What's the scariest film you've seen?

Jaisus said:
Yeah but after watching that would you go off to the Amazon.. and f*** about with the natives?? I know I would'nt!! :LOL:

Haha good point!
The very first time I saw Jaws. I went down with proper flu (not man cold - I was too young to get them), sweats and halucinated the shark swimming around my bed asking (very politely as I remember) which bits of me it could eat.

Have watched it a few times since.

Not a horror fan at all though - real life can be scary enough so why waste time scaring yourself rather than enjoying a decent film?
Blair Witch Project
The Fourth Kind
The Grudge

I find the scariest films are the one's where you don't really see anything and your own imagination scares yourself witless!!

Just watched one called V/H/S...enjoyed it immensely!
I was told by someone at work how Paranomal Activity is supposed to be really scary and spooky.
I found it boring and ended up turning it off because it just seemed like a joke.

I remember watching Poltergeist as a kid though and that did kind of freak me out as I had a tree just outside my window and everytime the wind kicked up I could see the tree trying to break through the window to get me.... I had a very vivid imagination as a kid! :wacky:
I remember watching the old hammer films with my dad on a friday night Christopher Lee used to terrify me:)
the ring for me too :D the origanal Japanese version
I do have a memory of a film the i watched when I was little, much to too young for horror films:D
Cant remember what its called but it involved being handed a piece of paper with runes on it, then you was killed by a demon! really did frighten me:

Night of the Demon, scared me when I was little too and got to stay up late to watch horror films on a Friday night.
Salemn's Lot... Freaked me out when I was young.... The Grudge is my present day freak out. I love a good horror flick, but anything to do with 'the undead' or spirits, raises the hairs on the back of my neck...
Matt-P said:
Three pages in (at least on my phone) and no-ones mentioned Stephen Kings It. The two part tv version had me scared to go to bed even though I was old enough that I should have known better.

Still can't deal with clowns or the drainage things in the gutters since watching that.... I was nine when I first saw it and demanded to see the clown movie....

I much prefer psychological thrillers to horror movies, I really liked Se7en - old now but far better than a lot that are coming out now. Mind hunters was a good one if I recall correctly too.
I saw Blood on Satans Claw when I was around 14 and scared the bejesus out of me!

As an adult: The Grudge, The Shining, The Ring, Nosferatu was another scary one I saw as a kid.


First horror film I saw was Phantasam (SP) was about 9 or 10 and all I remember about it was it was set in a morgue and a silver ball thing floated around and drilled into peoples brains and sprayed them out the front of the ball.

Salems lot, I have always loved, but generally not a horror film person.
I don't scare that easily as I can easily detach myself from a film but Event Horizon gave me severe hebegebies!!!!!

Good film though!
I'm also pretty difficult to scare, but anything which involves dead Japanese kids with jerky movements gives me the creeps. So that's The Grudge, The Ring etc....

Good point about 'IT'. That was scary. I've never liked clowns.

I watched it when it was first released and thought it was boring...times have changed so will give it another go I think.

I'm such a sucker for monster movies,

28 Days Later...lightening fast zombies? not good.
The Horde...zombies, LOTS of zombies.
Salem's Lot...brilliant. Scariest vampire film by a long way imho.
The Fog...classic..thud,thud,thud..
The Thing...1st horror I ever saw (I was 9 and crept downstairs to watch it during the night). Still one of the best for tension and effects imo.
Demons 2...urgghh, horrid. Coming out of the TV is still a classic scene.

I love horrors :) could go on for days :)
Try not to do horror as i do not like them but will watch one every now and then just to scare myself ha ha, The Ring is by far the scariest for me, not seen alot of the ones mentioned on here as like said i scare easily.
Night of the Demon, scared me when I was little too and got to stay up late to watch horror films on a Friday night.
Ahh thanks was bugging me the name of the film :)
Been trying to find the film/remember the title that gave me goosebumps when I first saw it many years ago
....and I finally found the full length movie on youtube,tis a b&w from 1961
"Scream of Fear",about a disabled woman confined to a wheelchair who returns to France to be with her Father after ten years apart
Well worth a watch imo
When I was much younger me and the mates watched Alien.......4 youths scared poopless :)
ack - grew up with Hammer Horror, haven't found a film yet to scare me - gore ones especially don't (saw etc) - some films make you jump when a head pops up suddenly in a quiet bit (for example) but not scary, no. Perhaps the most 'disturbing' film I saw was Silence of the Lambs - the atmospere generated by that film stayed with me for days - very spooky.
nope but I read about it - sounds revolting rather than scary - ugh
Has anyone seen the Human Centipede?

Unfortunately yes, I have :|

As Summer has suggested, it isnt really scary at all, it is basically an attempt to shock....which I guess it has done, to an extent.
Jaisus said:
Has anyone seen the Human Centipede?

I have it on blu-ray. It's not a scary film nor is it designed to be. Certainly doesn't belong in this thread.
I have it on blu-ray. It's not a scary film nor is it designed to be. Certainly doesn't belong in this thread.

Im sure some people would be scared at the idea of being kidnapped by a mad scientist, and then either having their mouth attached to someones a***, and/or having someones mouth attached to their a***.....

...maybe :thinking:
I have it on blu-ray. It's not a scary film nor is it designed to be. Certainly doesn't belong in this thread.

I never actually said it was scary, I had simply asked a question.

The idea of the film though is surely scary? The idea behind the film actually came from the Nazi Dr. Josef *Mengele who carried out many horrific experiments on children, grafting extra arms, removing eyes..etc..

Scary films are more than just what you see they are also though provoking no?
I watched it when it was first released and thought it was boring...times have changed so will give it another go I think.

I wasn't scared either and was disapointed when the clown appeared.

I never managed to say Candyman 4 times in front of the mirror tho:D
candlestick said:
2 girls, 1 cup.......

If we're talking videos like that then 1 man, 1 cup and 1 man, 1 screwdriver both raise the bar significantly. Watch at your own peril!
ack - grew up with Hammer Horror, haven't found a film yet to scare me - gore ones especially don't (saw etc) - -

Ah yes the "proper" ones (y)

Nothing scares me like that, but my son, who is a real film (mostly horror)
buff / addict, freely admits that the "wolf" in never ending story gave him nightmares for awhile :D

I'm not a fan of horror films at all they scare the living daylights out of me but the worst in my book is the original (and recent) Nightmare on elm street. I saw Freddie Kruger on the screen when I was about 4 and had nightmares for years about him. He freaks me out even now!
Give me Disney films any day!!
Not been scared from films for ages but I did have a fright as a kid....

We were last to get in to see Jaws at the local flicks when it was first released and our family was on the front row, my dad promptly fell asleep and started to snore (probably had a couple of jars on the way home from work), the cinema was in silence and just before the head fell out of the boat my dad did that 'wake up in a scream thing' and loads of folk around us all screamed too. Then the head fell out and everyone screamed...it is so funny looking back now with those two occurrences happening so close together were magical and I am sure many a heartbeat was skipped.
There's something about horror movies that i only find scary when your immersed in the surroundings of the cinema.

exactly - this is why Silence of the Lambs had such en effect on me...

the only other horror film I saw at the movies was evil dead part 3 - it was quite a few minutes in before I realised it was actually a comedy :LOL: