focus had jammed. This lens was bought in Japan in 2008 during a business trip, and because a Japanese colleague had found this lens and provided me with maps in order to buy this lens I was determined it would work again.... Fujkya Camera in Nakano, I could've spent a fortune in there.
Brambles seem to have done really well this year. I think they were early plus there seems to have been a bumper crop. I've been on three bramble picking expeditions as I wanted to make sure we had enough to last a year and we do usually manage this so I now have a freezer drawer full and some more in another drawer. Yesterdays harvest was used to make bramble juice and I now have two squash battles full in the fridge plus a smaller bottle full too. Apart from the juice I also make bramble and apple pies and crumbles.

I'm going to go out next week and pick some leaves. I've never done this before but apparently they have just about 101 uses including to make tea with so I'm going to give that a go and if it works it might become a regular thing.
The thread about photographing elephants reminded me of something that happened when I was a teenager, and TBH I used to drive my Mini a bit briskly.

One day I was driving home and came over a hump back bridge to see an elephant being walked down the road. The elephant looked sort of green and this only added to the unreality. It took me a while to accept that what I was seeing was real and whilst processing all this I was getting closer and closer and I had to brake quite sharply. The elephant and his human knew nothing and just carried on.

Remembering all this made me :)

This wasn't in India, this happened in east Cleveland, England.
The thread about photographing elephants reminded me of something that happened when I was a teenager, and TBH I used to drive my Mini a bit briskly.

One day I was driving home and came over a hump back bridge to see an elephant being walked down the road. The elephant looked sort of green and this only added to the unreality. It took me a while to accept that what I was seeing was real and whilst processing all this I was getting closer and closer and I had to brake quite sharply. The elephant and his human knew nothing and just carried on.

Remembering all this made me :)

This wasn't in India, this happened in east Cleveland, England.
I can just imagine somebody signing on in the Cleveland job centre and registering as an Elephant handler. :D
The thread about photographing elephants reminded me of something that happened when I was a teenager, and TBH I used to drive my Mini a bit briskly.

One day I was driving home and came over a hump back bridge to see an elephant being walked down the road. The elephant looked sort of green and this only added to the unreality. It took me a while to accept that what I was seeing was real and whilst processing all this I was getting closer and closer and I had to brake quite sharply. The elephant and his human knew nothing and just carried on.

Remembering all this made me :)

This wasn't in India, this happened in east Cleveland, England.
Many years ago, I worked in Matlock, but lived in Wingerworth, between Matlock & Chesterfield. I popped home one lunchtime as I had forgotten something, this was a very rural area, and the road home included a hump back bridge and a "dogs leg" straight after. It was a hot day and I had all the windows open (before most cars had aircon). I came over the bridge a little too quick, to be met by about 100 sheep crossing the road. Coming to an abrupt halt, sideways, I hear this deep voice with a very broad Derbyshire accent... "Thou's not from 'round here issie?", and an old farmer just wandered past the car.

Not quite as strange as a green elephant, but I still remember it to this very day, and I never took that road quickly again!!
At Goodwood I was taken back decades to when Jasper Carrott told the story about DUREX.... apparently being the best selling brand of sticky tape in Australia and waiting at the local Ryman (or WHS or wherever) for an Australian to walk in asking for a roll of Durex, endurance sized...... a roll??? And then followed up by him telling the audience he read a magazine featuring an F1 that was sponsored by Durex, and the photograph showed an image of one of the cars in the pits with a burst tyre (cue laughter)..... I am too young to remember the early stuff like Carrott's Lib so thought that the F1 story was a bit of a joke, until this weekend....DSC_5124 durex.jpg

BTW I suffered a puncture on the way out of the motor circuit......
At Goodwood I was taken back decades to when Jasper Carrott told the story about DUREX.... apparently being the best selling brand of sticky tape in Australia and waiting at the local Ryman (or WHS or wherever) for an Australian to walk in asking for a roll of Durex, endurance sized...... a roll??? And then followed up by him telling the audience he read a magazine featuring an F1 that was sponsored by Durex, and the photograph showed an image of one of the cars in the pits with a burst tyre (cue laughter)..... I am too young to remember the early stuff like Carrott's Lib so thought that the F1 story was a bit of a joke, until this weekend....View attachment 433329

BTW I suffered a puncture on the way out of the motor circuit......
I'm old enough to remember when he first became famous and have been a fan ever since. I had his book 'Sweet & Sour Labrador' and made the mistake of reading it on my commute to work. My laughter got me some funny looks! It went missing many moons ago and I'd love to read it again, but it's not available as an ebook (paperback only as 2nd hand) and, sadly, I'm unable to read physical books.
Jasper is/was a shareholder in Celador the company that created Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
He received millions in royalties for its success.
Well, yesterday - but I forgot to post it!

Getting a (relatively!) clean bill of health. Blood sugar and cholesterol under control, 10kg lost over the past year and blood pressure's down from last year too. Just need to drop another few kilos! Last year's weigh in was before the holiday, IIRC so even better since the recent one was after it!
Well, yesterday - but I forgot to post it!

Getting a (relatively!) clean bill of health. Blood sugar and cholesterol under control, 10kg lost over the past year and blood pressure's down from last year too. Just need to drop another few kilos! Last year's weigh in was before the holiday, IIRC so even better since the recent one was after it!
For some reason, several weeks ago, I'd experienced a few heavy night-sweats and a croaky voice and tiredness. My wife insisted I go to the doctor as she's aware of cancer symtoms which they are. The doctor ..a clinician/paramedic,actually, gave me thourough going over. I was in the consultation room for 40 minutes. She found a swollen lymph gland. I was sent to see a consultant haematologist within four days. Seems I was put on a two-week fast-track referral system because of the potential that it could be lymphoma. I had several blood tests and three CT scans and had a tube with a light on the end shoved up my nose..lol. Not atall funny,I can tell you. Very unpleasant. Anyway, the consultant haematologist said no problem with the lymph node he was concerned about, just a bit 'fatty' but he'd wanted wanted checks done. Re my intermittent croaky voice ..which is ok now, three of the 27 vocal chords..I didn't know we had 27, weren't functioning as they should so I went from a baritone to a base.Lol. Back to baritone,now.

I got a call from one of the consultants a few days ago who said there were no issues and I had the all clear but said they had to check because of the symptons. I thanked him for having had such a detailed MOT and suggested I should be good for another 10 years which he laughed at. On a serious note, though,I told him I really appreciated what they'd done for me and felt quite guilty as there was nothing found. Some of the other patients in the waiting areas looked grim. Not to worry, he said we'd rather catch anything untoward, early, if that had been the case. I have no idea why had those night sweats but I haven't had any since and have regained my normal high levels of energy.
Just a post-script to the above. My wife told me today, that she's sent an Email to the surgery thanking the medical staff and the reseptionist,too who would have initially gone to the doctor to tell him/her about my symptons and then found me an appointment....just 2 hours later. I was seeing the first consultant two days later. That ,I'm sure, will mean a lot to them as they get so much flak these days.
Just a post-script to the above. My wife told me today, that she's sent an Email to the surgery thanking the medical staff and the reseptionist,too who would have initially gone to the doctor to tell him/her about my symptons and then found me an appointment....just 2 hours later. I was seeing the first consultant two days later. That ,I'm sure, will mean a lot to them as they get so much flak these days.
A couple of tears back , the pfizer jab sent my immune system haywire. Many of the symptoms were cancer indicators. My doc got me on what Rotherham nhs called
" the vague symptoms parhway" which it sounds like you were on. I had extensive bloods, 48 hrs later chest x ray, 48 hrs later ct scan, 48 hrs later, ultrasound on midriff. All negative thankfully. I had many more extensive tests over the following year, trying to identify the cause of my syptoms. Thankfully they gradually improved and I got back to normal. My immunology consultant blamed it on Pfizer. When it works, and the cards fall for you, they can be amazing.
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