Zine Exchange 8: July - October 2024

This made me chuckle. I did wonder whether it was 'internal moderator regulated kindness', but then I realised it was just sincere Toni.

I hope it does really well and that your photography is suddenly recognised and you become an overnight sensation. Failing that I wish you far more success than you expect.

Thanks Ian.

I've placed an order for twenty more zines (I only have four of the original batch left), plus some plastic sleeves to put them in. Hopefully some will sell via their website. Fingers crossed! :)
My zine has been accepted. I now have to send them five copies to be sold at the fair. I think that this endeavour will probably end up costing me money. :LOL:
Hi FishyFish - so's mine so the zine exchange is well represented then. Seems a shame it's only five copies but I'm taking the sense of achievement I'm currently feeling!