What's the scariest film you've seen?

sharris86 said:
There's something about horror movies that i only find scary when your immersed in the surroundings of the cinema.

A dark winter night. Lights off in the house, and The Haunting on the tv. That's how to do it.
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Favourite "scary" film : Alien
In fact, my all time favourite film since the first time I saw it when I was 9.
Too far removed from any sort of reality to really be scary as such, but a brilliant film, full of suspense and deserves a mention here.

Eeriest film experience : 28 Days Later
I watched this in the cinema with Darren. It was a mid-morning showing on a week day and we had the whole cinema to ourselves.
Again, not really scary as such, but more about the atmosphere. There was something really eerie about sitting in a deserted cinema watching scenes of empty London streets on the big screen. I think I would have jumped out of my seat if there'd been a loud noise in the cinema :eek:

Scariest / most disturbing film : Watership Down
Yes, seriously :LOL:
I don't know how they can rate that as a kiddie's film. The whole thing is dark, creepy and disturbing . . . generally just horrible <shudder>
Scariest / most disturbing film : Watership Down
Yes, seriously :LOL:
I don't know how they can rate that as a kiddie's film. The whole thing is dark, creepy and disturbing . . . generally just horrible <shudder>

I used to love that film as a kid...all be it I would cry at it but it was one of my favourites! :LOL:
Probably has to be american werewolf in london. But i was 5 when i first saw it, I put it on when i got up early when the parents were still in bed thinking it was my button moon vhs. No film has ever stayed in my nightmares since hitting my late teens.

Asside from that I have to say Paranormal activity 1 with the police ending and not the one they actually used. The film worked so well because it didnt need heavy cgi or special fx to make it scary, its what you cant see that does the job. Knowing there is always something there, watching you and can attack you whenever it wanted while you have absolutly no way of stopping it or defending yourself is quite a scary thought.

I used to love that film as a kid...all be it I would cry at it but it was one of my favourites! :LOL:

something I made that seemed to fit the film
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Ooh I love a good horror / thriller / creepy film.

I can't say I find any of them scary these days but when I was young there were a few that had quite an effect on me because I was far too young to watch them LOL

Children of the Full Moon - An old Hammer film and probably the first 'Horror' film I ever saw. Mum and dad were away and my brother let me stay up late to watch it. I guess i must have been about 7 or 8 years old. Freaked me out no end. Part of me would love to see it again but I suspect it would be rubbish.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre - My mates older brother had rented the video from the petrol station and we seneaked a viewing. It gave me nightmares for months.

Alien - Strangely (for a child) it was the suspense that got me rather than the gore.

The Exorcist - Possibly my favourite film ever. It was hard to come by when I was a kid but I went to watch the screening at the cinema as an adult when it came out again. I was amazed to find that it was still pretty disturbing and the volume really made a difference.

Evil Dead 1 and 2 - I know they're part comic but as a nipper I was terrified

The Exorcist 3 - The story of the Gemeni Killer - I watched it at the cinema when I was about 18 years old. The bit where the person crosses the corridor in the white sheet with the large shears freaked everybody out.

Jaws - Another that creeped me out as a kid. I still love that film.

The Shining - A real masterpiece.

The Omen - Another classic. Always good having a religous angle. Huge influence on films like Final Destination and Saw when it comes to inventing weird and wonderful ways to die.

Nightmare on Elm Street freaks my sister out. All i have to do is scrape metal on metal and she shudders LOL

In terms of more recent films:

The Ring - Some bits in that brought out the goose bumps.

I quite liked The Blair Witch / Paranormal Activity approach as it was something different. I watched PA 3 with my nephew recently and it was great to see him freaked out. I think it was the bit where the girl was baby sitting and the camera was panning back and forth on the fan. The camera turns back to the right to see the sheet stood up behind her before dropping to the floor. The ending is pretty creepy too.

Another couple I enjoyed more recently were Rob Zombies - 'House of a 1000 Corpses' and the sequel 'The Devils Rejects'. The end scene in The Devil's Rejects to the soundtrack of 'Freebird' (check it on You Tube) is superb. The Hills have Eyes, and I really like the 'Saw' films. The Orphanage too.
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I could always stomach most horror movies, no probs, but I remember first watching Sam Raimi's Evil Dead as a 17 year old and ended up having to sleep with the lights on in my room for the first time as a grown-up...! I have the trilogy at home now.
I used to love that film as a kid...all be it I would cry at it but it was one of my favourites! :LOL:

No . . . No . . . No . . . Thinking about it now is almost enough to give me nightmares :eek:

something I made that seemed to fit the film

:LOL: Very true, but it still makes me want to close my eyes and scroll quickly past it.

In fact, you may have just made a cunning mod deterrent :cautious:
You've seen the movie..........
You bought the T-Shrit.........
Now try the pie (y)

Charlie and the Chocolate factory (The Orignal, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) ... After masses of drink and Space cake, that proper freaked me out!!
Loads of little B@astards running about the place!!

I grew up watching all the old hammer & Zombie films and we lived over the road from a cemetery and I swear I could see people wandering around in there at night! I was only a kid though.. :wacky:
The original version of "The House on Haunted Hill" starring Vincent Price - saw it at my local cinema when I was young and the bit in the cellar scared me so much I had to go to the toilet and stayed there for about 15 mins!

I don't think I've ever been scared of a film, but I really want to be!
'Session 9' is quite creepy. I found 'The Grudge' and 'The Ring' creepy too.

For old films 'The Evil Dead' and 'IT' scared the crap out of me . I've watched them both quite recently and neither scared me one bit.

Watched 'Paranormal Activity' and thought it was the biggest pile of crap i've ever seen. How could anyone find that scary?
I love horror films, I am quite easily scared. Modern horrors don't seem to be scary though.

From my youth:
The Changeling (not recent Angeline Jolie film)
Hellraiser (one of my all time fave films)
Nightmare on Elm Street

more recently I loved Blair Witch (although I get why many people find it boring)
The Ring (original)
A Tale of 2 Sisters

Jaws.. When the head fell out of the bottom of the boat. .
I love horror films, I am quite easily scared. Modern horrors don't seem to be scary though.

From my youth:
Hellraiser (one of my all time fave films)

At high school, I was good mates with a guy called Pete, who's older brother worked as a special effects makeup artist in the states. Pete found out off his brother that he was on the makeup team for Hellraiser 2 (Hell On Earth), and he was sending Pete a present from the states. One night, we went back to Pete's house, went into the his pitch black kitchen and then switched on the light. To say we all nearly poo'd our pants was an understatement. Staring at us from the shadows was a lifesize bust of Pinhead that his brother had been given for working on the film and sent back. It was awesome, but totally terrifying (we were around 14/15 at the time). Something i'll never forget.

Petes brother, Mark Coulier, still works in movies and it was pretty heartwarming to see him win an oscar for his work on The Iron Lady!!

Just thought i'd share :D
At high school, I was good mates with a guy called Pete, who's older brother worked as a special effects makeup artist in the states. Pete found out off his brother that he was on the makeup team for Hellraiser 2 (Hell On Earth), and he was sending Pete a present from the states. One night, we went back to Pete's house, went into the his pitch black kitchen and then switched on the light. To say we all nearly poo'd our pants was an understatement. Staring at us from the shadows was a lifesize bust of Pinhead that his brother had been given for working on the film and sent back. It was awesome, but totally terrifying (we were around 14/15 at the time). Something i'll never forget.

Petes brother, Mark Coulier, still works in movies and it was pretty heartwarming to see him win an oscar for his work on The Iron Lady!!

Just thought i'd share :D

:LOL:fabulous gift!

As a kid in the seventies it was House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price and the acid bath scenes.

As a teenager it has to be The Omen and as an adult I think Pet Sematary, The Ring and The Grudge stand out in recent times.
For those that are interested, Pet Sematary is getting remade for release in 2013.
Im getting on a bit in yrs, but still cannot sit an watch a spooky
ghost film on my own and enjoy it, they make the hairs on the back
of my neck crawl, I jump feet at anything that happens in them.

So im definitely not into scary films.
Some good ones here - I'd definitely agree about the original House on Haunted Hill.

Not a film, but when I was a kid the late 1950s BBC series "Quatermass and the Pit" really scared me.

Not a film, but when I was a kid the late 1950s BBC series "Quatermass and the Pit" really scared me.

I have the film version on DVD,perhaps the alien locust/grasshoppers seem rather lame nowadays but I did/still do enjoy watching this one
Kill List. It's not scary as such, but it's very dark and left me kind of shell shocked, which is very rare for a film these days!

Really? I couldn't make head nor tail of it and thought it was crap tbh. The ending was particulary rubbish IMO, it was almost as though they couldn't think of how to wind the film up. :shrug:

Films that have really scared me:

As a kid... Night of the Demon, Les Diaboliques and The Devil Rides Out (the skeleton in the armour, eeek!)

As a teenager...The Omen, Jaws and The Exorcist

More recently: The Ring (original Japanese version)
Alien....All that "implied-where-the-hell-what-the-hell-is-it" mullarkey

28 Day Later....When he shouted hello in that church full of dead folk and several of them stood up I about pooed my pants lol

Nightmare on Elm St (original)....Is she awake, is she asleep...aarrgghh!

IT....Tim Curry. Because of him I couldn't go near a road drain for weeks. I wish I could say it scared me as a kid, but I was 22 at the time lol
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Wolf Creek, really, really stressful watch, based upon a true story which makes it worse.
The Ring was the first film I watched for years which was terrifying and wasn't spoilt by stupid special effects.
A film i found a little eerie, mainly as its supposed to be based on a true story is:

"Fire in the sky"
mark richards said:
not a horror film...but Joe Pesci in goodfellas , he frightened the hell out of me..

Paul Bettany had that effect on me in Gangster No.1

David Thewlis just made me laugh...
I watched Rec for the first time in ages last night. What a good movie it is!