What birds or bird have you seen today – communal thread, I hope!

Been experimenting with the flash to try and boost the light a bit as our garden is extremely dark. Here's the best ones I got this morning. Next purchase - a speed light!!

HSC_4858 by Gilbo B, on Flickr

HSC_4875 by Gilbo B, on Flickr
A couple of corvids catching the last of the winter sunshine ..

(same 30-odd feet high tree, playing king of the castle)

You're welcome anytime Gil.
In Scotland over Christmas - maybe send you a message and see where you're going!!
In Scotland over Christmas - maybe send you a message and see where you're going!!
There's a few of us will be meeting up one day also, check Ayrshire Nature fb page...i'll be out and about most days too
these were all taken hand held at 1/60 to 1/80
Very nice indeed (y)

Hand held? I think you'd have to add a "0" on to those figures for me to stand a chance :D
Nothin' wrong wi' the Robin Michelene, was a bit fed o' takin' pics too but i seem to have grown to love them even more than before. Yes i am an old softy at heart..lol