2014 Photo52 Challenge : Week 52 : Support

Week 3 only just completed and 400 replies to this thread and over 70000 views !
Busy Busy BUSY :clap:


Well week 3 is over and done with in the most part apart from some stragglers to catch up, week 4 is now upon us and the following are yet to post a single image
  1. benc98
  2. ChristineFitz
  3. Digikat
  4. Jamestuk
  5. Longimanus
  6. Matty D
  7. Quicksnapper
  8. R Powe
  9. The Right Moments
Come this Friday if they still have not posted an image they will be moved to 'The wall of Shame' :)

Last year

We had the following post before giving up:
  • No Posts - 11
  • ONE image - 13
  • Two images - 9
  • Three Images - 11
  • Four images - 5
We also have with only ONE image from the 5 themes given so far, 'tinkering on the edge' of the wall of shame :naughty:

  1. Siblingchris
  2. Manxmaid (Has a get out of jail card that is expiring ;))
  3. ams99 (not doing full 52)
  4. animator
  5. crazylady
  6. higgeh
  7. ivandobski
  8. Jin
  9. KieranS
  10. Molly
  11. Neyol
  12. WiganRL
  13. Wrecker1971
Just remembered - my neighbours toddler has a very snotty cold - watch this space :LOL: ;)

:hungover: Thanks for that Sarah :ROFLMAO:

Right. I've been out of action for a bit with an eye infection so I've had to ration my time in front of a computer screen.
All better now though so looking forward to taking a peek later and seeing what everyone's been up to.
:hungover: Thanks for that Sarah :ROFLMAO:

Right. I've been out of action for a bit with an eye infection so I've had to ration my time in front of a computer screen.
All better now though so looking forward to taking a peek later and seeing what everyone's been up to.

Hope you're on the mend Sarah :hug:
Hope you're on the mend Sarah :hug:

Yes :hug: - all better now and definitely looking much less like a vampire than I was two weeks ago.
I was just finding that more than 5 minutes at a time staring at a computer and my eye was starting to get sore again.
On a positive note it meant taking it easy with work in the day job, on the downside I've only just clearing the backlog of editing from photography related work.

Sorry, put me in the wall of shame :-(, I opted to do the 12's/etcs

:thinking: Did anyone remember to erect the whipping post that we used last year?
Sorry, put me in the wall of shame :-(, I opted to do the 12's/etcs
Ahhhhhhhh... good luck with that then (y)

And be happy in the knowledge you will be TOP of that there list this year :D

:thinking: Did anyone remember to erect the whipping post that we used last year?
Well... I didn't want to see it go to waste so I Ermmmmmm set it up at home :whistle:
Editted Close posted :)

I know my Bubble isn't perfect but it will have to do this week as otherthings must take priority now. It might give me a few mintues to catchup on commemting :)
My laptop died last night! A failing hdd has been doing so for a while and it now won't charge, so a liitle annoyed to say the least:mad:. I still have play and close and bubbke to do. I shall catch up at some point

Sad times.
I hope you have a nice amount of money to treat yourself to a new one. I'd say a replacement HDD would have been in order and thus a re-install, but then given the charging issue too...

I'm up to speed with commenting now - yay!
This is hard work!
Last edited:
Sad times.
I hope you have a nice amount of money to treat yourself to a new one. I'd say a replacement HDD would have been in order and thus a re-install, but then given the charging issue too...

I'm up to speed with commenting now - yay!
This is hard work!

I would have done so but this would be a 3rd hdd, it went through 2 during its guarentee, so I reckon there is something else wrong with it. Not sure I will be able to replace it very soon.
That's rubbish Michael, hope you sort it out soon.

As for my bubble shot(s), I've got it down to 13:eek:!!! Just uploading to Flickr where they'll get another sort!

Just had a look on flickr Marsha and chipped in my twopennethworth;)