Your best motorsport photo of 2010

Does this count ?


Yup, and I like it a lot
This one for me.


This is the best shot here so far. You can just feel the determination of the rider! (Josh Brookes?)
For me, bike shots convey so much more dynamism and energy than static-looking car shots.

I have wanted to take this shot for as many years as I have been going to Santa Pod (quite a few now).

The light was just right, the 70-200 1.4x and 40D worked their Servo AI magic and click - side by side TopFuel cars at 200mph+.

This was the last sharp frame of about 6 taken from the launch onwards, just after this someones head got in the way and the camera lost focus lock.

The only improvement I could have made would have been to use a 7D as this is a small crop and has begun to lose the quality a bit.

Maybe next year.


I think this a stunning Dragster shot ,David,love the framing ,and the shot conveys everything that must attract the crowds in ,which I am glad to see in shot.:clap:
Second (y) that is a legendary shot cant wait till i can get the money togeather to go next year will be epic


Cheer Alex, although you may have to wait a bit longer for the next run of WRC Turkey as it's not on the calendar for next season.

Another thing is that when we were out there, we got talking to a chap involved with the organising team who had a feeling that next time the event goes to Turkey, it'll be moving back down to the south of the country to Antalya; so there's a chance this jump will never be used again :thumbsdown:
Love that shot of Andy and the Pugmeister ,really good and dramatic (y)


Thanks Good sir Pons

Maybe see you just after x-mas at a (no doubt) cold Pembrey....Looks like i'm being dragged out by the mrs to watch :bat:
Here's Mine from Hawkstone Park in March, just well pleased with the light and clarity more than anything else.
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Excuse the horrid angle but it was very last minute,


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I'll go with this, sums up motocross for me :)

Only started getting into this photo business this year, but next year i plan to practice, learn, and get much better.
Some fantastic photos in this thread. Very jealous!!!
This one was my fav from this year......first and only year so far! (Insert L plates here!!)

Slooooww pan @ Snet

Cheers, Luke (y)
It was trifle difficult in coming up with one picture from the large number I took this year.

So as I have to pick one - Grant Williams in the Jaguar at the Goodwood Revival Meeting.


God i havent posted on here for ages! Anyway heres mine from this year. Alex Lynn decided to turn his Formula Renault into a aircraft but without much luck!


Merry Christmas all

My first ever motorsport event (and only one this year!) i have been to with a half decent camera was last month and this was my favourite of the day. I would of liked a slower shutter speed but i was shivering too much :(

Sideways Skyline by Cook24v, on Flickr
Probably this one for me, this was from my first proper go at a race. Not as good as most in this thread but one of my better ones!
