Wedding Photography Help

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[QUOTE from Julian: 'too easy to get carried away with it all and be shooting at iso1600 outside']

...*especially when its torrential rain and your flash doesn't work :nuts:
I think you might find your age could be a good contributing factor, George.

I think people will be smiling more, and be a bit more co-operative if anything... I know I would be.

As said before. ..... make sure you get those important shots in the bag, write them down beforehand. (I nearly missed the "two hands with the rings on" shot at my first wedding!)

Also if you have time, dont forget those special ones...keep a lookout for those at the reception.......grandma hip-hopping with 3year old grandson etc etc.

I will be thinking of you tomorrow, George, as we all will, and hoping all is going well. :woot:
GF, unless the venue for this is hundreds of miles away, you really should be visiting the church and the reception venues to reccy them out. Sometimes one or the other is a more suitable backdrop for the bulk of your shots, and unless you're familiar with both places, it's not a decision you can make sensibly on the day - it will be pure guesswork.

Whatever you do - be prepared for bad weather which can turn the whole thing into a nightmare even for a seasoned pro. Sometimes it's so bad that there's nothing for it but to take the shots indoors in wholly unsuitable and cramped environments with awful light. Fingers crossed for you that you get good weather, but don''t rely on it. ;)
After 3 everybody - RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW...

Really looking forward to seeing the results George
Here, Here PapaLazarou. Of course you have to very much be a people's person as well. You may be able to take the pictures but can you round up many merry guests? That takes practice!!
I really wish you luck, i would spent the afternoon taking Candids of random people in town/park just to get used to it.
Here, Here PapaLazarou. Of course you have to very much be a people's person as well. You may be able to take the pictures but can you round up many merry guests? That takes practice!!

Print out several copies of the group photos list, give them to the best man and ushers and get them to marshall the groups for you - that's what I do.

They know the people better than me, and can have a group ready in the wings ready to be shot after I've finished with the current one. Speeds things up considerably.
Yes, ushers - best man - matron of honour / bridesmaids - they're all likely to know who is who on the differing sides of the family. I was an usher at two weddings - one family, one friend, and this was one of the duties their photographers got me to do.
I'll say this quietly.....

[S1]Time!!!! Nobody allows enough!!![/S1]

If theres one thing that will 'crease' you its got nothing to do with the actual picture taking
What am I on about ?

CT knows, Papa knows and...
Oh...Sorry, all, its time for tea:wave:

PS: Theres a clue in the above:thinking:
Final point - remember before you finish shooting ask the bride if there are any other shots she wants - if no - then you're done!
Well done. 900 sounds like a semi manageable number to sort through compared to what was being discussed earlier!! Looking forward to seeing the results!
Congratulations - I bet you're knackered :D
Cant wait to see them 900 still sounds like a lot to me lol. I have been to many weddings in my life and have never seen the photographers working that hard.

Maybe they were all just lazy lol
A small sample:






Feedback much appreciated

George :)
Well done George, glad it went well :clap:

Those shots are looking good mate (y) I really like No1. I'd loose the black feathered frame around No2 though, either that or make it white. Black is for funerals ;)

I bet you've learned loads from the experience. Ready to do another one now?
Lol, shooting a wedding isn't hard ... shooting it well is a different matter.

Oops, didn't see that you had posted some pics - you did good George, although the PS is way OTT on the 2nd one.
1 is lovely and fun, can you get the odd bit of greenery off the face?, 2 is a nice pose but agree with grendel ref the black,3 gives good impression of excitement before the wedding...can you get rid of her jab scar on her arm though? 4 you've really done her justice, a truly gorgeous bride. 5 doesn't inspire me to say owt!
Looking forward to more
congratulations George. You must be delighted
Carefull of firing up the olduns again though!!!!
Hi George

I've only just read this thread - last one at the party :( - but it's been a great read with loads of good advice.

Delighted 'your' big day went well. From the shots so far, the bride looks happy, chilled, relaxed and gorgeous - and she wouldn't have done if she'd not been confident with you. So a huge - WELL DONE :clap::clap::clap:

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