**what annoyed me **

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The Isis threat should be treat as seriously as any we have had in recent history. Stop arsing about and take action. Balls to the bleeding heart liberals. Isis is extremely dangerous to this country.

Yes it is. Why is why people coming from these places is an extreme concern - particularly when the smuggle themselves in without making themselves known.

IMHO we just can't take the risk, the safety and preservation of our people and ways of life is paramount.

This enmass migration of god knows who is not good.
Because if they are fleeing a war zone, they are safe and fed and watered. Surely you'd be grateful for that
So you think they should be grateful for a last meal before being sent back to a war zone?
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I couldn't think of much worse than having refugees next door tbh.

We've got 500k unemployed British people. Get them working first. Importing labour isbt needed.

Because like it or not, people on the whole don't want refugees on their doorstep. Moving them around isn't popular.

The lazy 500k brits are capable if getting jobs uf they could be arsed already.
The lazy 500k brits are capable if getting jobs uf they could be arsed already.
So much easier to blame immigrants, though, isn't it?
Coming over here, taking jobs I pretend to have wanted...
Oh, and claiming benefits too, because my xenophobic ranting doesn't have to be consistent and make sense.
???? What do you mean by that? I asked why it is bad to get someone with refugee status as your neighbour and you responded that you couldn't think of anything worse and not it is economics. Sorry but that doesn't make any sense to me.
Yes it is. Why is why people coming from these places is an extreme concern - particularly when the smuggle themselves in without making themselves known.

IMHO we just can't take the risk, the safety and preservation of our people and ways of life is paramount.

This enmass migration of god knows who is not good.
Why would ISIS, Al Qaeda, or whomever, waste time and effort smuggling jihadists into the country when there are radicalised people already here?
Extremism in the Information Age cannot be fought over lines on a map - it must be fought in people's hearts and minds.
???? What do you mean by that? I asked why it is bad to get someone with refugee status as your neighbour and you responded that you couldn't think of anything worse and not it is economics. Sorry but that doesn't make any sense to me.
I guess because many of them are tee-total Muslims? Must be a challenge to the shop-keepers of Glasgow...

(Yes, it's a crude stereotype. Fighting fire with fire ;) )
I didn't mean you, I meant the other guy (the guy who sees a dead child as 'one less to worry about' but apparently regrets that it's just one).
Yeah I've worked it out now I've read the thread through :)

I see your new to OOF if you hang around a little you'll soon get used to st4's posts
IMHO we just can't take the risk, the safety and preservation of our people and ways of life is paramount.

This enmass migration of god knows who is not good.

Yep, every terrorists preffered method of entering the UK is to buy a second hand wetsuit and try to swim the busiest shipping lane in the world. Y' known the 20 odd miles of waterway that's kept us invasion free for the last thousand years. But Isis have it licked with their new method.

Oh. Wait
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When you see the news it seems mainly young men who are "migrating". Shouldn't they be the ones fighting ISIS out their countries?

so we should let them in then train them in the skills of war before staging an invasion (that worked really well when the CIA tried it with cuban refugees in the 60s)
Just one...so many are coming.

So what are you saying? That images like the dead Syrian child make you happy?

NSFW so not directly embedded.

http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=GhdgnYf1J-o

You have no regrets for refugees fleeing not only a war, but the barbaric cruelty of IS?

I really hope karma doesn't catch up with you one day (or do I).
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Just seen this in an article in the Guardian

I am a fairly hard nosed guy but this bought me to tears

That poor poor little boy, what did you ever do to deserve such a tragic end to your life?

The video was just shown on Sky News, something needs to be done to protect those genuine refugees fleeing a situation that could be said to have been caused by the UK and the USA with their useless handling of Iraq after the invasion. Would IS even exist if Iraq hadn't been invaded in 2003.

But to the racist xenophobic people out there, it's just a migration issue and the only good migrant is a dead migrant, not so, @ST4?
Just seen this in an article in the Guardian

I am a fairly hard nosed guy but this bought me to tears

That poor poor little boy, what did you ever do to deserve such a tragic end to your life?

A like seems so wrong for this. I don't like. I agree with your post 100% but that video makes me hang my head and cry. I'm ashamed
A like seems so wrong for this. I don't like. I agree with your post 100% but that video makes me hang my head and cry. I'm ashamed
I know what you mean regarding the likes. However if we don't get the humanitarian crisis message out there and keep on referring to them as migrants people remain seated in their comfy chairs and pjs and tell them to f*** themselves and go back where they came from.

These aren't migrants, these are refugees and we must offer asylum just like all the other countries are doing.
So what are you saying? That images like the dead Syrian child make you happy?

NSFW so not directly embedded.

http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=GhdgnYf1J-o

You have no regrets for refugees fleeing not only a war, but the barbaric cruelty of IS?

I really hope karma doesn't catch up with you one day (or do I).

Not happy, I'm just indifferent. It doesn't change my views. I don't think facilitating the passage of so many people to Europe is a good thing for us socially and economically.

No ones asking these people to put themselves in danger and seek safety in Europe, there are countries in Africa and the Middle East they could go to. They choose Europe as they see it as a soft touch.

And that IMHO will be the death of our civilisation. Never has such a large migration taken place since the fall of the Roman Empire. The more we let in, the more our countries ways will be irrevocably changed slowly but surely. I'm also pretty sure we are not in a budget surplus. Why make ourselves poorer?

So no, I'm not terribly saddened by such images as I see a far bigger and more worrying image than one dead child.
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Why feed the troll the guy is a psycho. You can not reason with him.
I don't think it is helpful to use that kind of language. It is perfectly ok to have a different opinion. If you aren't willing to engage and discuss and help then you aren't any different in my opinion.
Not happy, I'm just indifferent. It doesn't change my views. I don't think facilitating the passage of so many people to Europe is a good thing for us socially and economically.

No ones asking these people to put themselves in danger and seek safety in Europe, there are countries in Africa and the Middle East they could go to. They choose Europe as they see it as a soft touch.

And that IMHO will be the death of our civilisation. So no, I'm not terribly saddened by such images as I see a far bigger and more worrying image than one dead child.
And many millions, ergo a lot more than have come to Europe, are in tent camps in neighbouring countries. And not only that, it would imply your are at geographically the right area to get out that way. And then there is the safety element in those camps as well.

No I can appreciate why people would go through such dangerous situations which may kill themselves for the chance of a better live for their children. Wouldn't you do that for your children?
Look at the numbers coming here, it's too many, it's not good IMHO. We need to do something strong to prevent it and send out a message that it's not ok just to descend enmass in Europe

So how many have we taken? just in rough % terms of the 4 million refugees from Syria (alone)? A few hundred is not enmass by any estimation.
Look at the numbers coming here, it's too many, it's not good IMHO. We need to do something strong to prevent it and send out a message that it's not ok just to descend enmass in Europe
You keep on skirting the facts. It is a tiny amount of them that are here compared to neighbouring countries and other European countries. Heck you get more European migrants than any of those refugees.
You keep on skirting the facts. It is a tiny amount of them that are here compared to neighbouring countries and other European countries. Heck you get more European migrants than any of those refugees.

No. I'm taking absolutes here. It's irrelevent how many other EU states take, there's still masses coming here. And as they're not seeking asylum but entering illegal the jihad factor and crime/illegal work are all factors that are a real risk. Doesn't matter if Germany takes 800k and we get 10k. It's. 10k too many. Why do we need to make the mistakes the other EU states are hell bent on making.

Plus, in the wider EU context there's far too many arriving to EU far too quickly. We need to deter them and use brutal methods if need be.

If a country cannot control it's borders, what sort of a country is it?
And many millions, ergo a lot more than have come to Europe, are in tent camps in neighbouring countries. And not only that, it would imply your are at geographically the right area to get out that way. And then there is the safety element in those camps as well.

No I can appreciate why people would go through such dangerous situations which may kill themselves for the chance of a better live for their children. Wouldn't you do that for your children?

No. I wouldn't behave like a criminal, I'd try make where I lived a better place for future generations.

Look at the numbers crossing the med, it's unsustainable and when you see most of them aren't family people but single young men you see there's economic opportunitism there and possibly crime risks too. Look how they behave cutting fences, storming ferries, trespassing etc.

You really want people like that, here?
No. I'm taking absolutes here. It's irrelevent how many other EU states take, there's still masses coming here. And as they're not seeking asylum but entering illegal the jihad factor and crime/illegal work are all factors that are a real risk. Doesn't matter if Germany takes 800k and we get 10k. It's. 10k too many. Why do we need to make the mistakes the other EU states are hell bent on making.

Plus, in the wider EU context there's far too many arriving to EU far too quickly. We need to deter them and use brutal methods if need be.

If a country cannot control it's borders, what sort of a country is it?

The ironic thing is Steve, that I would rather this country did help these people out. Adding them to our population dilutes the embarrassing negative impact that people like you and the scum that are your Britain First friends have on this nation.
The ironic thing is Steve, that I would rather this country did help these people out. Adding them to our population dilutes the embarrassing negative impact that people like you and the scum that are your Britain First friends have on this nation.

So you want to dilute the effects of British people standing up for Britain. Ok. That says a lot.

Luckily there is a strong polarised view to yourself and public opinion just won't tolerate letting in so many people.

I'd rather we helped ourselves than others.
No. I'm taking absolutes here. It's irrelevent how many other EU states take, there's still masses coming here. And as they're not seeking asylum but entering illegal the jihad factor and crime/illegal work are all factors that are a real risk. Doesn't matter if Germany takes 800k and we get 10k. It's. 10k too many. Why do we need to make the mistakes the other EU states are hell bent on making.

Plus, in the wider EU context there's far too many arriving to EU far too quickly. We need to deter them and use brutal methods if need be.

If a country cannot control it's borders, what sort of a country is it?
You are changing the goal posts, refugees do not equal illegal migrants. Further more what is your definition of full? Illegal work should be tackled at source with the British employers exploiting those people, and government artificially stopping them providing for themselves. Constraining human beings like that is not natural and will cause such elements.

Nobody is talking about handing out British passports. And we are controlling the borders, and should use those methods from border force in conjunction with the border agency to control and process the refugees in a timely manner. That way they are no longer amongst people and drug traffickers and can enjoy some deserved safety.
No. I wouldn't behave like a criminal, I'd try make where I lived a better place for future generations.

Look at the numbers crossing the med, it's unsustainable and when you see most of them aren't family people but single young men you see there's economic opportunitism there and possibly crime risks too. Look how they behave cutting fences, storming ferries, trespassing etc.

You really want people like that, here?
You are moving goal posts again and mixing up migrants with refugees. No I don't want uncontrolled economic migration. I want controlled migration with same rules regardless of origin (in other words no special rules for EU citizens like myself), and I also want us to help and a provide a safe harbour for refugees. Saying that they should just remain in a war torn zone is alien to me. Some will, or are forced like my family was, but I fully understand that many cant stay and want safety for their family and offspring.

Would I like to see a big force against deash and the Syrian regime, yes absolutely. But in the mean time I'd like us to reach out and help the refugees.
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You think they're refugees? Why then breach borders and sneak into lorries.

It's crime and we need to stamp it out.
No, not all of those are refugees. We need to offer safe harbour to those refugees amongst them, hence I suggested in my first response that we need to process them quickly on location and separate out the trafficking and criminal elements out from the refugees. Help the French authorities and hand the illegals to them for deportation. We have got the capability, technology and people to do that. It's just politics and pride that stand in the way of helping these poor people.
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