**what annoyed me **

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Letting in masses of mediocre semi skilled unskilled people is a disaster waiting to happen

I know. We have lots of them...already working in Scottish banks. Completion may be too strong
No. So long as the religion doesn't pose barriers to becoming a part of our society and they are happy with our rules and way of life...no I have no issues.

and yet you support a party which likes to invade mosques and disrupt worship,,, hmmm
No. So long as the religion doesn't pose barriers to becoming a part of our society and they are happy with our rules and way of life...no I have no issues.

You are aware that not every refugee is an uneducated peasant right ? - in fact the ones that can afford the traffickers fees etc to escape in the first place re generally the ones with both money and intelligence (it is also these people who are at risk from ISIS because they are too bright to fall in line with a load of medieval tosh
may be we should employ a citizenship test and deport all the indigenous morons to syria
Would be a bad idea. They are typically gullible, easily manipulated and poorly educated. I.e. classic fodder for radicalisation by extremists.
Would be a bad idea. They are typically gullible, easily manipulated and poorly educated. I.e. classic fodder for radicalisation by extremists.

this is true - perhaps we could form them into a militia and send them to syria to fight isis instead
Smaller population, but longer-lived than the previous cohort. Still results in a reducing worker : pensioner ratio.

Trust the actuaries on this one - they're a lot cleverer than either of us and they've done the sums. It doesn't bode well for publically-funded pensions. Thanks baby-boomers! :bat:
Snort! Trust the actuaries? You are kidding yeah? Hehe...I've worked closely with many and I wouldn't trust them at all. (Pension fund deficits?) ;)
, if they wanted safety they'd not come on perilous voyages but seek safety closer to home.

really and where closer to home is safe if you are from one of the syrian minorities, say a Kurd or a Druze, or a Christian, or a moderate muslim for that matter ? - turkey and jordan aren't safe, Iraq certainly isn't , then out of turkey you go to greece which is bankrupt and can't even care for their own people , and then the ex eastern block states which are mostly borderline fascist - tbh I'm not surprised they want to go to a western democratic country where minorities aren't in constant danger of persecution

do you honestly think anyone would go on one of these tubs if they had another choice ?

I know expecting empathy is a bit much , but try to imagine if the UK was taken over by a party that was bent on executing vastly rightwing bankers.. wouldn't you be desperate to get to safety even if the journey was risky as hell, wouldn't you want france or ireland or germany, or the Us or somewhere to take you in instead of spitting on you and saying we don't want his sort here, lets shoot him in the face ?
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Snort! Trust the actuaries? You are kidding yeah? Hehe...I've worked closely with many and I wouldn't trust them at all. (Pension fund deficits?) ;)
Umm, the deficit is proof that the actuaries have calculated the liability higher than the funding management have put into the fund. If the figures were fudged, there wouldn't be a deficit, would there?
How can you separate the genuines from the economics when both groups seem intent on entering illegally and not taking the chance to claim their intentions to seek asylum. Personally I favour a more forceful final method of dealing with illegal immigration attempts and thwarting them using lethal force. Genuine refugees would make themselves known, the ecomomic migrants would either shove off, or apply for a VISA.

Condoning murder as a means of controlling immigration comes under offensive, three days.
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