What's the scariest film you've seen?


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Do you ever get spooked by horrors/thrillers?

There is always one movie that gives me the creeps, Robert Wise's original 1963 version of The Haunting. When I first saw it as a boy it terrified me, and still there are parts that make me very nervous!

Any film have the same impact on you?
The Haunting was brilliant and so much was done with sound and suggestion. I like John Carpenter's version of The Thing, the scene where Kurt Russell tests everyone's blood still has be quivering.

Another one I like is The Mothman Prophecies. Got fairly mixed reviews but I like the subtle, generally unsettling atmosphere of the film.
gm43uk said:
The Haunting was brilliant and so much was done with sound and suggestion. I like John Carpenter's version of The Thing, the scene where Kurt Russell tests everyone's blood still has be quivering.

That is exactly what is so brilliant about The Haunting, it's not about what you see, it's about what you hear and what's suggested.

I was also creeped by Alien the first time I saw it (when we could see Dallas being tracked in the ventilation shaft, as the beast closes in), and the last scene in The Blair Witch Project.
The 1960 version of "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor. No - don't laugh...

I can't have been very old when I first saw it, and the Morlocks absolutely terrified me - I couldn't watch beyond the point they first appeared.

They scared me so comprehensively that it's only relatively recently that I've been able to watch it the whole way through. They still give me the creeps...
Not a film, but the miniseries Salem's Lot ... as well as the kid floating in the window and the fossil popping out of the coffin, I was terrified by the thought of David Soul singing :naughty:
The original Candyman is the scariest one I remember. And that one with the scary bloke with wings that attacked people on that highway. That was quite good.

I found the Blair Witch project about as scary as Playschool. I can't even remember the twist at the end.

I remember mothman prophecies being quite good but not very scary.
gm43uk said:
The Haunting was brilliant and so much was done with sound and suggestion. I like John Carpenter's version of The Thing, the scene where Kurt Russell tests everyone's blood still has be quivering.

Another one I like is The Mothman Prophecies. Got fairly mixed reviews but I like the subtle, generally unsettling atmosphere of the film.

I LOVE mothman prophecies, excellent film :)
And that one with the scary bloke with wings that attacked people on that highway. That was quite good.

Jeepers Creepers II :thinking: I dont think I liked that, although I liked the 1st one.
I LOVE mothman prophecies, excellent film :)

I've a mate who is really into horror movies and Mothman really freaked him out. There's just a lingering feeling of "something" being out there.

Actually I just remembered the only movie that has given me nightmares - Westworld! Yul Brynner as the unstoppable robot gunfighter was really chilling and even years after seeing it I still get the occasional nightmare where I look out the window and there's The Gunslinger standing in the street outside my house, then he starts walking up the path....
I'm going to have to make note of a few movies in this thread. I'm not much of a movie man but I have been on the lookout for a film to actually scare me rather than just make me jump so hopefully one or two here may be up to the task. I've been constantly disappointed by films labelled as 'horror' to date.
"The Omen".

Still don't enjoy rooks/ravens for that very reason. When I was a kid I spent ages with mirrors looking for the branding on my scalp.:eek:
The first horror film I ever saw (at age 11 :LOL:) was George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, which scared the bejesus out of me!

Many decades later I think it's probably still one of the scariest films I've ever seen, despite there not being any graphic violence in it at all.
The first horror film I ever saw (at age 11 :LOL:) was George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, which scared the bejesus out of me!

Many decades later I think it's probably still one of the scariest films I've ever seen, despite there not being any graphic violence in it at all.

I think that says it all. The best horror films, for me, have been the ones where there is little blood and gore on screen. It's the suspense and anticipation that makes them truly scary.
jezgb said:
The 1960 version of "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor. No - don't laugh...

I can't have been very old when I first saw it, and the Morlocks absolutely terrified me - I couldn't watch beyond the point they first appeared.

They scared me so comprehensively that it's only relatively recently that I've been able to watch it the whole way through. They still give me the creeps...

Agree with this, scared the bejesus out of me.
Agree with 'the Omen' but have managed to watch it - one that I have not watched all the way through to this day is 'the Shining' no idea why it just gets to me and I turn it off or walk out.

As a rule I don't 'do' any horror films at all as I really have too active an imagination.

I can take most horror film,but the ones that have given me a scare over the years are.

The Haunting 63 one.
The Blair Witch Porject,I know didn't work for some people.
The Exotist
The Devil Ride Out

I really love Halloween. (the first original one) for me if it's something that could happen in real life ie. stalking / murder it actually makes it scarier....if that makes sense
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Not a film, but the miniseries Salem's Lot ... as well as the kid floating in the window and the fossil popping out of the coffin, I was terrified by the thought of David Soul singing :naughty:

I was invited to watch Salems Lot by my parents when I was about six, whom I clearly annoyed by asking them if I could 'stay up late'.

Unfortunately it backfired on them when I refused to sleep anywhere but in their bed for about the next week :runaway: :crowded:
The ring. The original japanese version although the American version is not that bad either.
The 1960 version of "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor. No - don't laugh...

I can't have been very old when I first saw it, and the Morlocks absolutely terrified me - I couldn't watch beyond the point they first appeared.

They scared me so comprehensively that it's only relatively recently that I've been able to watch it the whole way through. They still give me the creeps...

Agree with this, scared the bejesus out of me.

So which one of you two girls is Sheldon.:LOL:
The Sound of Music.

No, really. Every time it gets a mention, my daughter passes a comment saying how 'Dad's film is on...'. I've no idea why? I don't think I've ever seen the whole film but any mention of it fills me with horror in case I'm forced to watch.
Scariest non horror was Dr Who when I was little. I still haven't recovered from the tarantulas coming out of the watermelons and turning wossername with the long hair a funny blue colour.
the ring for me too :D the origanal Japanese version
I do have a memory of a film the i watched when I was little, much to too young for horror films:D
Cant remember what its called but it involved being handed a piece of paper with runes on it, then you was killed by a demon! really did frighten me:D
Jaisus said:
Not a big scary one but "cannibal holocaust" was a fully F***ed and sick film back in the 80's I think it was pretty much banned all over and the director taken to court...

I watched it on tv a couple of months back. Load of tripe! But as you said it's not scary it really doesn't belong in this thread.
Three pages in (at least on my phone) and no-ones mentioned Stephen Kings It. The two part tv version had me scared to go to bed even though I was old enough that I should have known better.
IT......down here they all float B.....B.....Billy boy

scared the poo out of me when i was a kid