**what annoyed me **

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WAMT: Calais. Outrage at full 11
To me there is such a simple resolution to it that it annoys me that we aren't doing anything about it.

Have a local UK processing unit established with the relevant home office connectivity; refugees should be let through now and supported, just spread them out over the countries. And economic migrants handed biometrics taken and handed over to the French authorities for processing and send packing. Just expedite the process and let the refugees through.
To me there is such a simple resolution to it that it annoys me that we aren't doing anything about it.

Have a local UK processing unit established with the relevant home office connectivity; refugees should be let through now and supported, just spread them out over the countries. And economic migrants handed biometrics taken and handed over to the French authorities for processing and send packing. Just expedite the process and let the refugees through.

How can you separate the genuines from the economics when both groups seem intent on entering illegally and not taking the chance to claim their intentions to seek asylum. Personally I favour a more forceful final method of dealing with illegal immigration attempts and thwarting them using lethal force. Genuine refugees would make themselves known, the ecomomic migrants would either shove off, or apply for a VISA.
How can you separate the genuines from the economics when both groups seem intent on entering illegally and not taking the chance to claim their intentions to seek asylum. Personally I favour a more forceful final method of dealing with illegal immigration attempts and thwarting them using lethal force. Genuine refugees would make themselves known, the ecomomic migrants would either shove off, or apply for a VISA.
Luckily there are people who are skilled in that, both through paperwork tracing back to the origins as through interviewing techniques. It's inter alia once they are already in the UK, have gotten rid of their paperwork to stop deportation and got lawyers involved, that this process can grind to a halt and take a very long time.

So if we did that at location it could be done quite quickly.
Luckily there are people who are skilled in that, both through paperwork tracing back to the origins as through interviewing techniques. It's inter alia once they are already in the UK, have gotten rid of their paperwork to stop deportation and got lawyers involved, that this process can grind to a halt and take a very long time.

So if we did that at location it could be done quite quickly.

Then the smug Blairite human rights lawyer types come out and saying detaining them is a breach of their human rights. Assesment centres and detainment is right for refugees and asylum seekers. Death by facial balistic trauma is right for those who try and circumvent border controls.
Luckily there are people who are skilled in that, both through paperwork tracing back to the origins as through interviewing techniques
The last report I heard on R2 ( so it must be true ;) ) there are approx 300,000 people that they have lost track of in this country.
If they ( the government ) are claiming its 300,000 you can bet your bottom Dollar that its a lot higher ;)
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Then the smug Blairite human rights lawyer types come out and saying detaining them is a breach of their human rights. Assesment centres and detainment is right for refugees and asylum seekers. Death by facial balistic trauma is right for those who try and circumvent border controls.
Oh don't be a silly boy, haven't you seen the poor people washing up dead. Haven't you realised that the UK is actually pathetically absent in this humanitarian crisis. And you want to shoot them in the face. :facepalm: Now that is what annoys me today.

Ps. I think you missed the point made of us setting up camp in France and processing them there and letting the refugees through. It is no place for families and children amongst the criminal gangs. Yet they rather be there then in a war zone, I can't blame them. And you want to shoot them? Unbelievable.
The last report I heard on R2 ( so it must be true ;) ) there are approx 300,000 people that they have lost track of in this country.
If they ( the government ) are claiming its 300,000 you can bet your bottom Dollar that its a lot higher ;)
That is why I suggest to process before they are let in. I'm not surprised "they" loose track as it is easy to find people who give all the tips. And it is near impossible to extradite without confirmation and proof of identity. So we shouldn't open ourselves to that and process offshore and let through and let them become productive and contribute.
And I remember when Yarlswood Centre was first opened, ( I did the pest control there for awhile)
A cracking modern place purposed built, what was it 3 months? less? and they burned the place down!
That's gratitude for you ;)
So we shouldn't open ourselves to that and process offshore and let through and let them become productive and contribute.
I'm not quite as radical as Steve @ST4 but ;)
And I remember when Yarlswood Centre was first opened, ( I did the pest control there for awhile)
A cracking modern place purposed built, what was it 3 months? less? and they burned the place down!
That's gratitude for you ;)
But wasn't Yarlswood a detention centre before extradition. Why would they be grateful? That logic doesn't make any sense.
I'm not quite as radical as Steve @ST4 but ;)
Would you rather have that the refugees aren't allowed to work and have to rely on state benefits instead?

That annoys me more, and is what annoys me about the process. Please do let refugees work they want to, they want to build a new life. I fail to see the issue with that.
But wasn't Yarlswood a detention centre before extradition. Why would they be grateful? That logic doesn't make any sense.
It wasn't necessarily designed as that, ( according to the builders) more a half way sorting house.
but either way, they are given comfortable accommodation for awhile and set light to it, and we need these people ?
That annoys me more, and is what annoys me about the process. Please do let refugees work they want to, they want to build a new life. I fail to see the issue with that.
I think we maybe at cross purposes here ;)
Oh don't be a silly boy, haven't you seen the poor people washing up dead. Haven't you realised that the UK is actually pathetically absent in this humanitarian crisis. And you want to shoot them in the face. :facepalm: Now that is what annoys me today.

Ps. I think you missed the point made of us setting up camp in France and processing them there and letting the refugees through. It is no place for families and children amongst the criminal gangs. Yet they rather be there then in a war zone, I can't blame them. And you want to shoot them? Unbelievable.

Yes I do. I see Germany is taking 800k of them. Good for them. That doesn't mean we should.

I see it like this. If a German told you to jump off a cliff because they did it and survived, would you do it. I wouldn't. Germany wants to let in practically 1mil people into their overpoplated land, let them do it. Doesn't mean we should.

If people are stupid enough to sail accross a big sea on a small silly boat, then wind up dead then IMHO its tantimount to suicide. Its not our obligation IMHO to save the lives of people wantonly endangering themselves.

You might also hasten to wonder why most of the migrants seem to be young men, certainly a majority of young 20 something males.
The last report I heard on R2 ( so it must be true ;) ) there are approx 300,000 people that they have lost track of in this country.
If they ( the government ) are claiming its 300,000 you can bet your bottom Dollar that its a lot higher ;)

Either working illegally, comitting petty crime to survive and the odds are what at least one is a radical jihadist nut.
But wasn't Yarlswood a detention centre before extradition. Why would they be grateful? That logic doesn't make any sense.

Because if they are fleeing a war zone, they are safe and fed and watered. Surely you'd be grateful for that, unless there was an economic motive for your choice to come all the way to Britain ;)
I see it like this. If a German told you to jump off a cliff because they did it and survived, would you do it.

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It wasn't necessarily designed as that, ( according to the builders) more a half way sorting house.
but either way, they are given comfortable accommodation for awhile and set light to it, and we need these people ?
No we don't need these people, that is why they are there awaiting deportation. There is another just off the bath road.

What was stupid is that they left it "open" and allowed many appeals etc. but I can't blame the people for using every avenue to try and stay. The law is an arse in that sense. Heck look at labour who didn't get rid of Captain Hook or whatever his name is, and the coalition also had great difficulty to do that legally. I agree we don't need people like that.

However that is why I say, process them in Calais and avoid doing it on shore so we don't need the yarlswoods and endless appeals in this world. Not pay for valid refugees whilst we do not allow them to look after themselves.

I think it is shameful to constrain refugees from working in a safe country.
Because if they are fleeing a war zone, they are safe and fed and watered. Surely you'd be grateful for that, unless there was an economic motive for your choice to come all the way to Britain ;)
But they aren't come all to Britain. That is just false by several orders of magnitude. In the grand scheme of things it is an insignificant amount.
Why, the idea is they are seeking refuge, not setting up to live here pernamently. The idea is to get them out once its safe for them to leave.
So you prefer to pay for them from your taxes? You prefer for people to just sit around and do nothing opposed to help out? How soon do you think those conflicts are resolved and it is safe to go home?
But they aren't come all to Britain. That is just false by several orders of magnitude. In the grand scheme of things it is an insignificant amount.

In absolute terms its more than plenty. I never said they were all coming to Britain but many thousands are. Many thousands are still many thousands even if there are 1mil bound Germany or just 10 bound for Germany. The sheer volume coming to the UK is crazy, whether its 1% of the migrant numbers or 90%. It is just too many people
So you prefer to pay for them from your taxes? You prefer for people to just sit around and do nothing opposed to help out? How soon do you think those conflicts are resolved and it is safe to go home?

There is that argument, but the idea is simply safe refuge, not a whole new life. Send them back. Greece does as most claims are tenuous.
Why, the idea is they are seeking refuge, not setting up to live here pernamently. The idea is to get them out once its safe for them to leave.

Not in my view and take on it. We are a small Island, not a dumping ground for people wanting a better life, especially when refuge can be sought so much closer to home.

Ah ok.
I hadn't realised that your view was what applied.
Not in my view and take on it. We are a small Island, not a dumping ground for people wanting a better life, especially when refuge can be sought so much closer to home.
We have huge amounts of space here. The country by no means full, no where near. I can't recall the stats but it is only a few families per town.
We have huge amounts of space here. The country by no means full, no where near. I can't recall the stats but it is only a few families per town.

It's full. Space is good. The UK is overpopulted and cannot feed its own population. The rate of growth is exponential and immigration from places like Africa and middle east where families tend to be larger means the popuation rapidly grows as they breed. England, is an overpopulated hell hole, bursting at the seams.
When are you off on holiday Steve? :p

It's full. Space is good. The UK is overpopulted and cannot feed its own population. The rate of growth is exponential and immigration from places like Africa and middle east where families tend to be larger means the popuation rapidly grows as they breed. England, is an overpopulated hell hole, bursting at the seams.

I was thinking about moving them to Scotland not England :p plenty of space in Scotland.
It's full. Space is good. The UK is overpopulted and cannot feed its own population. The rate of growth is exponential and immigration from places like Africa and middle east where families tend to be larger means the popuation rapidly grows as they breed. England, is an overpopulated hell hole, bursting at the seams.


It's nowhere near full.
Especially Scotland

We'll send them there first.

You're welcome ;)
Hold it right there boys and girls I'm splitting this off as its way off track,.
Normal service will be resumed in 5 mins.
BUT play nice else we all know what'll happen ;)
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